Sunday, August 19, 2007

Day to Day Chapter 6

"No, Not at all", she smirked, "sit, and enjoy the show”. Still holding her hand he sat and brought it to rest on his leg. "Just when I thought you weren't so cocky anymore you prove me wrong." She said removing her hand.

"Oh Miss Johnson I'm full of surprises, you just be prepared". He said placing it right back on his thigh.

"Is that a challenge Jon? If it is, two can play your game. And I enjoy a challenge; I don’t play unless I know I can win. I’m up for it. If you think all it takes to get me I your bed is a kiss on my hand, you can think again. I'm not eighteen any more." She gave him a challenging glare. She wasn’t even sure what she would be winning but she knew she would win. There was so much tension between then she was sure everyone in the room felt it.

"What will it take then?" He said rising to her challenge.

"Who says I want to end up in your bed?"

"Oh I know you do, I'm very intuitive.” He smirked. “Besides you didn’t need to say it." he said raising one eye brow. ”It’s written all over your face. You want me, you find me irresistible. "

Laughing almost hysterically she asked him "Did you come on your own Jon? Or is there someone I should be watching out for while I sit here with my hand on your lap." Meaning his wife. Megan wanted to play a little, enjoy the moment but didn’t want to get caught in the process or get him in trouble.

"Yep, I brought Rich with me. But there was only one chair so he is over there by the bar sitting on a stool up the back" He indicated to the back of the room and she saw Richie sitting there.

"We can't leave him there" Megan motioned for the waiter and asked "Mitchell, Can you please bring another chair over here, we are expecting someone else at this table. Thank you"

"Put him next to Krystal, he is a sucker for a pretty blonde" Jon mentioned laughing. Even Jon could see that Krystal is exactly with Richie would go for.

"What about you, is there anyone I need to be concerned about?"

"No" she said and he almost felt sad for her, but at least it made the game a little easier on her part. He would handle it from his side. "It’s just me, think you can handle that?"

Looking at Jon, she could never get enough of it and she must be the envy of every woman in the room tonight, she asked him if he wanted to go hail Richie or would she prefer him to get the waiter to do it. Seizing the opportunity to put his little plan in motion Jon got up and fetched him.

All the while Krystal was making a determined effort to win Jon’s guitar and was totally oblivious to the game that was going on around her. She raised her hand to let the auctioneer know of her expression of interest. Another bidder was now in the running and Krystal got pretty excited when she noticed with whom she was competing. The price was now $5000 she raised her hand and called $10000. Keith Urban raised his hand and called $15000. Krystal was very successful in her own right. She was a very strong and independent wealthy woman. Yet she knew her bank balance didn’t stand a chance next to Keith’s, but it was fun and for a good cause. She raised her hand again and said $20,000. The auctioneer expressed satisfaction that at least now we have covered the actual cost of the Guitar. Keith was not to be out done. He stated $25, 000.

Jon returned with Richie and the 2 made themselves comfortable again. Krystal was about to raise her hand again when Richie sat down beside her. With her eyes popping out of her head and her mouth once again agape, sitting between both Jon and Richie Krystal was frozen in the moment before she let out a loud "Daaaammmmmnnnnnn" and she raised her hand called Keith’s bluff and said $30,000. He gave in, she was thrilled. Megan on the other hand really wanted that Guitar. She thought she would be able to let it go but she couldn’t. “K, “ she said “You know I love you but that guitar is mine.” She shouted $50,000.

Krystal was of course disappointed but the night went on regardless.


Krystal and Richie had an instant connection. And soon became engrossed in conversation.

Finally the night came to a close; and it was time for Megan to be called to the stage to make the closing remarks. No one knew at this point how much was actually raised. But she would find out and tell everyone once she got up there. Damien made his way over to the table to hand over the details of the night. As he was handing the folded note to her it slipped out of his hand with a little help from Jon and fell under the table. Being the gentleman he is, Jon of course picked it up for her. In the process he slipped his own little note inside Damien’s and handed it back to her. Standing from her seat and in the dim light of the auditorium she placed her hand on Jon’s shoulder ever so gently, she felt him react to her touch as she continued to caress his shoulders as she ran her hand across his shoulder blades before it came to rest on his other shoulder at which point she leant in to whisper in his ear "I told you, two can play your game". He could smell the perfume she was wearing and it intoxicated him. Along with the wine he had been given he was high on the moment. It was as if no time had gone between them. It was as if it was 18 years ago and they were just 2 kids having fun. Teasing each other to see who could hold out the longest or more to the point who would give in first.

She was hoping for the night to be a record. As she made her way to the podium she greeted and thanked as many people as she could as she may not get around to them later. This was her favourite part of the night. She enjoyed letting everyone know then and there how much help they had given, it always made the after party a little more upbeat. Almost at the steps to the stage now and the crowd were becoming anxious, they couldn’t hold out any longer. They wanted to know now. She felt they would all be impressed as Damien was pretty excited when he handed her the paper, and Damien was such a stick in the mud he never got excited about anything. In fact she was flat out just getting him to smile. "Ladies and Gentlemen", she started "Before I let you all know how the evening has gone I would firstly like to make mention of a dear beautiful friend of mine for a few minutes. If it wasn't for this wonderful person I wouldn't be where I am today. And in all honesty I shudder to think of where I would be now if it weren’t for her." Megan took a breath. It was a truly emotional moment for her. She had loved Mrs. Partridge so. "I received a call this morning informing me that Mrs. Amelia Partridge and her Husband George are missing in the Himalayas.” A hush fell over the crowd. “They had been on safari and were due to come home today in time for this event tonight." The audience responded with sorrowful sigh, and an exclamation of disbelief. Everyone knew of Mrs. Partridge's antics. And how she traveled everywhere and that nothing would stop her from doing something exciting. It was as if she were reliving her youth. Megan continued “Mrs. Partridge taught me everything I know. She showed me how to all make my dreams come true. She showed me how to build a life that I would be proud of. She showed me that nothing was impossible, and if it seemed as though it was impossible she showed me that there was always a way around it somehow. She told me how important it was to never give up on something I believed in. She was a wonderful friend and a wonderful lady. I would have been both honored and proud to have her in this room with me tonight and sharing in this memorable event. Before we move on I would just like to say to Mrs. Partridge that I will forever be thankful and I love you dearly."

Jon felt a little uneasy now that he had slipped his note inside Damien’s. He didn’t know she was going to become so emotional. He realised he would have to be more careful in future if he was to continue this game. He didn’t want either of them to get hurt.

Pausing again to regain her composure she continued "Thank you to all of you for attending. I am so thrilled that we have support such as this.” She gestured to the 500 people sitting in the audience. ”Also I would like to thank those who year after year donate items for us to auction. Once again we would not achieve what we have without that. The 100’s of people behind the scenes also need to be thanked. Their time, their cooperation, their patience, their passion for helping others is remarkable. The hours I have taken them away from their family and friends is something I cannot give back and I thank you all for your sacrifices. This foundation would not be able to do the things it can and has without support that we get from everyone who is involved. I could not have dreamed all those years ago that I would be here today with a foundation as successful as this. Thanks to the many people who have helped us help so many others. We have changed lives. We have saved lives. I thank you all from the bottom of my heart."

Taking a breath she continued, "Who would like to know how we went tonight?” The audience erupted with screams and cheers. Megan was watching the audience’s response as she asked the question. She began to speak. “Tonight we had a huge evening planned. By all accounts we expected it to be outstanding. WE wanted this to be our biggest night ever. It has been widely publicized how successful these fundraisers can be with your help. Tonight I am happy to announce.” She opened the piece of paper and looked down to read it. She stopped talking and just looked up at Jon.

The note read "I 'believe', You want to 'Lay Your Hands On Me' 'Everyday', so I’m gonna 'Keep The Faith' and pray for a 'Miracle', cause Baby 'You Give Love A Bad Name'. And if you’re not careful you might just get 'More Than We Bargained For'!!"

She immediately realised she had opened the wrong piece of paper. Looking in Jon's direction still she could hardly control her laughter. The quick change in emotions was almost too much to bear. She felt faint. Her stomach was in knots. Poor Mrs. Partridge would be turning in her grave is she were infact dead. Megan’s face must have been bright red, she certainly felt as though it was. And no matter how she tried she just couldn't get it together. She wanted to run down there and slap him but her legs were heavy and her feet wouldn’t move. And besides that the press would have a field day with that one. "I’m sorry" she said as controlled as she possibly could. "I can’t go on".

Damien was mortified and came and stood by her side. He had no idea what was going on but came to her rescue. Of that she was thankful. Damien had been by her side for the entire time the foundation had been running. They both knew she wouldn’t survive without him. She was still looking in Jon’s direction when Damien followed her gaze. He saw him too then. Damien was the only person who knew that something went on between them all those years ago, although he has never been told exactly what. He was kind of jealous though, he along with Megan thought Jon was pretty hot. And the two of them had spent many hours listening to the latest CD or music video together. He was the one that pulled her through. He was the one that sat and held her hand and hugged her, it was him that helped mend her broken heart. It was also him that spoke for her now. Damien began Taking control of the situation he said, "Ladies and Gentlemen, it appears that tonight’s successes have taken our host by surprise, and obviously speechless. Let me tell you that does not happen too often." The audience laughed. He took the paper from her hand and read. "Tonight I am honored to announce we have far surpassed our previous record. I am also honored to announce that you have collectively risen just over $1 million. We could not have asked for anything more wonderful. You can all be so pleased to know that this amount of money can help so many people. "He continues, "On behalf of Megan and the entire Johnson Foundation Thank you so much for your support. Its nights like this that makes all the hard work worth it. You are all welcome to attend the party that will be held in the main ballroom starting in about an hour from now. Thank you again."

Damien took hold of Megan’s elbow anxious to get her to off the stage. She was still having difficulty controlling her laughter. She would slap him when she got a hold of him. He offered her a chair, and a glass of water.

"Megan what the hell happened up there"? Damien asked her.

"Oh nothing, it’s just a private joke between friends. Nothing for you to worry about Damien"

"Nothing to worry about? If that was me behaving like a silly school girl up there I would have been fired, but its ok for you huh? You know that kind of behaviour isn't acceptable. What about our reputation?"

Right now she didn’t care about the reputation of the Johnson Foundation. She was having the most fun she had had in a very long time. She felt young and vibrant, and intended to enjoy it for a little while longer. "Oh Damien, settle down. Its just fun. If you had some every now and then you would know how darn good it feels to laugh, I mean really laugh"

"There is a time and place Megan......."

She cut him off "Let it go Damien. Not tonight please. I promise to behave myself for the rest of the night." She said laughing before she took a moment to actually remind him of who the boss is. "Its party time. Lets go we have guests waiting" She said laughing again.

You are on Chapter 6 of Day to Day
© Cindi – Today 2007


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DAY TO DAY. Jon Bon Jovi Fan Fiction

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CEST LA VIE. A story with a difference

Chapter 1, Chapter 2, Chapter 3, Chapter 4, Chapter 5, Chapter 6, Chapter 7, Chapter 8, Chapter 9, Chapter 10, Chapter 11, Chapter 12, Chapter 13, Chapter 14, Chapter 15, Chapter 16, Chapter 17,

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