Tuesday, October 02, 2007

Day to Day Chapter 13

Jon phoned several times over the next few weeks. He wasn’t sure why she had this effect on him after all this time, but he knew he needed to hear her voice from time to time. He never bothered to go through the office; he knew Damien would give him the third degree. So he just called straight to her Cell.

“Hi Gorgeous” he said when she picked up the phone.

Smiling she said, “Hey there, this is a surprise. I didn’t expect to hear from you today”.

“No, I had no intentions of calling but my fingers just dialed your number. And here I am”.

“Well I am glad you called. I needed to tell you that my friend Krystal, who by the way thinks you are just the ants pants will be joining us for lunch. I had to invite her to prove to her that there is nothing going on between you and me. Sorry, but she did notice lipstick residue on you and has drawn her own conclusions. So I thought this would be an opportunity to let her see there is nothing going on.

“No need to apologize. I will just have to do my darndest to prove her otherwise.” He said smiling.

“Oh no you won’t”

Besides I think she much prefers Richie to me anyway”.

They spoke for sometime. Jon thoroughly enjoying just listening to her voice, and her laugh. Megan not of what she wanted from him, but she knew she wanted to be around him. It was a want that was rapidly becoming a need.

Megan called Krystal on the morning of the day they were to all have lunch together. Explaining to her that due to the fact that Jon was who he was they would not be going out to dine. Megan preferred them to dine at her place. Krystal was more than happy with that. At least now she wouldn’t have to share them with any adoring fans.

Damien knew he had to get back into the office that night to get the book. He had to get it before Megan knew it was missing and before she went in search of it and with Jon back in her life it was very likely that she would do just that. However he couldn’t wait for her to go. She would know that he was up to something then. He drove his car from the parking lot to an alley just down the street where although he was concealed from view he could see the office clearly. He waited not very patiently for her to leave. It seemed to take forever, she was never going to leave, what the hell was she doing in there? He had been waiting for over an hour fro her to finally leave. He was just about to give up when he saw the interior lights go off. Minutes later she was driving off in her black BMW. Damien continued to wait for a few more minutes before going back inside, just to be sure she didn’t forget anything and return. He switched on a single lamp to give him enough light to see his way through the office. Unlocking his desk drawer he rummaged around in search of the notebook. Bingo. He stuffed it in his pocket, locked up his desk and left the office, turning off the lamp and locking the door on his way.

Damien drove home as fast as he could without drawing attention to his driving. The last thing he needed right now was to be arrested.. After parking the car in his garage he grabbed his things and went inside. It was just after 7pm and he was home alone tonight as his partner Stephen was away on business. Tonight he was thankful to be alone. It would give him the time he needed to read this notebook. Pouring himself a glass of white wine he sat at the bench and started reading.

Damien read for about an hour and there was nothing of any great importance as yet. It appeared that it was a diary of sorts. Not the conventional diary of a young woman. Not like the ones his sisters had when he was young with the lock and key. That he had to break into to read. This was just a notebook. No lock. No key. Just a flip up book, similar to what one would carry in their pocket or hand bag to take notes on. Damien put the book down while he made himself something to eat. After eating he picked up where he left off.

More girly stuff, mostly about Krystal. He had learnt more about Krystal in the last 2 hours than he had in the 10 years since he had known her. And scary stuff it was too. He thought Jon was bad for Megan, he looked like a saint compared to Krystal. Damien was beginning to think he had risked his job for nothing when he came across something interesting……

Feb 2. WOW! What an amazing day. I am still trying to comprehend what actually happened. Jon is absolutely the most sexiest man in the entire universe. I felt like a silly school girl when I ditched work to meet him. I knew what Jon would expect of me when I met him. I was ready for it though. I couldn’t think of anyone else worthy of losing my virginity to. He was kind, gentle, sweet and very understanding. The minute his hands touched my body I knew there would never be any turning back.
His hands were soft but firm. He touched me with tenderness but with a passion that I had never known. His lips, oh those warm soft lips! He brought his lips to mine and he kissed me. A kiss the likes I had never experienced before. Jon is so mature and worldly. He was obviously a man of great experience when it came to women. He was leaps and bounds ahead of the boys I have gone out with, even Michael.

“Oh My god, she had sex with him? Not only that she lost her virginity to him. My Megan” he indicated to himself as he spoke, ”My Megan the one that never goes anywhere or even has a date very often for that matter. My Megan who is almost as pure as Mother Teresa herself had sex with Jon Bon Jovi”

Damien read on…..Jon continued to kiss me as his hand found my breast, caressing my body, first the left, then the right. His kisses began to move lower and in an instant with his expert hands he had unbuttoned my blouse and unfastened the hooks of my white lace bra almost before I knew he had done so. His large warm hands found my breast once again. His hand felt surreal on my bare flesh, almost intoxicating.

Damien poured himself another glass of wine. Still somewhat in shock.

Damien read on…….Jon’s lips found mine once again as he took me to his bed………Damien took a large gulp of his wine……….We lay together kissing for sometime I felt very inadequate, Jon didn’t seem to notice though.

I had to tell him, I couldn’t put it off any longer. So I told him I was a virgin. I thought he would jump off the bed and run fr the door but he didn’t. He stopped, and we talked about it. I told him I was ready. Jon continued and he moved his mouth lower once again on my body. His lips found my breast again with more energy and passion than before almost in desperation. He trailed down my stomach until………………..Damien took another gulp………………until I felt his tongue in a place that I had never felt one before. For some time Jon pleasure me beyond comprehension before he made his way back up my body and kissed me. I could taste myself on his lips. Something that was completely foreign to me but somewhat erotic. He stopped and looked me in the eyes and simply said “Megan are you sure?” , “yes” I replied. With that Jon entered me. The pain was intense but subsided after a little while. He told me to just relax, the worst was over now. I did eventually relax and enjoyed his naked flesh on top of mine.

Not that I had anything to compare him to but Jon was an amazing lover. He made me feel like I had never felt before. He took me to places I had only dreamed about. I felt as though I had left my body and was watching some one elses experience, someone elses miracle.

Damien closed the notebook and swallowed the remainder of his wine before he took the bottle to refill his glass.

You are on Chapter 13 of Day to Day
© Cindi – Today 2007


Anonymous Anonymous said...

You fixed the links!
Thank you, thank, thank you!

I'm just loving this story!

Oh, Damien better mind his own business if he knows what's good for him! LOL!

1:30 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I just found your story and all I can say is 'Wow'. You are such a good writer.
I can't wait for more!


11:33 AM  

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