Friday, February 08, 2008

Day to Day Chapter 53


Sheree popped in as soon as the lunch break was over. "How are you doing today?"

"Good. I think."

"How’s the memory?"

"I don't know but each day something pops into my head. I don't quite know where it all fits but things are there now. I guess, like you said it’s a start."

"Did you have any dreams last night?"

"Yes, I had a weird dream, but I don't actually know if it was a dream or a memory. I get confused sometimes if I have dreamt it or remembered it."

"What was it about?" Sheree asked, taking seat on the edge of Megans bed.

"I was singing, I was on stage, with some one. But I don't know who. I was dressed up." Megan closed her eyes trying to remember anything else.

"Ok that’s good. Do you know what you were singing?"

"No, but i think i was with a band." looking at Sheree she asked "do you think I could be a singer?"

"Anything is possible Jane, but i guess we won't know until you remember” She smiled. This was taking its toll on Sheree too. She had spent as much time as possible with Megan, encouraging her and comforting her. It becomes personal after a while, and Megan had begun to feel as though she were part of Sheree’s family. This was the part of her job that Sheree hated. She knew she had to guard herself about getting attached to patients, but it was much easier said than done. She couldn’t help herself, working so close with someone sooner or later you start to love them."Do you remember what you were wearing?" Sheree asked.

"Yes, I had on a long dress. It was beautiful. It went to the floor. Right to the floor. " Megan gestured with her hands." It looked soft. And had a string of pearls as shoulder straps. I was singing with someone. I know that because I was looking at someone, i wasn't looking out to the audience. But I don't remember who i was looking at. I couldn’t see them."

"Don't worry. That’s fantastic. We won't know if it was a dream or not until you remember more but that’s a fantastic start. Very well done."Sheree had not told Megan about contacting the recording company about Jon just yet. She wanted to know if there was any truth to it first.

*** *** *** ***

Jon spoke to Richie about the call after the others had gone. "What are you going to do man?"

"I don’t know. I need to call, for my own piece of mind if nothing else."

"You do what you have to do. You know I’ll be here for you no matter what"

"Thanks Rich.” The men hugged and Jon slapped his back. "I love you man." he said. "I don't know what I would have done without you."

"That’s what we do Jon. You and I. We look after each other. You go and make that call. I'll finish up here."

Jon turned to walk out the door and looked back at Richie and said. “Thanks man. Can you do just one thing for me though?"

Richie didn't hesitate to ask what it was. He knew Jon would never ask too much of him. "Sure, what’s that?"

"Can you not tell Krystal just yet. I don't want to get her hopes up only to have them disappointed if its not Megan."

"Sure". Richie had thought the same thing. "Jon, have you thought about the impact this could have on your life if it is Megan?"

"Yeah." he said running his fingers through his hair. "Just when things had started to settle down too.” He smirked, and turned and left the room.

*** *** *** ***

Jon picked up the phone and dialed the international code followed by the number he had been given by Richard from Maidens Brush records. After a few seconds the phone clicked in and began to dial. He had no idea what time it would be in Sydney right then but had hoped he would find this woman named Sheree. The phone rang 12 times before it was picked up and he was greeted by a woman with a monotone voice, whom he pictured to be tired and probably overweight who hated her job, she said. "What department please?"Jon told her who he needed to speak to and where, shortly after he was put through. The phone rang again for sometime. Jon found himself becoming nervous. He thought it odd that he would feel like this. He didn't even get this nervous before a show. The phone answered, "M ward 4, Sister Watson speaking. can I help you?"

"Yeah, hi Sister Watson. I am after a Sheree Willoughby. Is she available?"

"Just hold please sir and I'll page her for you."

"Thank you." Jon waited for several minutes before he heard a females voice on the other end."Hello Sheree Willoughby speaking how can I help you?"

"Hi Sheree" Sheree had a feeling it was Jon before he said it. She didn't get many calls from men with a sexy American accent. "This is Jon Bon Jovi. I received a call today from Richard Wilcox from Maidens Brush Records. He has asked me to give you a call regarding a woman you have there?"Sheree was pretty stoked that she had Jon on the other end of the phone, but she kept her cool. She was a professional nurse and had treated many a famous person in her time, but admittedly none as handsome as Jon. She took a breath and attempted to speak to him like he was any other person calling for patient information.

"Hi Sir," she didn't want to call him Mr. Bon Jovi as that would alarm other staff, and she wasn't familiar enough with him to call him Jon without his permission so she settled on Sir.

"Just call me Jon" He said.

"Ok, Jon it is. Well Jon.........." Sheree asked him if he was at the memorial service and when he said he was she went on to explain to Jon all that Megan had been through and where she was at with her memory and her treatment and exercises and such. "She doesn’t remember her name or anything about her self. She has had a few flash backs and thoughts that she isn't sure are dreams or not. But Jon mostly what I need for you right now is to help me identify her. If we know who she is, we might then be able to jog her memory, or at the very least try to help her expand on what she already had remembered."

"Ok", Jon said not too sure on what he can do. "How can I help you do that?"

"Can you describe her for me?"

"About 5'3", tanned skin, long golden hair, green eyes, amazing eyes. She has beautiful green eyes." Jon closed his own eyes and thought on Megans eyes. He loved them, he had gotten lost in her eyes as many times as she had gotten lost in his. Jon was in danger of letting his guard down and quickly thought back to something that could help identify Megan. "She has a soft sweet voice. A very feminine voice. You should hear her sing. Um, I don't really know what else to tell you."

Sheree sat down on the chair and said. "Jon I think to woman you have described is the woman we have here." Jubilation and elation ran through Jon’s veins. He really didn’t know what to say. Mr. cool was stuck for words."Jon do you have a picture of her or can you get a copy of one that you can fax to me? That will enable us to make a positive ID"

"Sure I’ll um, track one down and see if I can get it for you." Knowing full well that he could put his finger on one in 5 seconds flat.

(C) Cindi - Today 2007


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