Sunday, November 11, 2007

Day to Day Chapter 26

Everyone enjoyed a relaxing and pleasant afternoon together. The food was amazing The wine was exquisite. The view incredible. The company unforgettable. However the longer the afternoon went on obviously the tireder she became. She needed rest. The time zones were a killer not to mention the jetlag. Jon had noticed her becoming wearier as the day went on. She explained to everyone that the jet lag was getting to her and that she needed to go to bed. She excused herself and left the room.

Making her way to her room she reflected on the days activities. Emotionally a lot had happened in the last 24 hours.

*** *** *** ***

In the ensuite of her room she turned on the shower and removed her clothing and hopped in. As the water cascaded and caressed her body she heard the door to her room open. She needed no introduction as to who it would be. She knew immediately who it was and welcomed the intrusion.

Jon entered the room and asked if she would like some company. Not waiting for a reply he also removed his clothing and entered the shower. The warm water and her naked body aroused him instantly. He had longed to have Megan in his arms, and the anticipation of those thoughts had been building for weeks. And the fact that she had arrived early he hardly knew what to do with. He came up behind her and encircled her small wet naked waist. Pulling her to him. Her back came to rest on his chest. She could feel the warmth of his hard body. Resting her head back on to his shoulder she turned her face to him and kissed his cheek. “Hello Jon.”

“Hello Megan, I am so glad you are here.” He turned her around and felt her nakedness on the entire length of his body and returned her kiss, pressing her against him. She could unmistakably feel how happy he was to have her there with him.

*** *** *** ***

Megan was surprised at how the time passed so quickly. She and Jon had some really lovely enjoyable times together in between his work commitments.

They had enjoyed a 4 day trip to the south of France staying in a chalet enjoying some of the most elaborate scenery she had ever had the pleasure of viewing. Most of the time though they hardly made it out of bed for anything other than to relieve there physical needs. There seemed to be nothing that kept them out of bed for any length of time. However, neither one of them were complaining.

All too soon Megan’s time was up and realizing that she probably had stayed longer than she should have she packed her things and made her way down to the foyer and placed her bags at the door and went in search of Krystal.

Krystal was in the kitchen going over the menu with the cook for a dinner that Richie had planned in the near future. Megan was still fascinated to se the change in Krystal. She was a new woman. Richie had obviously been a great influence on her.

*** *** *** ***

Megan arrived back at home on Wednesday. She didn’t tell anyone she was home as it actually gave her a few days to reflect and sort anything out that has gone on over the last 5 weeks. She would return to work on Monday. Damien would have to deal with everything until then.

Making her way to the kitchen she prepared herself some grilled cheese and a coffee. She took it out to the deck and admired the beautiful view and remembered the last time she was out here with Jon. She missed him terribly. It wouldn’t be that long now though until she saw him again. Their time was almost up in Europe. Jon had told her that when he came home he would have to spend some time with his family before he could see her. She knew that, understood it and accepted it. However, it did make her feel somewhat resentful towards his wife. – She could never bring herself to say her name.

Back at work all was under control. Damien had done a remarkable job. He commented on how refreshed and radiant Megan looked. He had said she looked like she had spent the entire 5 weeks in bed. Little did he know most of it she did!! Although she was hardly resting.

Six weeks later the boys were to return home. Jon had called her every few days to speak to her. They would be able to meet up again soon, but first he had his family responsibilities.

Megan and Krystal caught up and agreed that maybe a little get together might be in order to celebrate their home coming. Especially considering they had been away for so long. Megan would fly over later that afternoon to stay a few days hoping to just rest and relax as she had been so tired lately. Krystal had moved in to Richie’s residence which is where the gathering was to be held. Krystal picked up Megan. Krystal would arrange a driver to take her back to the airport at the end of her stay.

The girls conversed easily in the car on the drive fro the airport to Richie’s.

Krystal reminded Megan of something she had said many months ago. “Megan do you remember a while ago now you said something about a bridge that you would cross.”

“Yes I said that it would be a bridge we will cross when we get to it. I was referring to Jon’s wife”

“Well be prepared to cross it soon. His family are here – including his wife”

“What! A little warning would have been nice.” Megan was shocked at Krystal’s abruptness. It was totally unlike her to react this way. The world knew she had extremely low morals and now all of a sudden she was the Virgin Mary.

“Have you met Jon’s wife”?

“Yes of course I have.”


“And she is a really nice lady”

“Is this the reason for your sudden prim and proper attitude?” She said as the car pulled to a halt outside Richie’s residence.

"Look Megan, Jon and Dorothea have been together a long time. They are high school sweethearts for goodness sake, they are good together. I have seen it. I have seen how he interacts with his kids. Megan I love Richie and I would be so devastated if I knew there was another woman with her sights set on him” Getting out of the car and going around to get Megan’s luggage Krystal continued “You didn't come all this way over here to argue with me. Let’s try to make this a nice time for you. Let’s not spoil it now. Just tread lightly and see what happens, ok?”

Krystal got to the entrance of the house and Miles opened it for her. She introduced him to Megan and as he took her bags he looked up at Krystal and said “Madam, Mrs. Bon Jovi is waiting in the living room for you”

Megan froze.

Krystal looked at her and said “Well it looks like your initiation begins now”

“Krystal. No, I can’t do this yet”

“Yes you can, you are going to have to face her sooner or later”

“Well I would prefer it to be later thank you very much.”

“Oh come on, she’s a really lovely lady. I even think you’ll like her”

“Not as much as I like her husband I hope” she said with a smile before continuing “I’m sure she’s nice but Krystal I don’t want to like her.”

“Where are your manners girl?” Krystal said with a smile suddenly enjoying Megan’s predicament. You don’t want to her to think that we are rude in Australia do you?”

Megan didn't really care what Dorothea thought, all she could think of was run, run girl, run, as fast as your legs can take you.

Krystal appeared to be gaining some satisfaction from Megan’s obvious discomfort.

Walking through the entrance to Richies most impressive place Megan’s heart was pounding harder than it had ever pounded before. She was to come face to face with the wife of the man she loved. Shaking her head she wondered how the hell she got herself into this. Oh well soldier on dear, it’s too late to run now.

Entering the room the woman stood and greeted Krystal with a kiss. The two had obviously become good friends over the duration of Richie and Krystal’s relationship. “Dorothea I would like you to meet a very special person. Dorothea Bongiovi this is my best friend Megan Johnson"

Megan and Dorothea shook hands and said their pleasantries. Krystal mentioned that they should get better acquainted while she went to organize some refreshments.

Megan noted that she was indeed very beautiful. Even though she hoped she was frightfully ugly. Not exactly sure of what to say to her Megan simply commented how lovely the weather is for this time of year. Completely different from what it was earlier in the day.

“How was your flight Megan?” Dorothea asked being polite.

“Very long” she said as she took a seat on the plush furnishings Richie had. “But not too bad. You always get well looked after on a long flight, so I have no complaints” Megan smiled at Dorothea each time their eyes met. Wishing that Krystal would hurry up and get back.

Dorothea appeared to be checking every detail of Megan, as if she were looking for something. They heard noise coming from the entry way and it appeared that the men were back from the studio. Megan wasn’t sure if she should feel more comfortable with the fact that Jon would be here or more uncomfortable that he would be here with his wife. It certainly wasn’t the ideal situation to be in. Suddenly the prospect of the long flight wasn’t so daunting after all. As if she suddenly realized she was running out of time if she wanted to say something to Megan, looking straight into her eyes Dorothea opened her mouth to speak but before she could get the words out the men were in the room.

Jon entered the room first. It seemed as though that was the normal arrangement and the guys just automatically did it after all these years, no matter where they were. Jon made his way over to give Dorothea a kiss. He positioned himself to sit next to her and as he did so he came face to face with Megan. He hadn't seen her until now due to where she was sitting. Jon stopped in his tracks the minute he saw her.

"Hello Jon". She said, "its nice to see you again."

Rising to go over to her he replied. :"Hello Megan its nice to see you again too." Dazzling her with his amazing smile. And placing a soft kiss on her cheek. Jon picked up on her uncomfortableness and gave her a reassuring smile.

"You two know each other?" Dorothea asked quizzically thinking that it was odd that he would know her well enough to greet her a kiss. She knew he knew people from all over the world but she didn't appear to be anyone other than Krystal’s friend. She also knew that Krystal and Richie had not been together for very long so the fact that Jon knew Megan puzzled her.

"Yes we do." Looking at his wife he said, "Do you remember that fund raiser I went to?"

"Yes". She said nodding her head.

“Well this young lady is the one that organizes those functions.” Jon said

Dorothea in an effort not to seem suspicious appeared to be most impressed with Megan’s line of work and she began conversing with Megan about it. Asking her all sorts of questions pertaining to the events she has hosted. Given the fact that Jon was heavily involved in a similar thing it gave the two women common ground which made the conversation flow much easier that it otherwise would have.

Finally Krystal; returned with drinks for everyone. The afternoon went well. Daniel and Tico both welcomed Megan as part of the group. Megan wasn’t sure if they knew of the history with Jon or not but if they did they didn’t let on.

Megan desperately wanted to get some time alone with Jon; however that wouldn’t be possible today she knew that. She watched him throughout the afternoon. She watched his lovely wife too; who Megan had to agree was a really nice lady. She felt confident that Dorothea didn’t suspect anything, which helped her relax a little.

Taking another drink from the tray Krystal brought in she thought to herself if she gets through this night she can make it through anything.

David, after a few moments of relative silence said “Megan are you going to dazzle us with song tonight?”

Laughing she said “You know the going rate for me to sing a song David. So you get your check book ready and I’ll sing”

Laughing too he said, “Yes I believe its $50,000”

Taking a sip of her wine she said “You got it mate”

Dorothea was confused so she was given an explanation as to why it cost $50,000 for Megan to sing.

Megan said "I was black mailed, I had no choice in the matter thanks to my friend here” she said pointing out Krystal.

Clarifying this for Dorothea Krystal said Megan had always been a huge fan of the band and since she had connections now, she pointed out Richie, she had arranged for the boys to go and do a surprise mini concert for Megan at her last auction. “Which is why Jon made that trip back here. I knew that Megan could sing because we used to sing together in the school choir many, many years ago. So” she said taking a breath “I gave Jon a video tape of Megan being Julie Andrews in the school production of The Sound of Music.”

“I watched it and listened to it just to make sure she was as good as Krystal said” Replied Jon, “Noticing that she was infact good. We decided it would be funny to see how she reacted if we asked her to sing with us”

“Not expecting it to happen" Richie said we just had some fun embarrassing her, but when she walked off the stage refusing to sing Tico said he would pay $50,000 for Megan to get up and do it......”

“I was left with no choice" she said cutting Richie off mid sentence, "A victim of circumstance” Megan said relaxing with the wine. “It was a great deal of fun though. I hadn’t been on stage like that for years."

After several more laughs and a few more drinks Megan decided it was time to call it a night. She offered to help Krystal with the empty glasses and bottles before turning in for the night. She said goodnight to everyone present and left the room. The two girls giggled as they made there way to the kitchen. As soon as they were out of ear shot Krystal asked Megan what she thought of everything.

“What do you mean everything?"

“Everything. This place? Isn’t it amazing? The guys away from the spotlight and in there own relaxed element? Dorothea?”

“This place is amazing, I can’t wait to have a look at it in the morning, to absorb it all, to be able to really appreciate its beauty. The guys certainly are different when they aren’t in the public eye.” Megan enjoyed watching them lounge around today as one would if they were at home. It gave her great comfort knowing that they were just regular guys when they weren’t in the spotlight.

“And Dorothea?”

“Yes I have to agree she really is a very nice person. Which makes me feel even worse. I would have preferred her to be an ugly wrinkled up old mean cow, but she isn’t”

“I told you, you’d like her”

“Doesn’t change the fact that I don’t want to like her”

“Don’t want to like who?” Said Jon's voice as he came into the room.

Turning in his direction Megan said “Your beautiful wife.”

“Oh” he said smiling at her taking her into his arms “Krystal can you please give me a second alone with Megan.”

Laughing probably from 1 glass to much wine, on no sleep she said “He means the other woman.” Looking directly into his smiling blue eyes she said “He wants a moment alone with the other woman while his wife is 20 feet away.”

Krystal headed for the walk in pantry.

Without even waiting for Krystal to leave, Ignoring Megan’s comment he brought his lips to hers and kissed her. She had missed him so much. It felt wonderful to have him this close and just for a minute she forgot about Dorothea and that she was here and that she could walk in at any moment. She was lost in this moment in time. It was as if nothing else existed. Time stood still for her brief time in paradise.

They both parted breathlessly. Holding her closely he said “Thank you so much for being here today. I'm surprised but I couldn’t have lasted another week.”

*** *** *** ***

You are on chapter 26 of Day to Day

© 2007 Cindi – today


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DAY TO DAY. Jon Bon Jovi Fan Fiction

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CEST LA VIE. A story with a difference

Chapter 1, Chapter 2, Chapter 3, Chapter 4, Chapter 5, Chapter 6, Chapter 7, Chapter 8, Chapter 9, Chapter 10, Chapter 11, Chapter 12, Chapter 13, Chapter 14, Chapter 15, Chapter 16, Chapter 17,

The Contest. Jon Bon Jovi Fan Fic

Chapter 1, Chapter 2, Chapter 3,
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