Monday, March 19, 2007

Chapter 2

Now back to the canoeing.

We were out on the Lake. I was in the canoe with a girl by the name of Tanya. She was a nice girl who I had known since primary school. She was not in our circle of friends in the last 4 years but she was a nice girl and we became friends as our education progressed. We were content to paddle around in the shallows until we were comfortable enough and confident enough to manouver the canoe in the deeper water. We paddled out a little deeper and the canoe started to rock slightly, making both of us scream rather loudly. And the calmness of the water made our voices resonate across the water for quite some distance. So it was very easy for everyone of the others to know we were a couple of scared girls.

There were the usual heckles from the boys who thought we were going to end up in the water. This happened a couple of times and after a while most of the boys stopped their heckling.

Feeling a little braver we went out a bit deeper where we could no longer see the bottom. Tanya expressed that she was getting a little scared and asked if we could turn back towards the shore. I really didn't want to simply because Jon Smith was out in the deeper water and I wanted to be closer to his boat than to the shore.

"Please" she said."Sarah I have a pacemaker and I am scared"

I didn't believe her at first but she showed me the little round thing under the skin near her shoulder. So reluctantly I attempted to turn the canoe around. Easier said than done I can assure you!! With a few more terrified screams that we were going to end up in the water we did manage to get the thing turned around. I don't know how long it took us but finally we succeded. Facing the shore and just about to start paddling we saw this canoe coming towards us from the right. Looking over at it, it was the canoe that had Noel, someone else and Jon. Tanya once again screamed when she realised their plan. I tried to remain calm and cool. After all this was Jon Smith!

Looking in their direction I locked eyes with Jon. For probably 10 seconds we looked at each other without saying a word. I had never seen blue eyes so vibrant. They were the brightest blue eyes I have ever seeen to date.

Breaking eye contact I looked at Tanya and yelled "GO"

The boys laughed and Jon said "I'm gonna tip your boat over Sarah"

They were the very first words he had ever spoken to me. Ever! We paddled as fast as we could and as uncordinated as we were we made good head way. The boys were laughing so hard at our attempt at a getaway they alomst capsized their own boat.

The boys eventually gave up and we made it back to shore safe and sound. Poor Tanya was a little shaken and her heart was visibly poundng. I could see her chest rising and falling along with the beat of her heart. My heart was pounding too but for a completely different reason. He spoke to ME.

We cleaned up and put away our canoe. Making our way back to our cabin to shower and freshen up Tanya settled and began to relax.

I realised at that point that I needed to be more conscious of other peoples feelings.

Tanya turned out to be a pretty good friend. However we were never close friends.

We were back down at the lake the next day, I'm not really sure why. It was later in the afternoon, maybe we were just down there rebelling. On the odd occasion while we were at the camp we went to the water simply because there wasn't anywhere else to go. Anyway whatever the reason we were there for I can't remember but I remember I was walking back up the river on the grass when I heard someone call out to me. When I turned and looked in the direction of the voice, there he was running up the hill behind us with some of his mates. Tanya and I were both wearing 2 piece swimmers and a T-shirt and we both got whistled at and told we had nice legs. Even thought I knew I was growing up nicely I had never really thought to long about myself in that manner so it was a bit of a buzz.

From that point on I always made a habit of saying hello, it kind of kept the lines of communication open.


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