Sunday, December 02, 2007

Day to Day Chapter 41

Chapter 41

“Megan Dear”, the DR said as he came and sat beside her. He went into detail of her illness and the treatment she would require.

“Oh my goodness.” Megan said as she sat stunned. “Are you absolutely certain? Is there any possibility you could be wrong?”

“There is always the possibility we are wrong but we ran the tests several times to make sure we were infact correct. I have no doubt what-so-ever that the diagnosis is 100% correct.”

“Can I be cured Doctor?. Am I going to die?”

“Lets not jump the gun yet Megan. We don’t want to have you dead and buried quite so soon. Now, we have great surgeons here that will be able to handle your treatment suitably, However I do have very high regard for a young doctor in Australia who is practicing a knew but rather radical method of treating people with your condition. It would require you to either travel back and forth or move there for the duration of your treatment which would be about six months. Plus you would also need follow ups. He is very good, and has a great success rate. But Megan I really need you to understand that even though he is the absolute best Dr for you right now I cannot guarantee that he will cure you.”

**** **** **** ****

What the doctor said had an enormous impact on Megan. As she sat at the kitchen table of Richie’s Estate so many thoughts went through her head. She remembered her childhood with her mother and father and her sister. They were such a happy family. Her dad would carry her on his shoulders as they walked along the beach, her mother would knit them warm jumpers for school so they were never met the cold of winter without something to protect them. She remembered the games she used to play with her sister...The times when they went out to play, the times when they talked about the girly things in life, the times they double dated. There was so much to think about and ponder over. Megan was lucky she had lived a full life to date, and other than the sad passings of a few people that she dearly loved she had had a very happy life and considered herself blessed to have been able to live it.

She had the business to think about. The Johnson Foundation. Krystal also had to be told. She would be home at the end of the week. Megan’s sister had to be found. Where was she? Megan had no idea. Her friends, how would they take the news? How would she tell them? And then Jon. Dear, beautiful Jon, whom she loved so dearly. What would she tell him? Should she tell him? She was after all the other women. Does he have any right to know? Jon would never have left Dorothea for Megan, she knows that. She knew it right from the start. So did she really owe it to him to tell him? Of course she did. She knew she did. She knew she had to tell him. But how?

Running her fingers through her hair she rose from the table and opened her telephone index and called Jon’s number. Megan had no idea what she was going to say to him. Nervously she clutched the phone receiver and listened to it ring. It rang several times until the answer machine chimed in. She didn’t leave a message. This was certainly not the sort of thing you would discuss on ones answering machine. It’s not something Jon would get pleasure out of listening to. She needed to tell him face to face. Megan placed the phone back on its hook and went up to her room.

She had so many things to sort out and so little time to do it in. She had to call Damien and settle things with work. She had to book her flight. Thankfully she had a residence in Sydney that she was so looking forward to seeing again. At least accommodation was one thing she didn’t need to organize. She also had many relatives in Australia that she would very much enjoy seeing again.

She had so many arrangements to make it was overwhelming. For once she actually wished she had of gotten married, at least then she wouldn’t be doing this on her own. If it were any consolation she confessed, it was that at least she knew she had time enough to arrange everything.

Megan made the necessary calls; she contacted her solicitor regarding her will. Just incase it was needed. Everything would be left to Krystal, with the exception of the business. Damien and Megan always had an agreement that he knew if anything ever happened to her he would continue the Foundation.

She needed to find her sister. She had no idea where to start looking. She contacted Greenpeace; they said they would get back to her when they had tracked her sister down. She called the airline and booked her flight to Sydney. She gained comfort in the fact that she would be going home. To her real home. She had been away for so long it was a lovely feeling to know she would be going back. She longed to walk off the plane at Mascot airport and smell that familiar aroma that only Sydney has. She couldn’t wait to look out her apartment window and watch the sun rise, and see the Harbour Bridge, and the Opera House, and Mrs. Macquarie’s chair. The sights of Sydney were overwhelming and suddenly she did feel very home sick. A long walk along her favourite beach. She wondered what ever possessed her to leave it in the first place.

Megan had hoped to be able to wait until Krystal came back to tell her face to face, but the Doctor had stressed the importance of getting immediate treatment. Megan had no choice but to telephone her friend and tell her that what was wrong with her and that she needed to get back to Australia for the treatment.

With everything packed Megan called a Taxi to take her to the airport. She went down to the kitchen and poured herself a cup of coffee and waited for it to arrive.

You are on chapter 41 of Day to Day

© 2007 Cindi – today


Blogger Kay said...

I'm holding my breath to see where this is all going.

One question, though. WHERE exactly does Megan live? I always thought it was Australia. No?

5:45 AM  
Blogger Cindi-today said...

No, Megan grew up in Australia, but when she took over from Mrs Partridge she moved to the USA with Krystal and has lived there ever since.

10:01 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi. I have enjoyed reading for the past few days. Its a good story.
I remember reading in the early chapters something about Megan taking the business to europe and then the US which is where she settled. Am I correct?

5:56 PM  

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