Wednesday, January 02, 2008

Day to Day Chapter 48

Chapter 48

Megan lay still, trying to piece together in her mind what had happened and where she was. She was in unfamiliar surroundings with familiar sounds. It was so surreal. As if she were looking down at herself. Seeing what was going on but unable to feel any of it. She couldn't move but she could hear noises. It sounded as though she was in a hospital. She could hear the familiar clicking and beeping noises from machines. The clanging of trolleys being wheeled down corridors. She opened her eyes and all she could see was the white ceiling of the room she was in. Recognition hit and yes she was in a hospital. But the questions remained, why was she in hospital? And where was she? And why the hell could she not move? How long had she been here? Who put her here? She had no recollection of any accident that may have resulted in her being taken to hospital. She felt no pain. Why was she here?

Shortly afterwards the door to Megan’s room opened and she heard some one enter. In an attempt to see who it was Megan tried to turn her head to look in the direction of the door but was unable to move.

"Oh, hello there." the voice said as it came into the room. It was a female voice, a soft, quiet, warm sort of voice. As the woman came closer she touched a button on the wall. These were the first words Megan had heard since she couldn't remember when. Suddenly the room was filled with people. Megan found herself looking up into a myriad of faces, some smiling at her, and many with tears. There was a small round of applause from those in the room. Why? Megan had no idea.

*** *** *** ***

Jon and Krystal got out of the car and were greeted by light rain. Why does it always rain at funerals? Putting the umbrella up he and Krystal followed the procession to the entry of the town hall. Jon tried his best to blend in with the rest of the crowd. Thankfully, apart from a few people who he thought recognized him he succeeded. With his shorter hair he didn't tend to stand out as much as he did a few years ago. The umbrella and sunglasses also helped. There was so much grief that most people weren't looking at who was present. They were lost in their own black hole.

There were no photos of him or any comments in the press in the days that followed. So maybe he just might have pulled it off.

The grief he experienced along with everyone else felt as though there was a knife stabbing right through his heart. As Jon sat and listened to the long and drawn out memorial he found himself thinking how on earth can one man love two women so much. How can he love them both in completely different ways? His life would be empty without them both in it. How would he cope without Megan? How would he cope without Dot? They were impossible questions he knew. But now he knew he was living one of those impossible questions. He knew he had to push through it and move on.

Megan had pulled Jon out of the depths of despair not so long ago and she had brought him back to the top of his game. He had felt invincible again. He had felt once again like superman, although he ironically thought what had happened to superman. In reality he knew there was no such thing as a superman. In reality no one was invincible, including Jon Bon Jovi. Time would help him to heal, it would make it so much easier to bear, and he knew that. But how much time? It didn't seem fair to him that he sit here and have to say goodbye to someone so young and vibrant. Some one so beautiful. Jon knew that there were so many others doing the very same thing, maybe to people who were even younger than Megan and who had not had the opportunity to live life as well and as full as she had, but it didn’t lesson the blow. Grief has a way of doing that, of making it impossible to feel what someone else was going through. To feel someone else’s pain. Grief has an uncanny ability to make one only conscious of their own feelings of hurt and seemingly totally oblivious of those of someone else. This was odd to Jon. A man who had made it his life’s work to be interested in others and show compassion and to entertain them. To do his utmost to satisfy everyone who had ever paid to go and see his or the bands performance, ensuring they were not to go away unsatisfied. A completely foreign experience.

You are on Chapter 48 of Day to Day

© Cindi – Today 2007


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