Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Day to Day chapter 20

Megan was waiting in her usual spot at the Sunburst Cafe on Main Street when Krystal arrived. She got out of a black BMW similar to that of Megan’s. "Where's your car?"

"Um....it’s at home in my garage. Megan I have something to tell you, and you know I have never been one to mince words so I am just gonna come right out and say it. I'm not sure how you're going to take it but here goes." Krystal took a deep breath, exhaled and said, “You know the other day at your house when all the guys were there?"


"You mentioned afterwards that Richie and I were getting on well?"


"Well we were, and the truth is Richie and I ..... Um..... Well the thing is.....That wasn't the first time Richie and I had spent time together.........um .... There is no easy way to say this," She too a breath once again and proceeded to speak faster than usual not giving Megan the opportunity to interrupt.. "I left the auction with Richie. That’s where I disappeared to. I took him back to my place. Where we spent the night.......and we have spent every day together since then.......we have been having a sort of relationship."

"What?" Megan was very confused. How could all of this been going on and she know nothing about it? "What do you mean a sort of relationship?"

"Um well, for the last few months -- since your last auction we have been seeing each other."

"What?" she repeated. "You are an item with Richie Sambora? And you were going to tell me this when?" Not waiting for an answer she continued. "You have a go at me just yesterday because I didn't tell you about Jon and now you have done the same thing with Richie. Oh this is too much. Sit and we can have a cuppa and talk more. I want to know all the details."

The car stayed where it was while Megan and Krystal conversed. They waited for the waitress to leave before they continued their conversation.

Oh my God what’s happening to us Krystal? Who would have thought we would be romantically linked to these guys? Certainly not me that’s for sure." She answered her own question.

"Hey matey, me either." she laughed out loud. "Not on your life would I have thought I would be falling in love with Richie Sambora. But I guess that’s just the way life is. It throws us a curved ball sometimes. Its up to us if we decide to catch it."

"What did you say?"

"Life throws us a curved ball." she repeated as she sipped her coffee.

"No, you said you were falling in love with Richie.” Megan smiled at her and could tell for the first time she saw Krystal really happy. She was beaming. "Are you really falling in love with Richie?"

"I think I already have. I have other news for you too. I'm not sure on how you will take this either."

"Well to be honest I don’t know if I could take anymore news today."

"I know it’s been a big day, but i have to tell you this now. Because I wont be here to tell you tomorrow."

"Why wont you?" Megan asked while she sipped her coffee.

"I’ve decided to go to Europe with Richie."

Megan nearly chocked on her coffee when she exclaimed, "WHAT?" You can’t do that. What about your job? You can’t just up and leave it."

"I’ve put Maisey Sutcliff in charge until I return. She will hold the fort for a few months. She has all the necessary qualifications and capabilities. And besides, I need this."

"Months? How long had you planned on going for?"

"I'm not sure yet. Indefinitely at this stage. I have never been so happy as I am now with Richie. I want to ride this wave for as long as it floats."

"What about me, us" We have been friends for years that will change if you go to the other side of the world."

"No, it won't. There are these ridiculously intelligent people out there who invented things like telephones and email. We will be in constant contact. I’ll miss this place," she said gesturing to the beautiful place the two of them frequented, and I’ll miss our girly nights, I’ll miss Mrs. Hopkins. But we will still speak. And besides, it’s not going to be forever."

"What if you and Richie really do hit it off, and get married? Your whole life will change. Are you prepared for that kind of life?"

"I haven’t thought that far ahead and at this stage I don’t intend to. This is just a bit of fun at the moment. And miss Jon lover, I don’t think you are in a position to pass judgment on what I do for fun." she smiled at her friend before she mentioned that she would have to go soon. Richie was waiting for her in the car. They were on their way to the airport, and flying out today.

In just a matter of weeks everything she knew to be normal in her life had changed. A sadness came over her then. She looked up at her friend who was so excited to be on this next adventure in her life. Megan got up and hugged her. Told her she loved her and wished her every happiness.

“Do you want me to come with you to the airport?”

“No, thank you though. I would have loved you to be there but we have to take a commercial flight. Jon and the others flew out yesterday on their private jet. Richie stayed with me until I could tie up all the loose ends so that we could fly back together – he is so romantic. We will be escorted directly to the plane, so unfortunately I wouldn’t even be able to hug you goodbye.”

As the tears flowed down Megan’s cheeks she hugged her best friend one more time before she went over to the car and reminded Richie that he had precious cargo and he was to look after her. Or else! He agreed that he would take very good care of her.

Krystal got back in the car with Richie, closed the door and drove off. Megan watched the car until it was out of sight. She went back to the table and collected her things. She paid the bill leaving a rather large tip and made her way back to the office. She was still wiping the tears from her eyes when she got back to the office.

“Megan, what’s wrong? Why the tears?” Damien said as he hugged her, trying to find out what was wrong with her. It’s him isn’t it? I knew nothing good would come out of it.” He said still hugging her. “Didn’t I tell you he was trouble? I did. Didn’t I?”

“It’s not Jon, Damien. It’s Richie.”

Damien was well and truly puzzled now. “What does Richie have to do with anything? Damn woman I can’t keep up with you.”

“Not me. It’s Krystal. Krystal and Richie are an item.”

Damien laughed. “You’re kidding right?”

“No I’m not.“ She said wiping the last of the tears from her face. “They are infact a serious item.”

“How serious?”

“Serious enough for her to be getting on a plane right now with him to go to Europe, indefinitely.”

“You don’t say.” Krystal and Richie? Lucky girl. I wouldn’t have picked that one. They don’t even look right together.”

You are on Chapter 20 of Day To Day

© 2007 Cindi – Today


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