Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Day to Day Chapter 59

Chapter 59

Sheree and the doctor explained to her what Jon had told them and also that Sheree had met with her doctor and he would like to see her as soon as possible. Noticeably Megan was beyond upset, and Jon comforted her. When Sheree and the doctor left she sat with Jon and they talked about her illness. She told Jon that she vaguely remembered something about an illness. But wasn't sure who it was that was sick. Things were coming back to her, slowly but surely she was beginning to remember things about her life and work. She remembers Jon being at her place of work, she could see him in her mind standing in an office and she was sitting behind her desk. She told Jon that in a vision in her mind Jon leant over the desk and kissed her.

Jon was sitting next to her as she sat on her bed, he longed to touch her. He wanted to just hold her, his hormones were going crazy being this close to a woman that not only he found very attractive but one that he had feelings for. It got the better of him and he leant forward and kissed her lips softly. Initially she was taken aback, she did not expect it. Neither did he. He pulled away and began to apologise. "Megan, I am so sorry, I don’t know what came over me" He said with lust in his voice.

"No Jon, don't be. Ssshhh!!" She put her fingers up to her mouth to quieten him. She closed her eyes again. ‘‘Jon, when you kissed me, the very second your lips touched mine I saw you standing with me. You were in front of me. We were on a deck. It was night. Very dark. The stars were shining brightly and you were touching my face, before you kissed me."

Jon sat there and it took all his self control not to cry. “Megan, that is a memory, we were at your house. You live atop Hillcrest Road in a beautiful place on a few acres. You have a back deck and yes I kissed you on that deck." He hugged her tightly. "I am proud of you. That is progress."

**** **** **** ****

Although Megan’s memory had not come back completely she was remembering more and more each day.

It was a brightly sunny morning when Jon entered her room. She was standing over by the windows looking at the view. She didn't have much of a view to look at though. There was a small garden with flowers and a few trees, but it beat the heck out of looking at the same 4 walls day after day. She turned her head when the door opened. She smiled at him. “Good morning Jon. You don't have to bring me flowers everyday. I think you single handedly are keeping that little florist down stairs in business."

“I like to bring you flowers" He walked over to her. "You know that vision you remembered yesterday?"

"Yes." she sad turning to look out the window.

"The way you are standing right now reminds me of that night.”

"Is that so?" She said as he came up behind her and encircled her waist.

"Yes it is." He nuzzled her neck and when her head fell back on to his shoulder and she let out a small moan in response to his advances Jon instantly became uncomfortable in his jeans.

"You do that again and we might have to see if that door has a lock on it." He joked, she could feel his body hard up against hers.

"Maybe I need a reminder of what it is I can't remember.” It was his turn to moan. He turned her around to face him.

"Megan I won't allow that to happen until you can remember more than you do now. I will never take advantage of you." He hoped she never knew how much he just wanted to rip her clothes on here and now. It took all his strength to say that.

Feeling slightly rejected Megan said, "Jon you wouldn’t have been taking advantage of me. It was my suggestion. I remembered something when you kissed me. Who knows if I will remember more if we, if we......."

"If we make love?" he interjected.

"Yes, if we make love. After all it was a mutual feeling, wasn’t it"

"Yes it was but until you remember you have to take my word for it. And I could be just filling your head with nonsense." he said smiling.

Megan stood on her toes to be able to reach up high enough to bring her mouth into contact with his. She kissed him and it took him a few seconds to respond but when he did he kissed her with such force and passion that she moaned loud enough to be heard outside the walls she had begun to call home.

"Jon, you are either going to have to stop now or go and see if that door has a lock."

Jon stopped. However he didn't go to lock the door. He just stood, held her and looked out the window. “Megan you have no idea how much I want to go over there and lock that door just so I can ravish every inch of your body right now. But I can't do it... I know I am not a saint and god only knows where my morals have lain over the years but I still love you. And I can’t allow you to do something you have no recollection of."

"I think I would remember how to do that Jon.” She smiled.

"That’s not what I meant and you know it."

Megan let go of Jon and walked over to the door and turned the lock. Looking back at Jon she said, "Jon. I want you. I may not remember every detail of our affair yet but I do know there was something there. I can feel it. I feel it everytime you walk in the room, I feel it everytime you touch me." She said as she ran her hands softly over his chest. She continued so softly that Jon had to concentrate to hear her, “I feel it everytime you look at me"

You are on Chapter 59 of Day to Day

(C) Cindi today 2008


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