Saturday, December 01, 2007

Day to Day Chapter 40

Day to Day Chapter 40

Megan was at the Dr's rooms 10 minutes before her appointment and she sat uneasily in the chair waiting for her name to be called. She felt tired today. It had been a very big few days and yesterday with Jon was amazing. She certainly didn't expect him to come and visit her, and she certainly didn't expect that he would make love to her. He knew how to push all her buttons, and he did it will. She knew that he would be able to get her to do anything he wanted. She had become putty in his hands.

Megan was still thinking of how it felt to have Jon deep in the back of her throat when she heard Doctor Whitaker call her name. She rose from her seat with a shy smirk. If only he knew what I was smirking at!

"Good morning Megan. How are you feeling today?"

"Good, just a little tired. But I have had a lot on lately, so I guess I’m just slightly run down. I'll feel not so tired when I get to relax a bit. How did you go with the test results?"

"Well actually Megan, it might be sometime before you get to relax and rid yourself of that tiredness."

"Doctor", she said taking a deep breath "What is wrong with me?"

She felt fine other than the tiredness today. She slept half decently, she had not had any nausea, she had not had any headaches, she had not thrown up, she was back on her food, and she had earth shattering sex with Jon Bon Jovi yesterday. What on earth could he think is wrong with her?

"DO ytou have family here Megan?"

"Yes, I have a sister who is somewhere in the world trying to save the whales, or the rain forests from being cut down, but heavens only knows where she is. Both my parents died when I was only as teenager. Why?"

Ignoring her question as to why the Doctor went on to say, "Do you have a good network of friends? Friends that will be there when you really need them?" She thought about Krystal, Megan knew Krystal would be back in just a few days from her very brief honeymoon. She would not have survived all these years without her. Krystal although at times was somewhat silly she had been Megan’s rock. When times got tough Krystal was the one that would sit down with Megan and have a few drinks and talk about what was wrong and they would come up with a plan together to fix it. She remembered back to when her parents died, Krystal was there for her. When she moved the business to the USA to try to expand it, Krystal was there with her support, she had looked upon it as an adventure. If the business failed to take of in the USA at least they would have had a lovely holiday and the chance of a lifetime. But as it turned out all went well and they stayed to watch the business thrive.

“Doctor, what is wrong with me? I’m not the sort of person who appreciates you dancing around the topic. If you know what is wrong with me then I will cope better if you just spit it out and tell me straight. But please don’t show me this disrespect by not telling me what it is.”

“OK. Megan” The Doctor said taking a breath. I am asking you these questions simply because I think it would be best for you if you had someone here with you while I told you the findings. But if this is the way you want it.”

“Yes it is.” she prompted.

The Doctor leant back in his chair and picked up Megan’s files. He placed his spectacles on his nose and after taking another deep breathe he began. “Megan we have ran every test known to man to find out what it wrong with you. I can rule out pregnancy and I think you already knew you weren’t pregnant anyway, I have ruled out Hodgkin’s Lymphoma – which is what I thought it to be. And to be honest with you I had hoped it was that. However…….”

Megan didn’t hear a word after the Doctor said that. She knew about Hodgkin’s Lymphoma, her aunty had had it when Megan was young. She knew what her aunty had gone threw. She had sat and watched her throw up after her chemo; she went wig shopping with her when her hair had fallen out. And Megan remembered her mother sitting with her Aunt when it all just got too much and she needed just to sit and cry. It was an awful time and something she would never forget. What the hell is wrong with me?

“I’m sorry Doctor, I missed what you just said. If its not hodgkins lymphoma the what is it?"

You are on chapter 40 of Day to Day

© 2007 Cindi – today


Anonymous Anonymous said...

wow! so she's not pregnant. I was dead-set on it being that, and wondering why the doctor wouldn't just tell her, haha. this should be good...

9:32 AM  
Blogger Kay said...

This comment has been removed by the author.

11:13 AM  
Blogger Kay said...

(Edited typos)

It will now be interesting to hear what Dot will have to say about this.

I did have a feeling it would be something devastating, though.

11:14 AM  

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