Wednesday, December 05, 2007

Day to Day Chapter 42

Chapter 42

Megan called Jon’s number one more time and thankfully he was there. She told him that she had to fly out today but she wanted to stop by and see him before she left. Megan told him that it was an emergency and she was stopping by whether he liked it or not.

Her flight was booked for 6:45pm. It was now 2:30 pm. The taxi arrived and the driver helped Megan load her belongings into the car. On the way to the airport Megan asked the driver to stop off at Jon’s and to wait for her.

She exited the car and closed the door. Nervously she made her way up the few steps to Jon’s front door and pressed the intercom.

It took several minutes for the door to be opened. Standing in front of Megan was Dot. She was not very pleased to see Megan standing there but she was her usual polite self and reluctantly invited her in. Megan waited in the sitting room until Jon arrived. He greeted her with a kiss the same was he has everytime he saw her. Dorothea arrived with refreshments just as Megan asked Jon to sit as there was something she needed to discuss with him.

Dorothea’s blood ran cold. She knew she was pregnant, she knew Megan had come here to tell Jon she was carrying his child.

“Megan, Are you alright? You don’t look the best?” Jon asked as he handed her a glass of iced tea. He noticed her hands were shaking, she was nervous.

Taking a sip, she sat back and said, “Um, no. Not exactly. I have just come back from the Doctor. I have had some tests done as you know over the last few days. I got the results this morning.” Megan took a deep breath. She never thought she would be telling Jon Bon Jovi that she was a ticking time bomb. That there was a chance that this is the very last time she would ever see him. The thought of never being able to hold him, to kiss him, to love him ever again was almost overwhelming. The tears burned at the back of her eyes, she was determined not to cry. She didn’t want this visit with Jon to end sadly. She wanted him to remember her as a happy beautiful woman, who enjoyed his company and that the time she had spent with Jon was the highlight of her life. The only thing that would even come close to topping it would be if that Doctor in Australia could infact cure her. If she died today, she would die happy knowing that she had not only known Jon but loved him.

“Oh my God”. Dorothea chimed in as she lowered her body to sit in the chair opposite Megan, suddenly with a look in her eyes that Megan had never seen before. Jon knew it all too well though. He had observed it many times over the last few days.

“Dot, don’t. Don’t say another word. Just let Megan speak.” Jon didn’t want a confrontation between the two women. The two women he had loved, both for a very long time.

She rose as suddenly as she sat. “Let her speak? Jon, I am a very patient woman you know that and I always try to keep an even keel, so that the boat is never rocked. But I am not going to sit here and take this. I will not sit here and listen to this woman destroy my family. A family that I have worked very hard to keep together.” Directing her anger to Megan now, Dorothea said to her, “Megan how could you do this? How could you do this to Jon? His children? His reputation?”

Although Megan was shocked at Dot’s outburst she just sat and listened to her, she had no desire or the energy to fight with her. With anyone actually. Her time from this point on was way too precious to waste on arguments.

“Well, are you just going to sit there and say nothing?”

“What would you like me to say Dot that would please you the most. I have obviously done something to upset you. Maybe if you were a little clearer in your accusations I would have an inkling as to what you would like most to hear.” Megan was slightly confused. She had not seen Dot at all since the wedding and was unsure of what it was that has happened to cause her to behave like this.

“What would I like you to say? Ok well..” Jon sat with his head in his hands, Megan observed that He looked tired.

“Dot please” he pleaded. “Don’t do this. If Megan has something to say she will say it in her own time.”

“Yes I bet she will. When it’s too late to do anything about it. And then she will not only have destroyed you but our family. No Jon, I’m not going to sit back and say nothing. A woman has to fight for what is hers. And this family means way too much to me to let some young floozy take it away from me.”

“Oh my good. You think I’m pregnant, don’t you.” She looked at Dot questioningly.

“No, Megan. I know you are. I have been waiting for you to tell us for a week. I have been waiting for Jon to go and speak to you about it.” Megan thought back to just yesterday when Jon came to visit, and they had made love in her bedroom. She wondered if that was the last time they would ever make love and she treasured that memory. Dot paused to take a quick breath, “I want to know what is going on. I want to know how far along you are. I want to know what you are going to do about it. You obviously can’t keep the child. My children would never live through the shame of their father having an illegitimate child with his mistress. Or if you are too far gone how much would it cost for you to keep it a secret? Or Megan do you want the world to know you are carrying my husbands baby?”

You are on Chapter 42 of Day to Day

© 2007 Cindi – today


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