Thursday, November 22, 2007

Day to Day Chapter 35

Chapter 35

"He gets lonely on tour Megan. I guess its normal for a man to need someone to keep him company, to keep him warm at night. I can't be there on every tour. I need to stay home with our children. He has women drooling over him everyday and he goes to bed alone after a show. He needs someone unattached, who is in a position financially to be able to do this. And he needs someone who can arrange time to be at his beck and call , and also someone who wouldn't be just doing it to get her hands on his money. This way he gets his cake and is able to eat it too. And I am assured he isn't doing anything behind my back with god only knows who. I'll admit it isn't the ideal situation but at the end of a tour I know he'll always come home to me and his children."

"So you are encouraging him to have a mistress."

"No, I just don't want him to be lonely" she said. "and if this is what I need to do then I’ll do it. My love for him is strong enough to allow him this indiscretion."

"But why me?"

"Because you and Jon have a history. One that he treasures." Dorothea said sipping her wine.

Megan was slightly embarrassed that Dorothea knew about her history with Jon, but in reality wasn't surprised. Hell, if she was going to allow him a mistress there was probably not a great deal she didn't know.

In an attempt to divert Dot and Megan from their conversation Krystal said, "How about we try to get some tickets? It will be much better than watching from the wings." Krystal suggested she call the ticket office and see what they can come up with. They were lucky enough to get 3 tickets for the 7th row from the front just off centre.

Changing into black tailored pants and a white baby doll top that went to the waist band of her pants, she put on her heels.

She placed the MJ gold and diamond pendant around her neck, bringing it to her lips she took one last look in the full length mirror and picked up her small purse that went over her shoulder and rested neatly on her hip. She met Krystal and Dorothea in the foyer of Richie’s estate.

With no time to fuss as the concert started in an hour they left. As the 3 of them ran out the door Krystal picked up the boxing Kangaroo that Megan had given her many years ago when they left Australia together so that everytime she looked at it she would remember where they had come from. Megan had also given Jon one the last time he stayed at her place so that he would think of her each time he looked at it.

The girls got in the car, a black limousine no less. They were going in style tonight. The traffic was horrendous.

She longed to see him. But was afraid of his reaction. She was in a catch 22. Should she go or should she stay? As the car drove along Megan couldn't help but wonder what she was getting herself into tonight.

"Are you ready for this?" Krystal asked her.

Megan had a lot of mixed feelings "As ready as I’ll ever be, I guess" She said taking a deep breath.

"Lets go" Dorothea said

They made it with 15 minutes to spare. And they still had to pick up their tickets.

With their tickets collected they joined the queue. Finally they were inside with only minutes before the show was to begin. Finding their way to their seats the excitement was building then the lights went dim and all was quiet. The music started softly at first. And when the lights came back on there was Jon dressed in a light blue denim jacket over white t-shirt and dark brown jeans.

The music got louder and the band opened to an excited audience with Last Man Standing. At the end of the song Jon took his guitar off with one hand, and as he raised it over his head Megan found that somewhat arousing. She remembered his large hands touching her body and how it felt.

Jon looked tired, as if he hadn't slept in days. But even so there was nothing about this night that she wasn't going to love. She knew that. And considering she had nothing but a very old memory to compare it to she was sure this was going to be a great concert.

He encouraged the audience to sing, and then he would clap them at the end, letting them know he was impressed with their effort.

Jon had an uncanny ability with his twinkling blue eyes to get every member of the audience caught up in the moment.

Megan loved the way he would put his arms out to his sides at the end of some songs. Like an airplane. He was the man!!

He jumped, danced and pranced around the stage. He was still in good shape for a man of his age. Which is not surprising considering he did a full workout every performance. Nothing was done half hearted. He captivated women with his smile and his charisma; he made you feel like you were the only person in the audience. That he was there to sing for you and you alone. Megan was so entranced by Jon that she didn't even notice the other band members.

As the night went on the sweat ran down his body, the sweatier he got the more the women seemed to enjoy it.

Taking in the audiences reaction to Jon, Megan realised the enormity of what she was doing.
The repercussions of getting involved with someone of his stature would not end well.
Jon was full of attitude, he knew how to pull the crowd in, He would single out one or two audience members at a time and put them under his spell. Megan had a sudden urge to be with him. She missed him too much. She longed to be in his arms again. She longed to touch him, to kiss him, to smell him. To taste him.

His arms would beat in time with the drums. His stamina was incredible. Megan knew he had endurance but this performance was nothing short of brilliant. He was enthusiastic, a real crowd pleaser.

He held the microphone stand while he pointed out to the audience. With his eyes closed he would go from mellow to passionate, Rock to love, he would hype up the crowd one minute and make love to them the next

As he held the microphone stand with his eyes closed he sang with so much passionate emotion. It was incredibly soothing how he single handedly seduced the audience one at a time

He casually rolled the sleeves up on his sweat saturated shirt as he spoke to the audience, teasing them ever so subtly.

Every woman present felt it. All the while continuing to encourage them to participate with him.

Krystal waved the Kangaroo from time to time. At one stage she held it up when the spot light was on the audience and it caught Jon’s eyes.

At the end of his song he spoke to the audience and said. "Is that a Kangaroo you have out there? I'm guessing that means you're Australian? Would you mind passing it up here for me?" Waiting for it to get to him he continued, “I have one exactly the same." He picked it up and gave it a little snuggle. Megan almost cried. Jon started to go into detail of how he got his. "I have a friend who is Australian.........."

Dorothea nudged Krystal and Megan could see the two of them conversing but obviously couldn't hear what they were saying. Jon continued "...........anyway she gave me one many years ago."

Looking around to Richie and the boys, he said. "I know this wasn't part of our plan and it’s not on the play list, but her favourite song is Diamond Ring............."

You are on chapter 35 of Day to Day

© 2007 Cindi – today


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Okay, now I understand their complicity.

It's sad for Megan because she will always be the "other woman" albeit an approved one.

Will she settle for that?

7:10 PM  
Blogger Cindi-today said...

Oh Jen. You said that so beautifully. I was trying to explain their situation on another board today and I don't think I did it justice. I wish I had read your comment first LOL.

I have just finished writing up to chapter 39 and i have to say I think chapters 37, 38 and 39 are my favs

7:35 PM  

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