Day to Day Chapter 55
"Well, my dear", Sheree said as she entered. Megan had noticed tears in her eyes.
"Sheree what’s wrong?"
"Nothing is wrong, absolutely nothing. Everything is wonderfully perfect. Do you want the good news or the good news??"
Megan laughed and said, “Well I guess I’m gonna take the good news. What have you got to tell me that is good yet made you cry?"
Sheree took hold of her hand and said. "I hope you are ready for this.” she looked straight into Megans amazing green eyes and said. I have had someone identify you." She took a breath. “I know who you are, I know your name." She said with a smile as a tear dropped down her cheek.
Megan sat forward in her chair. "What? How? Who?" There were so many questions. They were coming into her head so fast she could stop them. "Who am I?" She finally said.
"Your name is Megan Johnson., and this I believe is the dress you were wearing in the recollection you described to me recently."
Megan took the photo from Sheree’s hand and saw herself with Jon. "Oh my god, that’s it. That’s the dress. And that’s him. What the hell am I doing with Him?"
"Well I'm guessing you are singing with him."
"My name is Megan? Well that’s better than Jane I guess. So what was the other good news?"
"The other good new, ah yes. Well the other good news is that You and Jon Bon Jovi must have been good friends. He certainly considers you so. He is probably packing and getting ready to board a plane right now to come and see you."
"What? He is coming here? Why?"
"Well my guess is he wants to see you. You have been missing for over 5 months now Jane... sorry, Megan. It’s going to take me a little while to get used to that. You have been missing for so long now that maybe he might hold the key to your recovery. He is bringing some information with him that hopefully will jog your memory and you never know it might be the break we need."
*** *** *** ***
Jon called Damien at Megans office, "Hi Damien, Its Jon Bon Jovi."
Oh, hello hot man was the first thought that came into Damiens head. "Jon, how nice to hear from you? What can I do for you?"
"Damien I need your help. Um, and I need your discretion."
"Ok, what do you need?"
"I need as much information about Megan as you can possibly give me. I need a copy of her pass port, any photos she may have. Any..."
"Why do you need this stuff Jon?' Damien cut him off mid sentence
"Damien she is alive." Jon said.
He sensed Damien sitting at the other end of the line. "Alive? Are you sure?"
"Yes I’m sure. I have received a call from the hospital that she is in. I am flying out as soon as you can get this info to me. Can you get it couriered over or can you fax it to me?"
"Sure of course. I'll get it to you ASAP. Jon, please give her our love"
Jon hung up the phone. He didn't tell Damien that Megan was suffering memory loss. He felt no need to just yet.
He showered while his clothes were being packed. When he got out he went down to his office and could hear the fax machine going. Picking up the pieces of paper he placed them in a manila folder and sat them on the bench while he loaded the car. Krystal had arrived and she placed her things in along side Jon’s. Jon went back into the office and collected the remainder of the files that Damien had sent and placed them all in the manila folder with the others and left the house, after saying goodbye to his family.
*** *** *** ***
Megan showered and dressed after breakfast. Sheree had explained to her that Jon was coming to see her so she decided that maybe she should look nice for the occasion. With a little help from the nursing staff she dressed, did her hair and applied a small amount of make up. Then simply just sat and waited. Megan had had a few flash backs in recent days. She personally didn’t feel they were anything outstanding, but Sheree had explained to her that as a single flash back they might not mean much at all but when they are joined together with a string of flash backs they might well be just trying to tell her a story.
(C) Cindi-today 2008
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