Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Day to Day Chapter 33

It felt good bit a little weird for Megan to be back at Richie’s. She felt a little nervous but drew comfort from the fact that she wouldn’t have to see Jon or Dorothea until the wedding.

With so much to do there was no time to delay. They got stuck into the plans immediately. Thankfully Krystal had the guest list done and the invites already typed up, all they needed to do was choose the design. Megan used a template she had for the invites she would send out for the Foundation. With a few modifications she was happy with them. They had them printed and posted and it was one thing she could cross of her list of things to do.

She went through the list methodically and most things went smoothly. Flying across the country to get this and that. It was exhausting work. But with one plane ride after another they managed to get exactly what Krystal wanted. If they had more time they would have had everything couriered to them to view but due to the time frame it was quicker for Megan and Krystal to travel to the items of choice. Within three weeks she had organized the entire thing down to the colour of the paper the thank you gifts were wrapped in.

Pleased with her achievement she decided to do some retail therapy of her own. She needed something very special for the happy couple.

So far she had managed to avoid Dorothea. Megan had her fitting for the gown at a different time and location. The dress maker was kind enough to fit them separately.

She knew that would change when the guys got back. There would be rehearsals and dinners that unfortunately she knew she would never be able to get out of. But until then she appreciated that everyone was co-operating with her requests.

Krystal didn’t want a girl’s night out. She preferred just to have a few drinks with the bridesmaids at home after the photo shoot. Which was planned for the day of the concert.

“Yes I know she will be here” Megan said, “But that doesn’t mean I have to speak to her”

"No, it doesn’t. We need to keep up appearances though Meg. For the sake of the band. Promise me you will be on your best behaviour just for tonight?”

"Krystal I’m a professional business woman. I know how to behave in public. And I can assure you the last thing I’m going to do is let the rest of America know that I’m in love with her husband, its bad enough that she knows that”

Touching her friend on the arm Krystal said “I know this isn’t going to be easy for you and I appreciate everything you have done for me. Thank you for being here when I need you the most”

“If the truth be told” Megan said, “I’d prefer to be any where else doing any thing else in preference to being here right now. But you know I wouldn’t miss this for the world”

“I know you wouldn’t” She said as she gave her a hug. “So are you really in love with Jon or were you just trying to emphasize a point?”

“No, it wasn’t an exaggeration. I really am in love with him. Foolish I know. But in reality I have been right from that very first night at the Archibald. I just never expected to see him again. Which is probably why this is all so hard to cope with. Never in a million years did I think that that night would lead to years later I would be standing here in Richie’s estate organizing your wedding”

“Ha,’ Krystal laughed at the enormity of everything that has happened. “No, I couldn’t have picked this either. Life is funny isn’t it?”

With everything organized Megan turned in for the night and fell into bed exhausted after a long hot shower.

*** *** *** ***

The band arrived back on US soil 2 days before the Jersey Concert. Apparently word had spread that this tour wasn’t as good as previous tours. So the ticket sales weren’t what everyone was expecting. The hopes of coming home to a packed out Jersey stadium weren’t going to be realised. With 2 days to go they still had 15% of tickets to be sold. Where usually they would have sold oiut on just hours.

Richie came home to see Krystal and couldn’t be happier with the wedding plans. He checked everything thoroughly and approved of every choice the women had made.

“She did all this in 3 weeks” he said amazed.

“She sure did. I told you she was amazing”

“You’re not wrong, I’m very impressed”

He made a point of going up to Megan’s room to thank her personally.

Knocking on her door “Come in” expecting to see Krystal. “Richie, what a lovely surprise. How nice to see you. Come in” She gave him a hello kiss on his cheek. Krystal was truly lucky to be marrying him. “Welcome home”

“Thanks” he said. "It’s good to be back on home soil. I just came up to say thank you. I don’t know how you did it in such a short time.” Shaking his head still amazed. “Everything is absolutely perfect”

"You’re welcome. It was a pleasure. I did cheat though. I organize things like this for a living, so I knew who to contact for what.” She smiled at him.

“Anyway, thanks” He turned to walk out the door. “Megan, Jon misses you”

She didn’t want to talk about Jon. She wasn't ready for this yet. “Do you think you might be able to give him a call?”

“No, not yet”

“Can you give me a time frame of when you might want to let go of your pride and do it? You're killing him, do you know that? He looks like crap, he sounds like crap, and his performances have been crap. If you won’t do it for his well being, at least do it for Krystal. Because if Jon keeps going the way he is the band will be history which wouldn’t be a good way for Krystal to start out our married life, with an unemployed husband. Just give it some thought”

She did give it some thought. She knew he was right.

You are on Chapter 33 of Day to day

© 2007 Cindi – today


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I have to say...meagan is so selfish!!! gahhh! it's her friend's wedding, she shouldn't be complaining! and why was dorothea so completely understanding a few chapters back? yeah, she's supposed to be a nice person, but still! LOL. telling jon he better go talk to megan? saying, "megan had a hard day"? what about dorothea?! haha.

I'm not trying to criticize your writing at I'm saying this because I'm caught up in the story not understanding why megan is being this way. I don't know, I'm a dork. =P

can't wait for the next chapter!

3:49 PM  
Blogger Cindi-today said...

Firstly thanks for reading. I know you aren't trying to criticize my writing style and I do appreciate your comment. Besides I have put my 'stuff' out there, i have opened myself up for criticism.

I think from everything I have read about Dorothea I have found to be really sweet. I don't know her and given the fact that I'm writing about her husband having an extra marital affair I didn't want to make her out to be an evil, awful person.

I think it would be tough enough for her to know that there is stuff like this on the internet about her gorgeous husband, but rest assured although she does still remain stupidly patient for the next few chapters her patience also has a limit.

As Jon will soon find out. All will be explained as to why Megan is behaving the way she is.
I hope you continue to read.

5:24 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Actually, I do understand Megan's point of view regardless of that fact that they were having an affair.

The complicity of the other characters, especially Jon and Dorothea, somehow make Megan seem like the laughing stock.

Can't wait for the next installment!

7:51 AM  

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