Wednesday, May 02, 2007

Chapter 14

My husband came home from getting the lawn mower fuel and proceeded to mow the lawn. It probably took him about an hour or so to do it. Our relationship had obviously been very strained over the last few months so he didn't bother to let me know he was going or that he had returned. However I constantly kept a close eye on him and had learnt in a very short space of time to know exactly where he was and exactly what he was doing. I left nothing to chance. After he had finished he came into the house to get a cool drink. As he took the drink from the refrigerator he went immediately over to the PC. All of the children were outside so I took this perfect opportunity to confront him.

Seizing the moment I simply said “It was you, wasn’t it?”

He said “Yes. It was. How did you know?”

I told him “It doesn’t matter how I know. All I want to know was why. Why would you do this to me?”

He told me that he knew something was going on and had to find out what. So he checked my emails everyday until he found what he was looking for. Then over a period of 6 weeks he continued to check and copy and paste all of the correspondence I had had with Jon over that period into his own secret email account. This is how he got copies of my emails and this is how they were sent to me. As expected I was absolutely mortified I couldn’t even look at him. I was repulsed to be in the same room as him.

There however was still one unanswered question. How did he get access to my email account in the first place?

Several weeks passed and although Chris and I didn't like each other we began to tolerate each other again. That changed one day when Tracy came to visit me one afternoon along with her husband. Unfortunately for Tracy she is a compulsive liar. She is the sweetest person in the world but she can not tell the truth. She is the sort of person to never tell the truth. Although I honestly don’t think she has a great deal of control over it. So it is just something us as her friends have just accepted about her. On top of that she has a huge conscience. If she is doing something she knows she shouldn’t do she has to own up to it. Its almost as if she has to admit her errors to the world. So on this particular day that she that she came to visit me she came for a purpose. Her purpose was to confess. The guilt had gotten to her and she could no longer keep it to her self. Her confession to me by total surprise and shock. Unfortunately one of many shocks I would encounter over the coming weeks. Her confession was that my husband had telephoned her one day asking her what was going on with me. Why was I being so cold and distant towards him? She said she had to tell him the truth. I could not believe what I was hearing. This notorious liar suddenly had the good judgment to tell the truth! So many questions ran through my head. Why now? Why do you have to suddenly play the Good Samaritan now? What possessed her to betray me? How could she do this to me? And most importantly what the hell had she told him?

Tracy continued and I have to admit I sat in stunned silence as I listened to her tell me that she had informed my husband that I was having correspondence with an old friend. She told him what his name was and she also him I was using my hotmail account to do so. There was one important element she did leave out however, that I wouldn’t find out about for a very long time later. As a matter of fact it was well over a year later.

I told her that I was shocked, heartbroken, I felt betrayed. I asked her how would she feel if I had told her husband all of the secrets about her affairs, both online and fleshly. She simply stated that she knew I would never do that, I would never betray her like that. She said that I a stronger that her and would never back down regardless of how hard I was pushed. She said that she knew all of her secrets were safe with me. And she was absolutely right. I was stronger, I would never betray HER the way she had me. To this day I still have all her secrets. In all honestly though I am not holding those secrets now as part of a loyalty thing. I owe her nothing now. I am saving them all for a rainy day. One never knows when one may need a revenge attack.

I cut back my association with Tracy after that day. I just couldn’t stand to look at her. I couldn’t stand to hear her voice or to even see her name in my inbox when she emailed.

However I still had so many unanswered questions running around in my head though that I had to go see her to do a little bit of fishing from time to time. I would always bring the subject up and each time I did she noticeably squirmed in her seat. Each time she would give me a little more information that she did time before. She would mention something and say “I’ve already told you that haven’t I”. Even if she had not old me that particular piece of information previously I always told her she had simply because I thought the further I pushed her the more she would tell. One day during our strained conversations I hit the jack pot.


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