Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Day to Day Chapter 5

Could he actually remember me? Does he? No! Megan dismissed the thought immediately. Don’t be silly. You were just a sequin on a Liberace vest to him, just one of many, nothing more. Its all far too long ago. Ancient history.... But he must, he must remember me. To say that he must remember. "Do you remember me Jon?"

"Oh yeah I remember you. There are some things a man never forgets you know.....especially with a body like that" he mumbled softly. Damn he was sexy when he looked at her like that.

Ha!. He remembers me who would have thought. Not knowing exactly what to say she smiled slightly embarrassed at the memory and said, "It’s nice to see you again too. And no, some things don't change. But I am rather surprised you remember me. Its been a long time"

He was just about to open his mouth in response when Chris came over to speak with her again. He had no choice but to hold his thought for the time being. She spoke with Chris for about half an hour, cutting her eyes back to Jon periodically. He caught her looking a few times and just gave her a smile and a wink, that beautiful smile was more than she could take at times. It certainly did make things hard to focus on. It’s a sin to be that good looking.

"Too long” He said carrying on their conversation where it left off when she got back.

"What’s too long?" she asked, and both of them broke out in laughter at the amount of avenues he could have taken that question. Blushing she asked him what he was referring to.

"You said its been a long time, and I said its been too long".

"Oh, Yes your right, but life is busy now. Your career has been incredible and you have a wife and family now." She felt the need to at least try to keep it on the straight and narrow between them until she knew his motives, and also what hers were. It wasn't as if he had been the only man in her life. She was a lady but she certainly wasn't a saint. Megan found him irresistible and knew it really would take all her self control to not become intimate with him especially given the fact that she had no commitments. "My life is so busy I don't have time for anything else. Always rushing here, there and everywhere. And that my dear Jon is how the time has gone by so quickly. It certainly doesn’t seem like 18 years. We are all too busy to stop and smell the roses. Speaking of time, it’s about time I went and got ready. The show is about to begin"

"Need any help?" He asked with a smirk.

"NO"! She said walking away shaking her head.And before everyone knew it the time was gone. Where had the day gone? They say time flies when you’re having fun, and Megan thought how right ‘They’ are because the afternoon flew. It was less than 2 hours before the show was to begin. She knew this was going to be one of the most substantial fund raisers she had ever hosted. There were some very rare and exquisite treasures up for Auction tonight. It was by far one of the most important nights in the foundations history.

She said her goodbyes to everyone including Jon and left to get ready. 'So he does remember me, wow'. She smiled victoriously. I made such an impression on him that he still remembers me after all these years she thought to herself as she rode the elevator. Bit of a shame he is married though. But hey a girl can have a little innocent fun right? But if I made such an impression on him why did he marry so soon after? Questions, there were too many questions.


Megan arrived at the event at the same time as some of the other guests. She had brought her best friend Krystal along with her. Krystal and Megan had been friends for more years than either of them could remember. She loved these events; it was always an exciting night. One never really knew who they would be lucky enough to run into. She loved the spotlight. She loved seeing Elton John’s glasses, or Marilyn Monroe’s dress. Or a pair of Imelda Marcos shoes. On more than one occasion she would grab Megan’s arm as they were walking in the grand entry and say 'holy cow Megan there's Meryl Streep, or Clint Eastwood, Tom Cruise, Bill Clinton, Julia Roberts........etc.' along with an excited giggle. They didn’t affect Megan like that anymore. She was used to it.

Often just to give Krystal a thrill she would go up to someone just to see the reaction on Krystal’s face. It was always worth it. Megan remembered the year she took Krystal to see John Travolta; she stood there with her mouth open and was unable to speak. Krystal was envious of Megan’s life at times. On the other hand Megan was envious of Krystal’s.

She cast her eyes around the crowd but could see him no where. He still affected her; she knew that and unfortunately couldn't deny it. Lets face it she thought he was hot. And for a man of in his 40’s he is extra hot. Yep, she knew he is married and for a second there she felt a twinge of guilt, but hey she wasn't going to jump in his bed so it was ok to look right? A hot flush ripped through her body at the thought of it. "How can he still do this to me after all these years?" Back then she was young, she was innocent, and she was impressionable. Now she is older, she is wiser, well she should be anyway, and she has life experience. She should be mature enough not to allow him to do this to her. But the man has so much charisma, he is simply irresistible. However she should be mature enough to control it. But damn he is so cute. The man oozes sex appeal for goodness sake. No other man has ever affected her in such a way. Not even Michael and he was her first real love, and her second. Almost her 3rd too, but she drew the line and put a stop to it. Jon's mere presence takes her breath away.

Megan made sure all of the night’s proceedings were going according to plan. They have over 100 items up for auction that had all been donated by various musicians, actors, actresses, singers, dancers, sports men and women. And by all accounts it should be a great night for the foundation. A guest list of 500 people all paying $500 a head to get in the door, which already meant the foundations night was off to a good start. And too with so many people invited and with just over 100 items it meant that more than one person would be vying for the same item, ensuring it to go off for a good price.

She took her seat at her table. At this stage there was still no sign of Jon, she took a deep breath, although if the truth be told she was disappointed her eye candy appeared to be AWOL. Maybe something more important had come up or he may have simply forgotten. She couldn’t help feeling a little disappointed. It was so nice to see him again face to face, and had so very much enjoyed secretly keeping tabs on him over the years.

The night was going off without a hitch, she smiled to herself. She was known for organizing events with such professionalism. Megan was very proud of the name she had made for the Foundation. She remembered back to the early days, there was so much to learn but she had learnt quickly and had enough knowledge to make the business work and in just a few years they were running at a large profit. Yes, she was proud of how successful she had become.

Her thoughts were brought back to the present when the next item was announced. It was Jon's guitar. She looked at it for a minute. It truly was such a beautiful instrument. She closed her eyes and envisioned him playing it. She remembered back to just a few hours ago when he placed it in her shaky hands. The auction started at $1000. Krystal was nearly wetting herself when the item was shown on the projector screen. "I know that guitar" she paused to try to remember "Isn't that the one he played at the concert we went too?” She had always been a fan of the band. Megan had never been able to tell Krystal what had happened between her and Jon; she knew it would break her friend’s heart. "And what a concert it was hey Meg? I'm sure that's the guitar"

"Yes indeed it is Krystal" Jon said as he approached their table. "It’s very nice to see you again after all this time." Turning to Megan he said "Do you mind if I sit here?" Looking straight into her almond shaped eyes as he raised her hand and brought it to his lips. Using her other hand Megan gently reached over and closed Krystals mouth.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I am loving this story!

Thank you! I was having FF withdrawals with none of the others being updated.

I'm so glad I found yours.

Your wit and skill at storytelling is quite impressive!

The chapter links are a bit confusing, though. some of it leads to a totally different story.

2:45 PM  
Blogger Cindi-today said...

All links have been fixed now Jen. You should be able to read a lot easier now.

10:45 AM  

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CEST LA VIE. A story with a difference

Chapter 1, Chapter 2, Chapter 3, Chapter 4, Chapter 5, Chapter 6, Chapter 7, Chapter 8, Chapter 9, Chapter 10, Chapter 11, Chapter 12, Chapter 13, Chapter 14, Chapter 15, Chapter 16, Chapter 17,

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