Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Day to Day Chapter 45

The plane hurtled towards the earth as the pilot struggled to get it under control amidst the screams from the passengers and smoke still billowing from the right engine. The pilots efforts appeared to be fruitless until the very last minute before impact, when suddenly the nose of the plane pulled up enough so that the plane glided for several hundred meters until it bounced and skid along the top of the water no doubt lessening the impact and devastation as it came to rest with its nose embedded deep in the sand bank on the edge of the water on a small island off the coast of Australia.

*** *** *** ***

Jon had tried to call Megan several times but each time it went through to her voice mail. Eventually he gave up coming to the conclusion that she simply didn’t want to talk to him. He hardly blamed her though. He understood that she must be going through so much. And she was going through it all alone.

He and Dot had had words after Megan had left, neither of them were right. Dot had to admit though that if she knew all those months ago that Jon’s affair would come to this she would never have consented, no matter how lonely he was. Hindsight is indeed a wonderful thing. She too couldn’t help but feel for Megan. This would have to be a very difficult time for her. And now she was totally alone. Krystal was here with Richie. Jon was here with her. Megan was on a plane somewhere over the ocean, dealing with this on her own.

*** *** *** ***

Dot was in the kitchen listening to the TV as she made herself a cuppa when there was a break in regular transmission with news highlights. Not paying a great deal of attention until the presenter mentioned that Flight 113 to Australia had crashed into the sea landing with its nose deep in the earth on the coastline of Norfolk Island. Apparently the pilot had done all he could by redirecting the plane to the closest stretch of land with a runway that might have been just big enough to land the plane. Unfortunately the plane went down before it got to the runway. There are no reports of survivors at this stage. However the presenter went on. News on the hour should have more information.

“OMG.” She put down her coffee and ran through the house calling Jon. Finding him in his studio she filled him in on what she had heard. She watched the colour drain form his face before he went into crisis mode and automatic pilot switched on.

“She just can’t get a break. But let’s not panic yet. Let’s just go in and watch the news. They will have more details by now." Not wanting to panic just yet, he and Dot went into the living room and turned on the Plasma and watched the live broadcast of the crash on the 5 o’clock news.

Sitting on the couch Jon still looking at the TV screen was shocked at the devastation. The plane was half submerged in the water and half embedded in the sand and rock off the coast line. It was hard to believe that anyone could have survived it. He knew he had to prepare himself for the worst.

There were rescuers probably mostly people from the local community crawling all over the plane calling for survivors. Lifting pieces of luggage and chunks of plane and looking underneath for anyone that may be under the debris. There were people still strapped to their seats covered in blood. Some were obviously dead, others were crying out in pain. These ones were attended to and then left as they were going to be ok and the rescuers had to find others who had not been in the safety of their seats.

Angry at the network for showing something like this live at this time of the day but thankful that they were at the same time Jon looked frantically for Megan. He couldn’t see her anywhere. He had no idea where she would have been sitting in the plane. The front of the plane was completely destroyed the roof was gone. The side panels of the plane had been ripped off on impact and it was quite obvious that not many up the front would have survived. And the back end was still covered so he was unable to see in. All that was really recognizable and gave one the assurance that it actually was a plane was the tail sticking out of the water facing towards the beach.

Jon, trying to remain calm but feeling as though he was loosing the ability to do so, called his contacts and asked for any other information. At that stage there had been nothing new to tell him and he requested to be contacted as soon as there was any information at all, good or bad, on Megan Johnson. Jon was assured that he would be the first to know, but he needed to be patient as the rescue mission will be going on for some time yet. At least well into the night, if not the whole night and into the morning.

Jon had paced up and down for hours clutching his mobile phone waiting for the all important call letting him know that Megan was ok. Or at least that she had been found. . He had called Krystal to fill her in and likewise she was worried and wanted to know anything that Jon would find out. He assured her she would know as soon as he did.

You are on chapter 45 of Day to Day

© 2007 Cindi – Today


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