Sunday, November 11, 2007

Day to Day Chapter 27

Retiring to her lavish room she showered and longed for Jon to be with her. She knew it was going to be difficult to carry on their secret affair while she was here, and although Megan never in a million years would have thought that it would be her in this situation she did have to admit there was an element of excitement.

Laughing to herself as she applied her night cream she thought it should have been Krystal in this situation. Krystal was the wild one, Megan was the shy reserved one, to a degree. The sensible one.

Relaxing easily with the assistance of the wine she slept soundly. Enjoying some really crazy dreams, probably due to the jet lag that she was no doubt experiencing.

Megan woke to a bright crisp morning. She was glad she packed some warm clothes. The weather was much cooler here than she was expecting. Putting on her runners as she always did, she attempted to find her way to the kitchen to fill her water bottle and then the front door of this amazing house. Without much trouble she found her way out.

Leaving the front door she decided to just stick to the main road so there was less chance of getting herself lost. As she ran down the street she noticed the amazing estates here, and for once she felt like Krystal always felt, in awe over which celebrity lived where when she reached the end of the driveway she was joined by another runner, a woman, running down a long driveway. It wasn’t until she was out on the road that Megan noticed it was Dorothea. "Oh just what I need to start the day" she thought.

“Good morning Megan. You're up early. I thought you would have been having a sleep in this morning. Dorothea said.

“Hello”, she said smiling. “No, I can’t sleep in and I always start my day with a run.”

“Excellent, so do I. It will be nice to have a running partner for the duration of your stay.”

“Yes, It sure will” Megan said smiling at her, thinking tomorrow she will run in the other direction or earlier or later, but certainly not at the same time. If Dorothea asks where she was she will just tell her she wants to take in as many different sights as possible. At different times of the day.

However she did take a moment to admire Jon’s place. It was big, neat and tidy and the grounds were as immaculately kept as her own were.

Breaking Megan’s thought Dorothea asked “How long do you plan on staying Megan?”

“I am expecting to stay for 5 weeks. I originally was booked for 4 but with things quiet at work I am taking an extra week.” Once again she thought of Damien coping on his own.

“Yes I heard you telling Jon last night. And you have been here before obviously?”

"No, I have never been here before."

They both ran for some time neither of them conversing, before Megan mentioned that she would turn and run back to Richie’s. She would continue her run in his gym. Running back past Jon’s house Megan waved to him as she went past. Dorothea said her goodbye and hoped she would see her again tomorrow morning. This is going to be fun over the next few weeks Megan thought.

Megan got back to Richie’s before anyone was up. Finding her way to the home gym she went down and ran for a further 30 minutes. By the time she was finished she was dripping with sweat and her legs were burning. But she felt good. She imagined she would spend a lot of time on this treadmill. After all it was her favourite piece of exercise equipment. With the exception of Jon that is.

Going up to her room and showering she had hoped that Krystal didn't have anything planned for them to do today. She really just wanted a few days to wind down and relax before they got stuck into anything serious. She knew that Krystal and Richie had a few engagements that they couldn’t get out of in the next few days but that was ok. None of it involved her. It was exactly what Megan needed. She had no idea what Jon’s plans were or the rest of the band for that matter. She assumed he wouldn’t spend a great deal of time with her while she was here given that his wife was also present. She did however feel things would change when the band were on the road again. Megan knew in the next few weeks that the band had a few shows booked. And were to finish the tour here at home. She really looked forward to it and hoped that they would get to see them, she hadn’t seen them live for a very long time. Except for the last auction where they performed their mini concert. So it was going to be a real treat.

*** *** *** ***

Megan kept herself busy on her own and the odd run with the lovely Mrs. Bongiovi. The highlight of Megan’s day by far. The odd thing is the more often Dorothea ran in the morning the more Megan actually started to enjoy her company. Megan began to look forward to meeting up with her in the mornings for their run, she even began to run longer on the street than she did on the treadmill.

*** *** *** ***
Megan had been staying at Richie’s for 8 days when he and Krystal decided to throw a formal dinner party. To Megan’s surprise Krystal had organized everything without any assistance. Laughing Megan went up to Richie on the day of the party and said “What have you done with my friend Krystal? Where is she? This place looks amazing”

Not quite sure what she was going on about Megan explained. “The old Krystal couldn’t have put a Tupperware party together, and here she is organizing an event for 40 – 50 people. It’s fantastic.”

“Yeah she is doing great isn’t she? He said as Krystal left the room “She seems really happy here Megan, what do you think?”

“Yes I agree, She is blissfully happy here Rich. I have known her for ever and a day , she has been my best friend for more years than I can remember and she has never been this happy” She smiled at him, “You can take credit for that. I don’t know what it is but she is truly happier than she has ever been in her life”

“So do you reckon she’d like to make it a permanent thing then?” Megan’s heart pounded out of her chest. “Awwwwwww!!! Richie how sweet, are you asking my permission?”

“Yes I guess I am” He said as he puffed his chest out proudly

“Then yes, I give you my permission. There are conditions though”

Krystal came back in to the room so they were unable to continue.

“Megan you will be joining us tonight won’t you?? Krystal said in her formal voice.

“Yes I most certainly will. So what time does this little shindig begin?”

“At 4:30” Krystal said.

It was already 2:30pm, “So I guess I better go and get dressed then huh?”

*** *** *** ***

You are on Chapter 27 of Day to Day

© 2007 Cindi – today


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