Monday, October 15, 2007

Day to Day Chapter 17

Slipping it off her shoulders he kissed each one as it was exposed, letting the blouse fall to the floor behind her. Coming back to kiss her lips his hands found their way to the waist band of her tailored pants. He ran his thumbs along the inside of them until he came around to the button which he undid with very experienced hands. She wondered how many times those hands had opened a woman’s pants, other than his wife’s But quickly put the thought right out of her mind when he slid her pants down over her hips and let them fall to the floor also. Standing in front of him in nothing but her lace underwear she surprisingly felt no shame. She was as eager and as hungry as he was. She forgot who he was and whatever the past held needed to be left there. This was the time to move on. She focused on the minute. Jon undid her bar, kissing his way down as he removed it completely. She felt his warm breath on her breast gently teasing her nipple and moving from one breast to the other and back again. Sending shivers right through her body. Her legs were growing weak; she knew she wouldn’t be able to stand for much longer. As if he sensed it he removed her lace panties and lifted her in his arms before placing her in the centre of the big bed. She lay there waiting for him to join her and for the first time she saw that he was shaking.

He knew this was different for both of them. She wasn’t just some girl or groupie that he had picked up after a show. She was one classy lady who meant an awful lot to him. His fingers fumbled with the buttons on his shirt as he undressed and came to lie next to her. His hands moving softly over her body, the heat and the passion between them was almost overwhelming her. She felt as though she was drunk, drunk on the moment. Intoxicated by his scent. Jon took her to places she could only imagine of going. He was meticulous when it came to her satisfaction. He never once thought of his own. He wasn’t prepared to finish the job yet, not until he knew she was well and truly satisfied. Bringing her to climax twice with nothing but his hands and his glorious mouth. Finally he couldn’t take it anymore. And he positioned himself to enter her. He needed to feel her body under his. He needed to feel her wrapped around him. She moaned with the feel and the warmth of his skin on hers. She was still coming down from the last orgasm when he entered her. The feel of him inside her body was incredible. He filled her completely. He slid rhythmically in and out of her body, slowly, methodically, then faster. He would bring her to the brink before slowing down again and at times pulling right out of her, only to hear her moan loudly as he entered her again. Kissing and pinching her nipples as he continued. Her breathing became faster and she moaned as she said to him “Oh, Jon….” And that was all he needed before he pushed into her deeply as he moaned in absolute ecstasy. His eyes rolled back in his head before he exploded deep inside her. He could feel her body squeezing him, milking him for every last drop. He collapsed on top of her, breathless for what seemed like an eternity before he rolled off of her and they both fell asleep. Not waking until the early hours of the morning to have a repeat performance.

*** *** *** ***

Jon left early the next morning. He told Megan that he would call her later in the day. He kept his word and called her.

He knew it would be a while now before he would see her again. He had a promotional tour to under take in Europe. He would be on one side of the world and she on the other. He felt a great sadness knowing that.

Megan too was a little down when she got into work that morning. She tried her hardest to guard her heart but knew it to be futile. She still loved him there was no doubting that, she also knew that there was no way she could ever have him. It was just something that she had to deal with. And get over.

*** *** ***

Damien was all over his mystery illness. Having two days off really did him the world of good --- apparently!

After two fruitless hours of work Megan decided to lift her spirits so she went and did some retail therapy. After all a girl can never have too many shoes. She wasn’t gone as long as Damien had expected her to be. He and Krystal were in her office when she got back.

Walking in the door to Damien’s office she could hear voices coming from her own office. She stopped to listen.

“I don’t know what to do. I can’t find the darn keys anywhere.” She heard the desperate voice say. Obviously she knew it to be Damien.

“Well you’re going to have some explaining to do if you don’t get that book back in the cabinet before Megan gets here. I tell you now Damien, I’d hate to be in your shows when she finds out.” Krystal said.

“When Megan finds out what?”

Both Damien and Krystal jumped a mile when they turned in the direction of the voice and saw Megan standing in the doorway. Neither of them had heard her enter. “What are you two doing in my office? And what book are you talking about?”

Neither of them spoke for the longest time. Both were a lighter shade of pale. “Well? What’s going on?” Megan demanded.

“Oh nothing I was just looking for something for the Heart Research Foundation” Damien said looking in her direction.

She knew him to be lying. “No you were not Damien. Don’t lie to me”, she said as if speaking to a child. “I have known you long enough to know when you are not being honest with me. Now, I will ask you one more time what is going on before I get so cranky that it will scare the hell out of both of you. And you of all people know that won’t be pretty.

Megan was usually always in control of her temper, but Damien had had the misfortune of being on the receiving end of it once or twice and she was right it really wasn’t a pretty sight. Damien reluctantly lifted the small notebook out of his pocket and handed it to Megan.

You are on Chapter 17 of Day To Day
© Cindi – Today 2007


Anonymous Anonymous said...

OMG!! This was an awesome chapter!!!
And .... I don't want to be in his shoes right now!! - steph

7:30 AM  

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