Friday, November 16, 2007

Day to Day Chapter 29

Oh my god this can’t be happening. ”I beg your pardon?”

“Oh Megan don’t be so coy. Jon and I have a fabulous relationship. We tell each other everything. I’ve known for some time.” In reality Jon only told her last night.

Megan grabbed the wine and took it back for the toast. "And you have been pretending all this time?"

Jon, David, and Tico were still congratulating Richie and were paying no attention to the women at this point.

The drinks were handed out and toasts were made.

The party continued for another few hours, with Megan definitely feeling like to odd one out now. She steered clear of Dorothea for the remainder of the evening. Although Megan did keep an eye on her. And Dorothea kept an eye on Megan. She had stayed by Jon’s side since she made the comment. Megan wasn’t sure if that was just to let her know that he belonged to her while he was at home and there was no chance of Megan getting her hands on him, tonight at least. Or if it was just so that at least in her presence Megan would not get near him.

As the night went on David and Tico left. Which left Jon and Dorothea, Krystal and Richie, and Megan. Feeling even more uncomfortable she asked Krystal if she minded if she called it a night. It had been a long day and felt as though she was jetlagged. However she knew well it wasn’t jetlag.

“Oh Megan don’t get yet” Said the sweet voice of Mrs. Bongiovi.

“I’m sorry Dorothea I have to; I’ve had a big day. I am so tired. And I really need to freshen up. I must look a fright; I don’t seem to be able to cope with the long days anymore. I really need to get some rest.”

“No you look fine, doesn’t she Jon?” Dorothea said nudging Jon’s arm.

“You look as beautiful as you always do Megan” Jon said sincerely and gave her a wink.

Smiling Megan thought this is way too weird. I must be hallucinating. What the hell do they put in wine these days? “Thank you, but I really need to get some rest. Krystal” she encouraged, please rescue me. “I will see you all soon enough”

"No, Don’t go yet Megan" called Richie. "We were just about to get some champagne and oysters to officially celebrate."

At the mention of oysters Megan felt sick to her stomach. Making a run for the bathroom only just making it before she threw up.

Krystal rose, excusing herself and left the room following Megan.

Lifting her head from the porcelain bowl she said “Krystal she knows. She knows about Jon and I. He told her, apparently. What the hell would possess him to do that?”

“Is that what has made you sick? Megan I told you they are good together. They are a team, a well oiled machine. A good team doesn’t function well if there are secrets. Come on, stop panicking. It’ll all be fine in the morning, and we will talk about it then.”

Krystal walked her to her room and after being congratulated one more time she left her alone and returned to the others.

“How is she?” Jon asked

“Um…Apparently a little shocked at something Dorothea said. I don’t think she was prepared for any revelations tonight. But I guess she will be more understanding in the morning after she has caught up on her rest.”

Looking at Dorothea he said conversationally “Did you say something to her about it?”

“I just simply asked her if You make her as happy as Richie makes Krystal.”

Richie nearly chocked on his wine. “What?”

Ignoring him, ”Maybe it would have been better to let her know first Jon that you told me, at least it may have softened the blow” Dorothea said.

“Yep hindsight is a wonderful thing.” He thought wondering how he got into this to start with.

“Go talk to her; it’s been a big day, and a lot for her to comprehend in one day.” Dorothea told him.

Krystal told him which room she was in and he went to her.

While he was gone the girls filled Richie in on what was going on. “Well that dirty dog! I need to get my eyes checked I think. I didn't suspect a thing.”

Knocking on the door he waited for her to answer. When she didn’t answer he went on in. He could hear the shower running so he waited for her to emerge from the guest bathroom. She felt better after a shower and hoped that sleep would come freely tonight. Although being in this frame of mind she doubted it would. When she emerged from the bathroom and saw Jon sitting on the sofa waiting for her she knew sleep wouldn’t come freely tonight.

He stood as she got closer to him. “Megan ….” He said

Cutting him off she said “Jon how could you do this to me? Did it not enter your head that maybe I would like to know what your plans were so that I could prepare myself before I saw your wife?” She was furious. Jon had never heard her raise her voice before, and especially at him. He remembered that Damien had said she had a temper, and for the first time he was slightly worried. There was a fire in her eyes that he had never seen before.

“Megan, stop, it’s not as bad as it sounds.”

“No? How can you say that?” she said as her eyes filled with tears. “Then maybe you should explain things to me because it’s pretty freaking bad from where I stand. How do you think it felt Jon sitting there enjoying a moment that is so special to my best friend and your wife so casually asks ‘If you make me happy’? I wished the ground opened up and swallowed me whole right then and there. I was humiliated. I had no idea what to say. You should have prepared me for this. And on top of that little comment, I found out she has known all along”

“Yes I know I should have, I’m sorry.” He said pulling her into his arms.

“Sorry doesn’t cut it right now Jon,” She said pulling away from his embrace. Making another trip to the bathroom to throw up one more time. “I’m tired and emotional and furious. Maybe you should go and I’ll talk to you tomorrow. Before I say something I’ll really regret”. Emerging from the bathroom she walked over to the door she opened it and waited for him to go.

"What is wrong with you Megan?"

"Its just been a long day Jon and I need to rest."

Jon walked towards the door and stopped taking hold of her arm he said “Megan……” she put her hand up to indicate she wasn’t going to listen to him so he exited without another word.

"Talk to the hand Jon." Megan closed the door, leaning against it she slid down the length of the door until she was sitting on the floor. With her face in her hands the tears flowed easily. She cried harder than she had cried in years.

Returning to the living room Dorothea and Krystal both asked how she was. “Not good I’m afraid, she threw up again and asked me to leave her alone until the morning when she is rested and calmer and we will talk then."

Looking at Krystal Dorothea said, “Do you want me to go talk with her?”

“No, she will be fine in the morning. Just let her rest now. Megan is all smoke and no fire. She tends to blow up quickly but gets over it just as quickly."

"She wont be fine, she is clearly ill."

"That is probably just her emotions right now Jon. She has had a shock today."

You are on chapter 29 of Day to Day

© 2007 cindi – today


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DAY TO DAY. Jon Bon Jovi Fan Fiction

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CEST LA VIE. A story with a difference

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