Friday, March 30, 2007

Chapter 6

Thankfully nothing incriminating was said, with the exception of course that he said that he had had a good night and that he really enjoyed it and wouldn’t mind doing it again sometime soon. He asked me several times if I would go over to his place, he needed a little bit of company. I told him that I couldn’t, that I needed to go to bed to sleep as I had to start work early. He was very adamant that he wanted me to go over. Jon told me that he had been drinking and couldn’t come and get me but he would pay for the taxi ride there and back. I repeatedly told him NO and finally I had to hang up the phone on him to get the point through.

And my mother listened to the whole conversation. As I said thankfully nothing too obvious was said but no doubt she knew what the conversation meant. She never said anything though. If the truth be told I would have been more than happy to go to his place and stay for as long as he wanted me to. I would have done it in a heart beat.

After the call I didn't see or hear from Jon again for sometime. Natasha and I continued to go to the Local but for whatever reason I never ran into him at all. And no one had seen or heard from him. I wondered if he had moved away.

During his absence I had become friendly with a guy by the name of Chris that I had known for years. We got very close and eventually became lovers. We were inseparable. There was no where we didn't go together. I even took him home to meet my parents!!!! Chris lived out of town and we only saw each other on weekends, which was hard on young love. But it made the weekends something fabulous to look forward too.

It must have been about 18 months later when my grandfather died. And considering that my family were all big drinkers it was no surprise that we all decided to go to the Local. I don’t know how long we had been there for but we had had a lot to drink. My biggest sister had wanted to go home much earlier – she was never one to drink much. Although if she wanted to have a big night she certainly knew how. But apparently this night she wasn’t in the mood. My other sister and I were party animals. Something I eventually grew out of with age. My other sister still to this day hasn’t grown out of partying.

One of the reasons I didn't want to go at the point was because I had just seen Jon walk through the doors. I noticed him and a good looking young guy called Rex playing the poker machines. Rex was the love of Natasha’s life. She had been in love with him for longer than I could remember. Probably longer than I had been in love with Jon. He was good looking enough but he was also younger then us, so he wasn’t someone I would be overly interested in purely because of his age. I was just not, and still aren’t into younger guys. After a few more drinks – a little bit of Dutch courage - and I managed to position myself in between these two lovely young men. Both of which seemed pretty happy about it. After a few minutes Jon put his hand on my leg and left it there for sometime before he began moving it around, and giving me a little squeeze from time to time. He moved it slowly up my thigh. I needed to remind him that I was here with my family. So unfortunately that was when he let go of my leg. I wore a denim skirt and white shirt that night.

Probably after an hour or so of my big sister whining we decided to shut her up and go. We called for a taxi and went outside to wait for it to arrive. The evening was cool but not too cold considering we were approaching winter. As luck would have it the taxi arrived at the same time as Jon was leaving with a few of his mates. They were parked directly in front of the taxi I was getting into. The taxi driver was a man I always considering a great friend, I had confided in him on many occasions. A few years after this night he was tragically killed in a car accident. That man took my secrets to his grave. I don’t know what I would have done without being able to confide in him the way I did. He always gave me sound advice.

Anyway just as I was about to get into the taxi I heard a few whistles and calls. One of them even called for me to go home with them. I can tell you I had no intentions of going home with them. I only had an interest in one of them and he knew who he was. When Jon called I immediately left the taxi and ran to his car. My sister was screaming at me to return but I didn't listen. This was an opportunity far too good to miss. The taxi driver told her not to worry and that I would be safe with Jon. I found out years later that my taxi driver friend had picked up Jon one night and for the entire duration of the ride Jon was given a lecture on me, and that if anything ever happened to me there would be hell to pay. That’s why he know I would be safe with Jon.

I got in Jon’s car listening to and laughing at the many heckles from his passengers. I remember him laughing and saying to them to shut up and get in the back, they lady needs the front seat. I did get in the front and he drove mentioning that he would drop his mates home first. That statement came with more heckles from the back. After he dropped the last one home he drove towards my house. It wasn’t until we got near my house that he told me he didn’t know exactly where I lived. He just guessed I lived in this general direction. He stopped the car on the side of the road and parked it at the end of my street for probably 20 minutes or so…….


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