Monday, February 25, 2008

Day to Day Chapter 58

Chapter 58

Jon and Krystal stayed at Megans Sydney residence and the minute Jon walked inside he understood why she loved it so much. He immediately went over to the large windows that over looked the harbour. He could clearly see the Opera House, the Harbour Bridge, the boats all floating and rocking back and forth with the waves. The room he was standing in was very tastefully furnished. The burgundy carpet blended perfectly with the cream Buffalo Hyde lounge and recliners. The heavy timber furniture complimented them both finishing the room off with elegant framed paintings on the walls.

Helping Megan was going to be a long process and he was prepared to stick it out for as long as it took.

As the days went on Sheree had managed to gather the info Damien had sent through and she had built a profile and contacted the necessary people. Of great importance was the doctor Megan had flown over to see on that fateful day. Doctor Michael Lawson.

*** *** *** ***

Doctor Lawson was a 38 yr old single man. He was a cancer specialist; however he preferred an alternative form of treatment. He preferred not to believe in chemo where ever possible, however even he had to admit that sometimes if his treatment didn't work he had to resort to it. But only as a very last resort. He had had great success with his method and had saved many lives. Sheree made an appointment to see him on Megans behalf.

*** *** *** ***

Megan progressed nicely and had actually started remembering some things. Jon tried his utmost to help her. He spent time showing her the photographs of the 2 of them. Jon was saddened by the fact that Megan still had no recollection of their affair. However he persisted. He explained to her explicit details of how they happened to be together. He told her all about her business, that she was based in the USA now.

“Jon I am so sorry that I don't remember what we shared. I can see that it was special to you."

"Yes" he smiled. It was ripping his heart out. He knew deep down when he got on that plane to come to Megan that he ran the risk of resurfacing the memories and feelings he had suppressed when Megan left. "It was very special to me."

"How did I feel about it Jon?"Jon looked back down at the papers in his hands and said "You told me you loved me, so I guess you kind of felt the same way.”

"Did you love me also?" Megan asked Jon got up from his chair and walked to the window he so desperately wanted her to remember. "Oh I am so sorry Jon."

"It’s ok. I hope one day you will remember. And I’ll help you for as long as you need me."

"Thank you. But Jon, there is just one thing I don't understand."

"What?" he asked her.

"Why did I leave? If I felt the same way about you as you did about me why did I leave? And correct me if I am wrong but don't you have a family?"

Sheree opened the door and entered the room with the doctor. Jon had become accustomed to many staff members coming in while he was there. The weekend staff were the worst. The casual staff would come into Megan’s room every half hour just to 'check on her', to make sure she was 'ok'. They all knew it was to check out Jon. He said to Megan one day that he was starting to feel as though he had two heads or three eyes.

Sheree discussed with Megans doctor what Jon had told her about having cancer and that doctor agreed that she really needed to be told. They knew it would cause her grief but it on the other hand could also help her to remember. The doctor shook Jon’s hand and greeted Megan.

"Jon, do you think we could have a moment alone with Megan please?"

"Not at all." He put down the files and got up to kiss Megan on the cheek before he left.

"No, if it’s ok with you I would like Jon to stay." she said to both the doctor and Sheree.

"Ok, if that’s what you want."

Jon took his seat once again on the side of her bed.

You are on Chapter 58 of Day to Day

(C) Cindi-today 2008


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