Friday, February 15, 2008

Day to Day Chapter 57

Chapter 57

Megan smiled at Jon. He tried to smile back but it was like he was stuck in time. His features couldn’t move, He tried not to look at her with pity. He wanted to remember her the way she was. But it was impossible. She was a completely different person now, a shadow of her former self. He leant forward and kissed her briefly on her cheek.

"Hello Jon.” she said "it’s nice to see you."

Regaining his composure Jon put on his dazzling smile and said "Hello Megan. Its nice to see you too." He sat on the chair next to her. "How are you feeling?"

"Well she said surprisingly I feel great. I was very fortunate. I wasn’t hurt during the accident so I had no pain no injuries -- and no memory she smiled at him.

"Well" he touched her hand and the warmth that transferred from his body to hers gave her a soft glow to her cheeks. ”That’s what we are here for". He indicated to Krystal? “Do you remember Krystal?"

Megan shook her head. "No. I'm sorry I don't How do I know you?"

"We have known each other almost all our lives. Since we were just children." Krystal said.

Megan blushed from embarrassment. "I am so sorry. I just don't remember."

"That’s ok. We will do all we can to help you remember." Krystal looked at Sheree and asked if it were possible to get some refreshments so that they could all sit and talk in a more relaxed environment.

Megan and Jon were sitting in the only two chairs in the room; Sheree and Krystal were both standing. As Sheree turned to leave the room to organized the tea Jon got up. "Sheree I’ll give you a hand."

"No, Jon. Its fine you stay here." She was thinking of all the staff outside the room.

"No," He said firmly,"I'll help you." He really needed to talk to her; there was so much she still didn't know about Megan.

"Sheree how long do you think it will take her to remember?"

"I have no idea Jon." He was visibly shaking now. He had kept his composure the entire time he was with Megan, but lost it the minute he walked out the door. "Are you OK Jon" Sheree guided him by the arm back to the room she had initially taken them to and sat him in a chair. She sat down opposite him. "Jon what is wrong?"

"Sheree, Megan is very, very sick. She looks terrible."

"Jon she has been to hell and back. Of course she is going to look awful, and for a long time yet."

"NO, Sheree. She is very sick. She has breast cancer. She was on that plane that day to come back to Australia for treatment." Jon had turned pale and Sheree saw him not as the gorgeous Rock Star that the whole world knew, but just as a man who was going through absolute turmoil.

"She is pretty special to you isn't she Jon."

"Yeah," He looked at her in the eyes. "Megan is up there with the three other women in my life. Right behind my momma, my wife and my daughter. Apart from Sambora she is my best friend. I will do all I can to help her through this. Just tell me what I need to do."

"OK, for starters we need to get a hold of the Doctors records. Can you do that?" Jon pulled his phone out of his pocket and immediately dialed the international code for the Johnson Foundation and spoke to Damien and after explaining everything to him requested that Damien go through Megans files and find anything at all relating to her Doctor and her condition and fax it immediately to Sheree. Hanging up from the call he looked at Sheree. "What else can I do?"

"Just go back in there and help her to remember as much as you can. Show her photos, tell her stories. Describe things to her, in great detail. Her house, her job her car, her friends, her family, anything you can think of use it to assist her. Use anything that she was passionate about. That’s all you can do Jon. But remember YOU can't make this go away. Don't get disappointed if she doesn’t respond immediately. She may, but she also may not. Don't push her. You can't make her remember things she clearly can't yet. Be patient she will need time."

Jon ran his fingers through his hair, messing it up just the right amount, bringing his hands down he slapped the top of his thighs and said. “Well, lets do it."

They got the tea and Sheree threw in a few biscuits. Not Jon’s usual diet but was thankful for something better than airplane food.

Re-entering the room Jon and Sheree met the other 2 women laughing. Megan’s spirits had lifted. Jon placed the tray of tea down and handed her a cup.

"Thank you. So it appears not only do I know Jon Bon Jovi, I planned Richie Sambora’s wedding. I guess I have a lot to remember."

"Yes you do Jon laughed. "You have one very full life and we are going to do all we can to get you to remember it. Drink up.” He said raising his glass to her."Why does it have something in it? Maybe a magic potion to make me remember?"

"No," He laughed. "At least you haven’t lost your sense of humor. The sooner you drink up the sooner we can get started." Indicating to the huge pile of files he brought with him.

You are on Chapter 57 of day to day

(C) 2008 cindi - today


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