Monday, November 26, 2007

Day to Day Chapter 38

Chapter 38

Sunday was very quiet in both houses. Jon didn't move out to the guest house. He slept in the spare room of the main house. He and Dorothea had not spoken since Saturday morning and Krystal and Richie had left on their honeymoon to some secret location in the Caribbean.

Megan longed to hear from Jon, but she knew the rules. While he was at home he belonged to Dorothea. Little did Megan know they were not on speaking terms. She also had no idea of their conversation.

First thing Monday morning Megan attended the Dr’s office. The Dr called Megan into his office. “Good morning Miss Johnson. How are you feeling this morning?”

“Good morning Dr Whitaker, I have had better mornings. But I guess I should expect to feel this way when I go to bed so late a couple of nights in a row. Can you tell me the results of the tests yet?“

"Yes I can but first I want to give you a complete physical. I am going to need to send you for more blood tests and I also want you to go for a full body scan. I have booked you in for 10am today.”

“Wow that’s so soon. “, suddenly beginning to panic. “

“You need to have this done now. They are expecting you. I want you to come back tomorrow and we will check the results then.”

“Dr you’re scaring me. Do you know what is wrong with me?”

“I have an idea Megan but I don’t want to jump to conclusions. Let’s just wait until the scan comes back hey. You go have your tests done and then come back tomorrow at 9.”

*** *** *** ***

Megan returned to the house after spending the morning at the hospital. She wished Krystal was here. Thankfully they were only going for a week. She would gain comfort from her friend then.

Megan ate some toast and poured herself a cup of decaf herbal tea and sat out on the terrace soaking up some sun. After half an hour or so she began to feel much better. She obviously just needed to eat something. Maybe the Doctor was over reacting. She was fine. Apart from slight nausea and a headache she was absolutely fine.

Returning to the kitchen with her dishes Megan was greeted by Jon. She had not seen him since the wedding. He wanted to see her. They needed to talk. Dorothea had slipped out to go and pick up the dry cleaning and to get her hair done so he took the opportunity to come and see her. Taking her in his arms it felt like coming home. He loved the way she felt. It had been so long since he touched her intimately. He knew he was playing with fire but she was the only thing that made him feel good.

Although he went there to talk to her he didn’t say a word, just grabbed her by the hand and lead her to her room. Once the door had closed Jon kissed her with so much passion and force she strained to keep her head up. He was hungry for her. His tongue parted her lips and danced with hers. She could taste him. She longed to taste him. It sent shock waves through her senses. He was like a noxious weed, he was all over her, and moving rapidly. The feel of his breath on her skin made her go weak at the knees.

Jon lifted her blouse over her head. He had no time to muck around with unfastening buttons. He removed her bra and his mouth found her nipples. He took them in his mouth, one at a time. Savoring the taste of her skin, the feel of her in his mouth. He rolled his tongue over her nipples so sensually.

The moans that were escaping Megan’s mouth were just adding fuel to his ever growing fire. He removed her skirt and lowered himself down her body. Jon loved the feel of her thighs on his face. He hadn’t shaven this morning and the bristles of his beard were teasing her like never before. It felt like years since she had been touched by him.

His tongue entered her. She opened the way for him, and didn’t hesitate for one second. He danced inside her, teasing her, stimulating her.

Falling back on to the bed Megan pulled Jon up on top of her by his hair. She wanted him on her; she wanted to feel is body, his skin, his warmth, his erection.

Hastily they removed his clothes like a couple of teenagers trying to get off before they were busted by ones parents caming home. The second Jon’s bare warm skin came into contact with hers she knew there was no turning back now. Dorothea could walk into the room and Megan would still not stop. She needed him. It had been too long.

Jon kissed her and she could taste herself on his lips, Megan found this oddly erotic and turned her on immensely. Jon could sense it. He kissed her again. Jon reached down between her legs and found her wetness, he dipped his fingers into her and played in her folds until he found what he was looking for, her warm, wet entrance. She allowed his finger to enter her, first one, then two. She moaned in response to his invasion.

Megan needed to get some control, she needed to get her thoughts together, she needed to over power him. She pushed him off her and pinned him to the bed. Kissing him firmly on his lips she let her hands wander over his rock hard chest, and down his stomach. She went lower, only stopping when she found what she was looking for. He was aroused. His erection was so hard he felt like a steel pole. Megan slid down his body and as she inched closer to his manhood he groaned and grabbed her by the hair and directed her mouth to his waiting tool.

Her tongue slipped out, and then circled around the head of his hard organ, She held his shaft almost half way up and she began to lick him, to tease him. Her mouth brushed over his sensitive mushroom shaped head, and sent shivers up his spine. In one swift movement Megan took Jon into her mouth and deeply down her throat. His hands with a mind of their own held the sides of her head and pushed her deeper, instinctively. He couldn’t get in deep enough. He was insatiable.

Megan was alternating between sucking and licking, licking and sucking. His hand remained on her head. He loved the feel of her on his body, he needed to make sure she wasn’t going to stop half way through.

Suddenly the pulses ran through Jon’s body and Megan let go of her hand and clamped down on him with her mouth. He tried to pull her head off him as he was beyond speaking. He couldn’t get the words out if he tried. She wouldn’t budge. She wanted to taste him. To feel him explode deep in the back of her throat. With an almighty groan Jon finally gave up and let go. His body was pulsing, almost convulsing. She didn’t miss a beat, she kept her leash hold right until the last drop.

Megan waited until Jon’s breathing calmed somewhat before she let go, swallowed and came up for air. He still had his eyes closed. She watched his chest heaving with each breath that he took.

Finally he opened his eyes and looking at her said “Baby, I love the way you do that. You are absolutely amazing.”

She looked back at Jon and said, “Jon, I love you.”

You are on Chapter 38 of Day to Day

© 2007 Cindi – today


Anonymous Anonymous said...

that was HOT!! LOL.

2:44 PM  

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