Thursday, August 23, 2007

Day to Day Chapter 8

"No, not yet anyway. So how have you been Jon? I was in too much shock this morning to really talk to you. It has been a long, long time."

"Yes it has, and I have been well"

There was a silence between them for a few minutes as they both admired the view from the window. Jon also admired her radiant appearance in a black floor length Emmeline satin gown. Breaking the silence Jon said "Have supper with me?"

"Tonight? It’s getting late Jon"

"Yes tonight. Now. Just one night cap Megan, for old times sake" He looked at her with his crooked smile and one eye brow cocked. She couldn’t resist. "Meet me in the private dining room in 20 minutes"

Damien was still in the process of saying his goodbyes. So she told him that she too would be leaving. She made her way around the remaining guests and said her goodbyes and thanked them for their support again.

Megan turned and walked out the door.

The Archibald was one of the most amazing places in this country she thought as she walked up the hall to the elevator. However it didn't hold a candle to the Piermont. She always loved coming back here though. They had everything she needed. And looked after her as if she were royalty. She was staying in the penthouse suite tonight. A room she never really felt overly comfortable in but it was one of the perks of the job. She often spent many nights away at a time on business that was one reason she was never in a serious relationship. The other was Jon. There would always be a piece of her heart that belonged to him and she had never found another man who made her feel the way he did.

As she stepped onto the elevator she let her mind drift back all those years. She was an out going but nervous young woman. She was very happy to be alive and enjoyed her life. She remembers that night at the concert and the next day as if it were yesterday. Everything was still so clear in her mind. His touch, his breath, his scent. She could still smell him. She could still feel him. It was as if someone had wound back the clock. Then she remembered all the things that have happened in that time. The death of her parents, her own sister becoming a greeny and now on a boat somewhere trying to save the whales. She hadn't seen her or heard from her in many years. Having to give up school. Something she dearly loved. It was almost heart breaking and for a long time she hated her father for dying. If he didn’t die her mother wouldn’t have become depressed and she wouldn’t have needed Megan to look after her. She would have been able to continue her studies. Megan knew it was a selfish thought but the grief of losing two people you love so much in such a short space of time really clouded her judgment. In time she got past that hurt and focused on her future. She remembered when she first started with Mrs. Partridge. She was a good helper and very good at her job.

She remembered attending her first BIG function it was about 3 years after her first encounter with Jon. She had met "famous" people before but not the likes of who were going to be at that function. She remembered pulling up in a limousine with the rest of the staff and made their way along the red carpet. She was awestruck. The flashes from the cameras were blinding and she wondered how people got used to this? She was almost blinded by them. She had to hold on to her bosses elbow as they continued to walk. Finally they made it in and were taken to their seat and enjoyed the night. She will never forget that night. It was a huge education. As always she was allowed to take a friend. And as always she had taken Krystal. Mrs. Partridge understood the need to feel comfortable in public so she always allowed all her staff to bring their partner or if they didn't have one a friend.

She had looked around as more guests arrived; they both giggled and pinched each other just to make sure everything was real. Tom and Nicole were there. Hugh and Liz, Prince, a representative for Michael Jackson and the list went on and on. Prime Ministers, Royalty. The room was full of the who’s who of the famous realm. The two girls could hardly contain their excitement. However they were always held in check by the fact that they were representatives of the Company. It was a very well known chartable organization that was renowned for the work it had done and the money it had raised. Megan had finished looking at the guests on the left side of the room and turned to the right to see who had come in while she was looking the other way. And then there they were. All of them in the one room. Megan wondered if they were the after party entertainment. That would have been something pretty special. She also wondered if he would remember her.Her mind flashed back to that concert only a few years prior. At 18 she had not a great deal of life experience. She had not been to many concerts or theatre productions or out that much at all really. Too many years looking after her mother had an effect on her social life. So she stuck her head in books, especially when she became serious about the Company. She preferred to study than to party. This is probably why she was so excited and had enjoyed it so much, and the fact that it was Jon Bon Jovi. As a young girl she had posters over her bedroom walls and now here he was he was still the same for the third time in her life. He hadn't changed a bit. He was still the lead singer of a rock and roll band and he was still magic to her. Life did not get better than watching him walk or listening to him sing. She knew it wasn’t just a high school crush; she knew it was much more than that. She knew that right from that very first meeting after the concert. She has all his records. Turned the radio up whenever he was on. Her parents, god rest their souls, would yell for her to close the door or turn the music down. They always referred to it as racket and him as a long haired lout. Who would never amount to anything. Coming back to reality for a second she thought if only her parents could see him now. She drifted back…But she didn’t care. She smirked at the memory. Ha, she thought look at him now. He was gorgeous and didn’t care what any one thought. Now here he was, sitting two tables away from her. Megan got up to go to his table just as she saw his wife being escorted to her seat. She sat and tried to put him out of her mind.

That night went off without a hitch like all of Mrs. Partridge's events. Items were sold for exorbitant prices and a very large amount of money was raised. All of the proceeds of that night’s auction were going to help in the research into childhood cancer. Megan learnt a lot that night.

That night at the after party she kept a close eye on Jon and she caught him looking in her direction from time to time. As it turned out to Megan’s extreme disappointment they were infact guests not entertainment. As the night wore on and the two girls had a few champagnes in toasts they were feeling a little more relaxed. Megan was not a big drinker of alcohol and thankfully she always knew when to stop. Krystal on the other hand was much more out going than Megan and she often had a few too many, which drew attention to herself. Mrs. Partridge had been watching the girls and noticed that Krystal was getting rather boisterous so she organized for her to be escorted home.

Nothing ever escaped Mrs. Partridge. She was one savvy old lady. She saw everything. Even stuff that wasn’t there. She saw it all. Megan just knew there would be a lecture about proper conduct at work on Monday.

Megan escorted Krystal to the car that had been organized to take her friend home. After she was safe and sound buckled in she turned to make her way back to the function.

Jon had noticed her very early in the night. He knew instantly who she was and wished tonight he had come alone. The other guys had left their partners at home.

She made her way to the bar to ask for a glass of iced water. "Megan" he called.

She was standing at the bar waiting for the bar tender to return with her water when she heard a voice. Megan took the water from him and she turned to face the direction the voice came from.

"Megan" he smiled almost breathless. He wanted to catch her before she went back to her table. "I see you are on the hard stuff now huh"? Making an indication towards her iced water. Trying to make light of the situation.

Raising her head she looked into the most amazing set of blue eyes she had seen in a long time. Like a 16 yr old school girl who had come face to face with her idol she was awestruck. She dropped the water, it hit the floor and the glass broke, the contents of her glass spraying all over him and herself.

She immediately apologized, picked up the glass and mentioned to the waiter that he needed to clean up the mess. Megan was mortified that she had just literally thrown a glass of water all over him. She abruptly excused herself and made her way to Mrs. Partridge and explained the situation. Mrs. Partridge, who had a very soft spot for Megan understood and dismissed her immediately. Megan ran to the elevator pressed the button, entered and cried as she leant against the back wall. She waited for the elevator to stop at the 7th floor.

When she got there she took the key from her purse and entered it into the lock. She opened the door, removed the key and turned to close the door.

"Oh no can this night get any worse? She said leaning against the back of the door.

First Krystal, now him.

It was Jon. Oh my god it was him.


The lift jerked to a stop bringing her back to reality and to the present. She exited the lift and entered her suite, she smiled to herself. All of that was ancient history now. She began laughing at the memory. None of it mattered. And she had lived through it all. No matter what life had thrown at her to date she had lived through it all. Even the stuff that was so embarrassing it almost hurt to remember. And several times on the lift ride to her rooms she had cringed at some of the memories.

That was the last time she had seen or heard from Jon until now. Although he had infact been invited to numerous functions it appeared throughout the years that he was either on tour or out of the country.

Whatever his reason he was always unavailable. He never called or tried to make contact with her in anyway. Other than his PR people telling her that he was unavailable at the present time.

Age was a wonderful thing Megan thought as she took off her gown she had worn for the function, it gave one the time, the good sense and the maturity to deal with things and the older she got the easier it was to deal with issues that had arisen. She knew if Jon had asked her 10 years ago would she join him for Supper she would have said no and probably ran away as fast as she could. But today the answer to that question wasn’t as difficult as it would have been then. She changed in to a black linen skirt that sat just above the knees, and a lilac colored sweater, toping the ensemble of with her black knee high boots that laced from her ankles all the way to her knees.

Would she go and have supper with Jon Bon Jovi in the private dining room?

Hell Yeah!!!!!

You are on Chapter 8 of Day to Day
© Cindi – Today 2007


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DAY TO DAY. Jon Bon Jovi Fan Fiction

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CEST LA VIE. A story with a difference

Chapter 1, Chapter 2, Chapter 3, Chapter 4, Chapter 5, Chapter 6, Chapter 7, Chapter 8, Chapter 9, Chapter 10, Chapter 11, Chapter 12, Chapter 13, Chapter 14, Chapter 15, Chapter 16, Chapter 17,

The Contest. Jon Bon Jovi Fan Fic

Chapter 1, Chapter 2, Chapter 3,
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