Monday, October 08, 2007

Day to Day Chapter 15

After the boys had left Krystal helped Megan take the dishes to the kitchen. “Did you enjoy the afternoon Krystal? I noticed you and Richie were getting on well.”

“Obviously not as well as you and Jon did.”

Megan was certain she had kept her emotions under control. However it was possible that Krystal had picked up on something. She is her best friend after all and knew her better than anyone. By the same token though they were both grown women, and he was a married man. Neither of them had any rights to lay claim to him at all. “Jon and I have been friends for a long time and yeah we do get on well. He is a really nice guy and I enjoy his company.”

“Oh yes, that was pretty obvious,” she said with a laugh. “Especially considering Jon walked back in the room with your Vanilla Spice lip-gloss.” Krystal paused for emphasis and repeated what she had said to Jon earlier. “And you know for a gorgeous man, that shade of pink really isn’t his colour.” She said, still laughing.

Megan went a deep shade of red before Krystal laughed and said “Oh Meg, don’t be embarrassed, given the opportunity I would have done more than let him share my lippy! If I were alone with him……” She trailed off. Before continuing. “So what’s going on between the two of you?”

“Nothing really, we are just good friends.”

“Good friends don’t trade lipstick Megan. Whats the go?” Honestly its ok. I am happy if you are happy, but I am concerned that you will get hurt though, especially given his situation.”

“I didn’t want to say anything for fear that I would hurt you. I know how much you have loved these guys, Jon especially ever since we were young. I don’t want anything to get in the way of our friendship. That is more important to me than anything else.”

Krystal went to her friend and hugged her and said, “Don’t be silly, I’m not in love with Jon. He is a Rock Star, yes, and a darn sexy one at that but that’s all it is. Damn woman if Jon Bon Jovi was kissing me I’d be over the moon. Go for it I say, I wouldn’t be stopping at a kiss, married or not.”

“Really?” Megan was stunned.

“Yes really. Besides I have my sights set on another member of the team.”

****** ****** ******

After Krystal left Megan gave Damien a call to see how he was. Stephen, Damien’s partner answered the phone. “Oh Megan, yes he is fine this afternoon. He will be back at work tomorrow.”

It turned out that all he had was ‘stomach flu’

“How wonderful that he is feeling better”, she said, “however I feel considering it was a stomach bug I would prefer it if he took tomorrow off too. I don’t wish to get it or anyone else in the office for that matter. He really needs a good 48 hours to get it out of his system. Tell him to rest and I will see him then.”

****** ****** ******

Things at the office had really settled down since the last Auction. At present there were no immediate plans for another one. The next one they had was still three months off. So, Megan was able to relax for at least the next three to four weeks before things got hectic again. For the first time in years she actually felt not only happy but an inner contentment. She was happy that Krystal had accepted things, even though she didn’t know the whole story as yet. Megan would tell her one day, one day. She was determined to just go with the flow for the moment. Where it took her she didn’t know. Stopping when the time was right would be the difficult thing to determine.

With Damien out of the office for the day Megan decided it was time to get stuck into some spring cleaning. She closed her office door so as not to disturb the others and cranked up her favorite CD and worked her butt off. Working methodically through her desk she threw away what she didn’t need and filed whatever was still needed for tax purposes. Taking a break for lunch she decided to give Jon a call.

She dialed his number and spoke with him for a few minutes before he had to get back to his business meeting. He told her he would call her later.

Continuing on she made her was over to the book case, alphabetizing her books and magazines. Something she always did. It was the same as her CD collection, they were always placed neatly back in their cases and put in alphabetical order on the rack. In her job she needed to be organized so that she could be ready at the drop of a hat.

Opening up the filing cabinet she worked her way through from front to back, straightening things and throwing away what she didn’t need. She tended to hoard way to much stuff. Damien had scolded her on more than one occasion. Dockets from years ago that she hopefully wouldn’t need now were thrown away. Others were filed in their correct place for safe keeping. She got to the Jon folder. It had been years since she had opened it. Sometimes just knowing it was there was enough. She didn’t need to go to it, except for putting in another newspaper clipping or a story she had printed out off the internet. Pulling the folder out now she laid it on her desk. Looking at it for a while and decided that she needed a cuppa before she started. Sipping her piping hot decaf herbal tea she opened the folder. Flicking through what she had almost brought tears to her eyes. There were photos in it that she had collected since she was in school, one with Jon in that shocking purple shirt he used to wear in the 80’s and the scarf he tied in his hair, right up to the present day , a picture with him and Richie.

She didn’t know how long she had been going through the folder when the phone rang. She answered. “Hello Gorgeous”, Jon said. “What might you be laughing at?” He could hear the laughter in her voice.

“You actually” She said still laughing at an old picture of Jon and the boys on the beach. Jon in the middle with cut off denim jeans and mirrored sunnies, and a funny grin on his face. He looked so cute with his skinny legs sticking out the bottom. The other boys were all in the back ground behind Jon looking equally as dorky. He must have been in his early twenties then.

“Oh how happy I am that you find me entertaining” he said.

“That I do. How did your business meeting go?”

“Very well, all business is over and done with now. Hungry?” he asked. “I believe the Archibald has a lovely private dining room. Should I pick you up along the way?”

Smiling to herself she thought how beautiful of him to have remembered that. It would have been an hours drive to the Archibald in peek hour traffic. And then at the end of the night they would have to turn around and do it all again, it had already been a long day. And as appealing as the Archibald always was to her she didn’t feel up to traveling. “How about you come over to my place and I’ll get Cookie to whip up something equally as good as we would have gotten at the Archibald.”

“Sounds great. What time.”

“Just arrive whenever you’re ready, I’ll let Mrs. Hopkins know so she will be expecting you.”

Megan closed the folder and returned it to the filing cabinet, locking it and putting the keys in her pocket before calling home to let Cookie know they would be having a dinner guest. And what to prepare. Locking up the office she made her way out to her car and drove home.

****** ****** ******

Damien waited in the alley for the other staff to go home as well before he unlocked the door to the office and entered in order to return the diary to its place. He hurried over to get the key to the filing cabinet only to find it wasn’t there. “Damn” he mumbled to himself. He looked everywhere for it. Megan’s desk. In his desk even though he knew it wouldn’t be there. On the shelf. He checked the key holder -- again, no it definitely wasn’t there. It was pretty obvious they weren’t here anywhere. Locking up quietly he left and went home – disappointed and nervous.

You are on Chapter 15 of Day to Day
© Cindi – Today 2007


Anonymous Anonymous said...

This is getting so good!

Damien's gonna get busted!
Pox on him for being so nosy and jealous!

5:46 PM  

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CEST LA VIE. A story with a difference

Chapter 1, Chapter 2, Chapter 3, Chapter 4, Chapter 5, Chapter 6, Chapter 7, Chapter 8, Chapter 9, Chapter 10, Chapter 11, Chapter 12, Chapter 13, Chapter 14, Chapter 15, Chapter 16, Chapter 17,

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