Tuesday, January 08, 2008

Day to Day Chapter 49

Chapter 49

Everything was strange. Megan was so confused she couldn’t understand what was going on. The room was full of faces she had never seen before and she unconsciously began to cry. Everything was overwhelming. The Doctor entered the room behind the nursing staff and after viewing Megan he quietly asked them to give her some space. They all left with the exception of the first voice she had heard and the doctor. Later she found out that lovely voice whom she would come to know so well was a nurse named Sheree.

As the Doctor approached her bedside he said, “Well, good day to you Jane. How are you feeling?"

"Jane?” I felt foreign to Megan, "My name is Jane?"Megan had no idea who she was.

The elderly gentleman took his hand in hers and said, "Oh dear. I am so sorry. You have been with us for some time now and we have had no idea who you were so we called you Jane.......Jane Doe. It’s the name we give those who we are yet to identify. I have been in to see you everyday and have called you Jane on each occasion; it was just force of habit. I do apologize." said the kindly doctor

The nurse who was checking her vitals asked her how she was feeling. Megan replied that she didn't know. “I can't feel anything."

"Ok, now that you are awake we will give you a good going over and see what we can find huh? What do you say do you feel up to it?" Sheree asked her.

"Yes I guess so"

"OK. Good. Let’s start by talking to you. How do you feel?

“Good I think, I don’t really know. As I said, I can’t feel anything”

“That’s good; don’t worry about that I'll explain that in a moment. Can you tell me your name?”

"No, I can’t remember."

“That’s ok, it will come to you.”

“The reason you can't feel anything is because you have been given a block to prevent you from moving. Just incase you awoke when no one was here and it startled you. It happens a lot. People wake up and try to move not understanding that they may harm themselves if they do. It frightens them because they don't know where they are. That is why you are unable to 'feel' anything. Now that you are awake we can decrease the sedatives and assess you physically but not only that we can also assess your state of mind. Ok so far?"


"Do you have any questions for me?"

"Where am I?"

"You are at the Royal North Shore Hospital in Sydney."

"What am I doing here? How long have I been here?"

"Recuperating. 64 days." she answered the questions respectively."What happened?"

"Why don't you tell me?"The doctor remained quiet during this time. He sat in the chair at Megan’s bedside. She was unable to see him but could hear him writing things down each time she spoke.

"I don't know what happened." Megan lay with her eyes closed trying frantically to recall something to her memory. There was nothing. Everything just seemed black.

"How did I get here?"

"You arrived by helicopter. Do you remember that? Close your eyes again and relax. Just try to see what is in your minds eye. Anything you remember may be very helpful."

Megan lay for a few minutes and still there was nothing. The nurse then continued. "Can you tell me your name yet?” She said in a soft voice. Smiling at Megan she said, ”Wouldn't it be ironic if it was infact Jane."Megan’s eyes sprang open catching the nurse by surprise. "What is it?"

"I don't know. But when you said that it seemed familiar."

"What? When I said what? Sometimes the last thing you hear is the first thing called back to your mind. What did I say that triggered something with you?"

"When you said 'Wouldn't it be ironic'. I know that is weird but it sounds familiar."

"Ok that’s something we can work on." Megan heard the Doctor scribbling something down once again.

Megan looked into the kindly blue eyes of Sheree and asked her once again as the tears began to fall. "What happened? Why am I here?"

Sitting on the edge of Megan’s bed Sheree took hold of her hand and began to explain to her what had happened. "Before I tell you this I want you to assure me that you will stop me if it gets too much for you. OK?"

You are on chapter 49 of Day to Day

(C) Cindi - Today


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yay, you're back!

Can't wait to see where this goes!

4:15 PM  
Blogger Cindi-today said...

Thank you. Yes I'm back. I've put a few chapters up since I've been back.

And I thought you had left me. LOL

6:26 PM  

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