Thursday, November 22, 2007

Day to Day Chapter 34

Chapter 34

Megan had managed to steer clear of Dorothea but with the photo session booked for that day she knew her time was running out. She knew she would have to face this nightmare sooner or later.

The photo session was to coincide with the concert to ensure the men wouldn’t see them in their wedding garb. Having been extremely busy for the last 3 ½ weeks she had hardly anytime to think about Jon, and honestly she was more concerned about coming face to face with Dorothea than seeing Jon, but the time had come and she couldn’t run away from this one any longer.

Megan and Krystal arrived first. The photographer obviously wanted more photos of the bride than the maids so her shoot would take longer than theirs. Krystal wore a white satin and French lace strapless gown with a long skirt that wasn’t overly full. All in all it was quite a simple wedding dress that she looked absolutely beautiful in. Krystal was beautiful enough not to need an over the top gown. The simpler the better looked best on her. She wore her hair tied high up on her head with the veil pinned in it. She was the perfect Bride. Simple but elegant. She stood for hours having picture after picture taken and she never tired of it. She wanted to have perfect pictures for Richie.

Megan had been dressed for her photos for about an hour when Krystal finally finished. Megan was very comfortable in front of the camera these days. She remembered back to the days she worked with Mrs. Partridge, when she had to hold on to the older woman’s elbow so she wouldn’t trip over from the flash blindness. She never thought she would ever get used to it. Mrs. Partridge had told her that she would. Megan could hear her words ringing in her ears still. “Oh Megan dear, don't worry, you will get used to it”. Dear old Mrs. Partridge, god rest her soul. She would have laughed at this unlikely union.

Carina who had gotten off the plane only a few hours ago was next in line for her photos. She was a very attractive woman of around 30 and very easy to get along with.

Dorothea still hadn’t arrived and Krystal began to worry. As it turned out all was fine and she was just delayed in traffic.

She arrived while Megan went to get a coffee. Walking back into the room she came face to face with the one woman she had managed to avoid. She even took to running only on the treadmill so that she wouldn’t have to accidentally see her.

When Dorothea saw Megan dressed in her bridesmaid’s dress which was pale jade version of Krystal’s dress, she saw what Jon saw. She truly was an attractive woman.

"Hello Megan"

Taking a deep breath Megan mustered all her courage to put on a smile and said "Hello Dorothea it’s nice to see you again." She lied.

"Megan, I’m sorry."

"Don’t Dorothea, lets not go there now. This is Krystal’s time. Let’s not spoil it by visiting demons from the past."

"Ok for now. I’ll let it go, but I intend to talk about it before the night is through."

"Alright. But not now, and not here." Megan knew it was inevitable but at least if nothing else she had bought herself more time. Besides Megan thought, what did she have to be sorry about? It was me that slept with her husband!

Carina had finished with her photo shoot, and Dorothea had her turn. Megan and Carina hadn't a great deal of time to do with each other so they used this opportunity to get to know one another.

She was obviously a good friend to Krystal and Megan enjoyed her company.

It took about an hour for the individual photos of each of them to be taken, once that was done they had the group done, so all in all it took many hours to complete.

As the afternoon drew to a close Dorothea suggested they stop by her place for a celebratory wine.

Megan declined, they all knew why with the exception of Carina. ”Come back to Richie’s with us Dorothea it will probably be a lot more relaxed."

She agreed. "Especially considering there would be four children running around mine." as if I needed to be reminded of that Megan thought. "I'll just call home and let them know where I’ll be."

"Thank you” Megan Said.

After arriving home Megan and Carina went their separate ways to their rooms. Megan to freshen up and Carina to rest, she was too jetlagged for a party tonight.

Dorothea and Krystal were in the kitchen popping the corks on the wine when Dorothea asked Krystal how Megan was coping with everything.

"Not good I’m afraid. She’s putting on a brave face. She was really hurt Dot. And I think she just wasn’t prepared for the fact that he told you. It’s not a normal thing for a man to tell his wife that he is having an affair or that he wants to take on a Mistress. And then to bring them both together“, She added. “And for the wife to be fine about it. It just kind of freaked her out a bit." she said.

"I know but Jon and I don’t have a normal relationship, you know that."

Megan arrived and the subject was changed to the current tour. Dorothea commented on Jon's poor performance and that apparently the tour had really been a bad one. She said passing out the wine.

Taking a sip Megan said, "I'm sure Jon couldn’t have a bad tour. I haven't seen him live for a long time but I don't think from videos and DVD's that I have seen that he is capable of a bad one"

"How long has it been since you saw them perform live?"

"With the exception of the mini concert Krystal organised, nearly 20 years."

"What? Really? You must have been very young when you saw them. Why don't we go? This will be the last one for a couple of years?"

"Yes I was. But no, I couldn’t" Megan said "We probably wouldn’t get tickets now anyway" she continued.

Laughing Krystal and Dorothea said "We don’t need tickets. I'll give Jon a call and let him know we are on our way, we will only be able to watch from the wings but it’s still good."

"No, I’m sorry girls I can't besides what if it puts Jon off seeing me there?" Megan said

"Well he couldn’t perform any worse than he has all tour." Dorothea said sarcastically.

"Why are you doing this Dorothea? Why are you insisting, almost pushing me to see Jon?

You are on Chapter 34 of Day to Day

© 2007 Cindi – today


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