Friday, October 05, 2007

Day to Day chapter 14

Krystal arrived about half an hour before Jon and the gang.

Smiling, as she always did Mrs. Hopkins opened the door. Krystal leant in to give the older woman an affectionate kiss. Mrs. Hopkins was a kindly, gentle, quiet lady with whom Krystal had an enormous amount of respect. She had been Megan’s house keeper for many years and both girls loved her immensely.

"You will find Miss Megan in the living room dear, she said.

Krystal walked through the house until she reached the living room, the two girls hugged and conversed until the men arrived.

***** ****** ******

Jon and the boys rode in a silver hire car which came to a halt as it rounded the bend on the rise of Hillcrest Road the driver spoke into the intercom and the gates were opened. The car drove through them and they closed behind upon their entry. Jon was noticeably impressed with Megan’s residence. She had done very well for herself financially and was immensely successful in her own right. At least he knew she wasn't after him for his money. He had had that experience on many occasions over the years.

She lived in a large white brick house. Set on 5 acres of picturesque beautiful gardens and immaculately kept grounds. High on the top of a hill with some of the most amazing views overlooking the city some distance away. He couldn’t help but think how beautiful it would be of a night with the city lights glowing. He also wondered if he would ever get to see that.

The car pulled to a stop outside the main entrance to the residence. The driver got out to open the doors for the boys who were already letting themselves out. Jon made his way to the door and rang the bell. Mrs. Hopkins opened the door with her usual smile she welcomed them and let them in.

"Welcome Sir", she said to Jon. "May I take your coats?" She motioned for them all to remove their coats and hung them in the hall closet. She directed them into the living room where Megan and Krystal were waiting. They had already poured themselves a glass of wine and were relaxing in front of the fire.

Jon entered first. He stood at the door, resting his body casually on the door frame before speaking, "I sure hope you have one of those for us, young lady."

His voice instantly brought a smile to her face. She made her way over to him and gave him a soft kiss on the cheek. He pulled her in for a warm hug. She didn't resist. The rest of the boys made their way in and the introductions were made to Krystal. Mrs. Hopkins took requests for beverages and theft the room to retrieve them.

They all reclined in the living room until Mrs. Hopkins announced that lunch would be served in 10 minutes.


After they enjoyed a flavorsome meal of various kinds of meats and an array of vegetables and rice dishes they shared copious amounts of wine between them. They made their way back to the living room.

Megan had noticed that during the mean Krystal who had been situated next to Richie had engrossed herself in conversation with him, and it appeared they were getting on quite well. Maybe Jon was right. Maybe she did like Richie more. Their conversation continued well into the afternoon. David and Tico appeared to just be enjoying some down time. Neither of them conversed a great deal with either of the women. Not for any other reason than the fact that they were both so busy talking to the other two boys.

Megan excused herself, making her way to the kitchen to get the cook to prepare some hot beverages before the men left.

David said to Jon. "She is a lovely lady Jon. How do you always manage to find the nice ones?"

Tico chimed in. "Yeah”. He sighed “Some guys have all the luck. She knows your married right?"

Laughing as he leaned back on his chair Jon said. Settle down guys. And yes she knows I’m married. We are only friends don't make more of it than it is".

“Where did you find her?’ Asked Tico. “Has she got a sister? Aren’t women supposed to love drummers?”

“No that’s guitarists Tico we miss out again”. Dave said

The boys obviously could not remember that they had met these two women many, many years ago when the women were just very young girls.

“I’ve known her for a long time.” So have you. “We met many years ago at an auction fundraiser.” No we didn’t. “We lost contact for a while and reunited at this last auction” He said.

“That’s it?” Dave said. “No sordid love affair? Just friends?”

The expression on Jon’s face changed and the guys knew they had touched a nerve. He remembered with fondness the events of that day. And also the fact that she wasn’t like all the other girls held a special significance for him. Finally she spoke up. Looking off in the distance he said “No guys. No sordid love affair. Just friends” Seeing an opportunity to excuse himself from the grilling he was receiving he said, “Where did she get to anyway? I’ll go track her down.”

David and Tico waited for Jon to leave the room before Tico said quietly to David. “There is more to this than he is letting on.”

“Let it go Tic, Let it go mate. Nothing to do with us. Jon’s a big boy.” David said as he drank the last mouthful of his wine.

Megan ordered coffee for her guests before heading out on to the back deck to get some much needed fresh air. Taking in some deep breaths in an attempt to keep her head clear. She was pleased with how things had gone this afternoon. She felt that she was able to control her emotions enough so that no - one caught on to the fact that there was a history between her and Jon. She had tried to keep everything low key. She made sure that he was sitting next to her at lunch so that she wouldn't be forced to look at him. It wasn't that she had a problem looking at him she just didn't want to give anything away in the way she looked at him. She knew it showed in her eyes how she felt.

She was unsure of how long she had been out there or how long Jon had been standing behind her. He admired her from behind. She was such an attractive woman. She had matured very well. Her hair was longer now and it suited her. Her slim frame sent feelings through his body that he hadn't felt in years. Looking at her made him feel alive again. It made him feel like a man. "This is an amazing place you have here Megan", he said coming to stand beside her.

She jumped a little. Regaining her composure she said. "You startled me. It's not nice to creep up behind people like that you know." She said smiling.

"I wondered where you go to." he said while they both admired the view.

"I organized coffee and came out for fresh air while it's being made."

Jon moved closer to her and she felt her heart quicken. She knew she would never be able to stop that from happening. He was just such an incredibly gorgeous and sexy man. He made the hearts of women from all over the world flutter. Jon stood beside her close enough for their arms to be touching, but not close enough to frighten her away.

He turned to face her and held on to her hand with one of his hands and with the other he raised it up to her face just like he had all those years ago lightly brushing it across her cheek. She closed her eyes trying to remain calm. She felt faint, was she really ready for this? Before she has time to protest he leant forward and gave her a soft kiss on the cheek. He pulled away from her while still holding her hand. He said softly, "Megan I don't want to hurt you. I know if we go any further with this that many happen. But please understand that it not my intention. I don't know where this is going or even what it is for that matter. All I know is that it feels good to be in your company."

She felt the same. She was afraid of what she was feeling. But she seemed powerless to stop it. Honestly she didn't know if she really wanted to stop it. She decided to just go with the flow. She was an adult now and she knew the risks involved.

Squeezing his hand she said, "I know exactly what you mean. But Jon, please just let’s go slow here. Let’s not do anything we both may regret.”

He agreed. He once again leant forward and kissed her on the lips. Long and passionately. When she responded to his kiss he felt his arousal stirring in a way that he didn't know what to do with. As he pulled away he was breathless, and showing obvious discomfort. They both knew in that instant the game was over. They had crossed the line. They had both allowed their emotions to get in the way.

Having no idea how long they had been out on the deck Megan suggested they make their way back inside before they were missed by the others. They stopped off in the kitchen to grab the refreshments along the way.

Richie was first to speak up. “And where have you two been?"

David was next, "And more to the point what have you been up to".

Krystal giggled and said, "Nothing I hope. They weren't gone long enough". Smiling as she nudged Richie’s arm. "I sure hope it takes longer than that."

"Krystal", Megan said embarrassed that she would make such a comment.

The guys laughed. Krystal helped Megan hand out the refreshments and snacks that Cookie had prepared. She made a point of going up to Jon and giving him his. As she handed him the hot beverage she looked up into his face and said quietly. "Jon, you might want to wipe Megan's lipstick from your lips. It’s not really your colour."

You are on Chapter 14 of Day to Day
© Cindi – Today 2007


Anonymous Anonymous said...

LOL! Krystal is a scream!

Keep the chapters coming, I'm loving this story!

2:53 PM  
Blogger Cindi-today said...

lol Thaanks Jen. Krystal is actually based ona friend of mine and Yes she is funny. That is how she speaks in real life.

I'm glad your enjoying it.

3:47 PM  

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