Monday, November 19, 2007

Day to Day Chapter 30

Megan lay awake for hours even though she was exhausted. It was almost impossible to get some sleep. Getting out of bed she put her robe on and made her way out of the guest room through Richie's elaborate mansion to the kitchen where she intended to get herself a hot cup of chocolate. Finding everything she needed with ease she made her chocolate and sat at the bar by the window and drank it slowly. She made a note to go to the pharmacy to get something to settle her stomach.

“Couldn’t sleep?”

She turned in the direction of the voice “No, I couldn’t. I thought maybe a hot drink would help. I hope you don’t mind.”

“No of course I don’t mind. Make yourself at home.” Richie said as he helped himself to juice straight from the bottle. “It’s been a long day huh?”

“Ha, yep you can say that again”

“Jon didn't mean to upset you Megan. He and Dot have been best friends forever. They have no secrets. It was natural for him to tell her. Hell, I didn't even know until tonight. And I thought he told ME everything.” Pausing as if he was trying to find the right words to say. “And its better that she find out this way than by reading it in the paper or one of the kids stumbles across it on the internet.”

Megan put her cup down and as she looked into it she said. “Yes, Richie I agree it is better for her to find out this way and it might have been natural for him to tell her but I would have thought the most natural thing in this whole scenario would be to tell me that he was gonna tell her. That way it might not have been such a shock to me. And then I wouldn’t be feeling the way I am now”

“I’m sorry Megan. I don’t know what to say”

“You don’t need to say anything. I think it’s all been said.” Megan drained the rest of her cup and got up and placed it in the dishwasher. Walking towards the door she said. “I have decided to go home tomorrow Richie. I don’t know that this was such a good idea now that I am here. If Krystal isn’t up before I go can you please tell her I love her and I’ll call her when I’m home?”

“Megan don’t be silly, don’t let this spoil the time you had planned with your best friend and you will break Jon’s heart if you go without telling him”

“Maybe then he’ll know what a broken heart feels like. Krystal will get over it." she said rising from the table, "Congratulations Richie, You two will be fine together” she left the kitchen.

She could hear Richie mumbling something in the Kitchen about her being a stubborn Australian girl. She ignored him and returned to her room. She didn’t even attempt to sleep, instead she and packed her things in order to leave early the next morning. There was no point in staying here now.

Richie called Jon to let him know what was happening. He said he would be there for breakfast and would talk to her then.

*** *** *** ***

By 6 am the next morning Megan was packed and out the front of Richies glorious estate waiting for the taxi she had called to take her back to the airport. She would be home and at her own house, in her own surroundings, on her own turf, in just a few hours. What a trip this turned put to be. She could hear Damien’s words echoing in her head “I told you nothing good would come out of this” She hated to admit he was right. He would ride this one all the way, never letting her live it down. Right now though, she really didn't care. The taxi arrived and she got in and closed the door and told the driver to take her to the airport.

Driving back down the same road she had traveled along a week ago so excitedly, and the road she had ran along every morning Megan felt a great sadness. It really was too good to be true. She should have listened to herself all those months ago and not seen him. What would have happened if she didn't join him for supper that night? Would he have pursued her? Would they have united like this? She would never know but one thing is for sure she wouldn’t be so naive again.

Megan wound down the window to enjoy the cool breeze in her face. The driver tried to make conversation but soon realized that she wasn’t interested in small talk. A few moments later her phone rang, it was Krystal. “Megan where are you? What are you doing?”

“I can’t stay here Krystal. I am so humiliated, I could never look that woman in the face again, and right now I don’t want to see Jon. It is making me sick to the stomach.” she said

“So you are gonna run away?”

“No I’m not running away. I am ridding my life of one unnecessary stress.”

“For how long Megan? You know you’ll never forgive yourself if you don’t at least sort this out before you go. This isn’t your style; you would be leaving unfinished business. You know that would be harder for you to cope with than the issue at hand.” Megan knew she was right; one thing she couldn’t stand was unfinished business. “Ask the taxi driver to turn around and come back. Let’s have breakfast and talk it over. If you still want to go after you have eaten and we have talked then that’s fine. I’ll even drive you myself.”

Reluctantly Megan asked the taxi driver to turn around and return to Richie’s. The taxi finally pulled to a stop outside the main doors at the same time as Krystal and Jon appeared.

Getting out of the car she laughed and said “oh I am a sucker. How gullible can one person be? I should have known this was a set up. Thanks Krystal. And just when I decided I wasn’t going to be so naive too!” She said sarcastically as Jon sauntered over to collect her bags.

He looked about as terrible as she did. He obviously didn't get much sleep last night either. Megan felt like she hadn’t slept in days. She was exhausted and she honestly really wanted to be at home in her own bed. Not here in this nightmare that she would eventually leave with a broken heart.

Going back into the house they made their way to the kitchen where an elaborate meal had been prepared. Krystal and Richie took their food and dined outside in the crisp fresh air leaving Megan and Jon in the kitchen to talk.

“Megan”. He began. “I asked you to come here because I want to see you. I can assure you hurting you was the last thing on my mind.”

She drank her tea without looking at him. The table was filled with a banquet of toast, eggs, bacon, sausages, croissants, and bagels, juices of all kinds, fresh fruit, and hot beverages. There was enough food to feed a small nation. Jon filled his plate and the moment he cut into his eggs Megan ran from the room in the direction of the bathroom to throw up once again. Jon ran after her.

"Megan what is wrong with you?"

"I have a virus. I must have got a bug from somewhere. Cleaning her self up she made her way back to the kitchen.

He reached out and touched her hand. “Look at me please Megan”

Shaking her head she turned towards the window. “No Jon, I’m not gonna look at you. The minute I do you’ll win, I’ll give in and we will move on from this without ever discussing it properly.”

“Well talk to me now for goodness sake Megan.”

“I can’t right now Jon. I’m hurt, I’m angry". She knew if she spoke to him now she would have no control over what came out of her mouth. Here she was in Richie Sambora's kitchen fighting with the man of her dreams, Jon Bon Jovi, she didn’t want to argue yet the words flowed freely, she opened her mouth and they spewed out, it didn’t matter who he was she was angry and he was to blame, He had to deal with her wrath. "Do you know how it feels to be the other woman? Not only that, but do you know how it feels for me to know that your wife knows I am the other woman? No of course you don’t? You have never been in this position, obviously.” She stopped speaking but it was clear that she hadn’t finished what she wanted to say. “I sat here over the last nearly week and a half and have talked and laughed and joked. I exercised with her every morning. And all this time she knew. I feel like a laughing stock. I feel like I have been put on parade.” They both sat silently for a few minutes before she broke the silence yet again. “Jon I have decided to go home. I really should have thought this through more fully before I came over here. I should have thought all of it through before I let any of it happen. I feel like you have betrayed me, which I really shouldn’t be angry about, because that is exactly what I am doing to your wife. And I guess out of all of this we really should be thinking of your family, your children. They are the ones that will be hurt ultimately. Maybe if we put some distance between us and cool things off for a little while it won’t seem so bad after all.”

Without allowing him the chance to reply she got up from the table and went outside to ask Krystal to drive her to the airport. She was going home.

This was very hard on both of them. They both had very strong, stubborn personalities, in order to sort it out one of them had to admit they were wrong but neither would.

*** *** *** ***

You are on Chapter 30 of Day to Day

© 2007 Cindi-today


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Love it!!

Can't wait to see what happens next!!

8:46 PM  
Blogger Cindi-today said...

lol OMG you're cheating..........I'm not this far ahead on the other site.

10:08 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

LOL I know bt I actually started reading it on this site!!

11:35 AM  
Blogger Cindi-today said...

I really don't mind which site you read from. I'm just happy you are still reading :)

6:04 PM  
Blogger Lynda said...

Hmmm I bet Megan is Pregnant with Jon Baby. lol

10:35 AM  

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