Wednesday, August 08, 2007

Day to Day chapter 4

Megan saw him the second he entered the room. Every woman did and every woman fell in, love with him on sight. He certainly did give love a bad name. It was as if there had been an announcement of his arrival. Although he certainly didn’t need one. All present stopped what they were doing to observe him as he entered. His very presence commanded attention. She had known he was coming, and had hoped to have her work finished long before he got there. She longed to see him, but there were still emotions that she had not dealt with. She needed more time to psych herself up for a face to face. She had subdued them and vowed never to let them rise again. He really was still such a good looking man. The years had done him well. The older he got the better looking he got. And she had never seen a man ooze so much sex appeal. Yet he did, and as he matured he became oblivious to it. Either that or he was just used to it now. When he was performing it was different. He knew he captivated women then, he knew how to put them under his spell.

Had it really been eighteen years since they had spoken? So much had happened since 'that' event. Although it was a big deal then and took her sometime to deal with. It seemed so trivial now. So many other things had gone on in both their lives that although it was special to her it paled into insignificance now.

The last time she saw him his hair was longer. He was younger, they both were. And he was cocky, so full of attitude. But Megan liked him just the same. She watched him as he walked over to the table where she was working. She enjoyed watching him walk. The corners of her mouth turned up as she enjoyed the pleasure and reminisced. And thought there was something oddly erotic about it. Maybe it was the way his feet turned out at the toes, or maybe it was just that he walked with such confidence. He didn’t have to prove he was a somebody, his body language told everyone he was. Megan couldn't decide if she liked the view from the front or the one from behind when he was walking the best. Either way he was easy on the eyes. He was with the Managing Director of The Archibald and they continued to converse as they got closer. His tight blue denim clad legs and black button up shirt, clung to every finely toned muscle on his torso. She remembered the last time she saw him in black shirt similar to the one he had on now. Would he remember her? Probably not, she thought. There was nothing to remember. It was all too long ago. She was just a girl who gave him something special to her.

Letting her mind wander back she treasured the memory. Although he was kind and very considerate of her he wouldn’t have given her another thought and after he had left the country she would have been out of his mind.

Still remembering, she couldn't believe her luck. She smiled to herself as she treasured the memory of sitting just 2 rows from the front of his concert. She remembered sitting there thinking she couldn’t wait to get home and get straight on the phone to tell her friends how gorgeous he was. She had suffered terribly from nerves and had no idea how to respond to his obvious flirting. Even breathing was difficult. He had watched her throughout the night and on several occasions she had caught him doing so. He had thought she was an attractive young woman, with almond shaped eyes, hazel in color, olive skin, and not too thin, with golden brown hair that went to the shoulders. He was also well aware of the effect he had on her. But that was then. It was a very long time ago. He had wanted her to stay the night with him. She had to get to her class.

She was a successful business woman in her own right now. Would he still have the same effect on her? She had been doing fund raisers for a long time, and had dealt with many famous people in that time. It came second nature to her now. At her age she no longer needed to rush home and call her friends to let them know with whom she had been associating. Or whose old jeans, sunglasses or piece of jewelry were being auctioned, or whatever it might be. They could read about it in the gossip columns. She was no longer impressed by them. They were just people. Very rarely did any of them make her heart flutter, regardless of how famous they were. With the exception of him.

She had kept tabs on him over the years. Each time his name was mentioned her ears would prick up and she always paid particular attention. When ever she saw him on the television screen she stopped to watch. Heard him on the radio, she always turned the volume up. Whenever the band brought out a new CD she got it for her collection. She even had his entire movie collection. She couldn’t help herself. She had to. In just one night she had become so fond of him. She knew it was crazy. He was a married man now. With children no less. A very famous married man with children. She knew there would never have been a future for them. Did she even want a future with him?

With only meters from her table she decided she needed to get out more, and making a mental note to herself to organize something with friends. She was too old to be remembering things that really should be left forgotten.They had reached her table now. Her mind was still miles away when the introductions were being made. She shook her thoughts from her head and paid attention.

"Megan Johnson, this is Jon...." The second she looked into his eyes she was 18 yrs old all over again. “I'm sure you know who he is. He has some goods here to be offered up for Auction." Chris had said. Oh I know who he is alright. I know a lot more of him than many of you in this room would believe. I know a story that would knock all your socks off

"Hello Megan". He took her hand and shook it. He looked at her as he spoke; she saw something in his amazing blue eyes. Was there anything there or was it her hoping there was something there? He continued, "I would like to donate this to you for the auction." Megan gasped at the sight of the guitar. "There is a certificate that comes with it, just proving its authenticity, which will hopefully fetch a higher price. I hope it will help. This is for a great cause." His voice had changed he spoke with great confidence now. And maturity. I apologise for not getting it to you earlier but we have literally just finished our tour and used this instrument in the line up. It’s been around for along time and we couldn't think of a nicer way to have it retire."

Megan took the guitar from him, with noticeably shaky hands. She said "Thank you" and asked him if he was sure he wanted to give this particular guitar away. He nodded. She looked at the beautiful guitar and remembered when she first saw him playing it, all those years ago. It was every school girls dream, and ironically here it was now all these years later in her hands. It was the very same guitar she saw him play at that concert she attended 18 years ago. She thought it was still a school girls dream. She smiled back and thanked him again and admired the guitar in silence for sometime before putting it down very carefully and continued with what she was doing. Expecting him to go off with Chris.

Jon stood in front of her table with an uncomfortable silence growing between them before he said, "Is there anything I can help you with?

”She looked up at him. "I'm sorry, what did you say?"

"I said, can I help you do anything? Do you need help with any of the organizing? This is a big job and I have nothing to do so if I could be of assistance, I would love to help". He paused to take a breath, "But if you have everything under control that’s fine, I'll go ask someone else" She noticed the hint of sarcasm in his voice as he spoke. Damn he was gorgeous.

"Well in that case we can’t have you're time going to waste can we now. I would love a hand. You're right, it is a big job".

She handed him a small box with labels in it and instructed him on how and what needed to be done. He listened intently. Her hand touched his as she handed him the items and the electricity that flowed between them was amazing.

Megan felt the thickness in the air between them as the silence grew longer. For her own sanity and to get her heart beating again she needed to break the silence. "Thank you so much for your donation, we really appreciate all that we get", she continued almost breathlessly, "The money that is raised from the auction goes to a very worthy cause, and I cannot thank you enough ".

"No, that’s ok. I'm glad to help." He flashed that amazing smile at her and she melted like chocolate on a hot plate.” I’ve read alot about the Johnson foundation and what it stands for over the years and you should be very proud of what you do".

Before she could reply they were interrupted by another Patron who was also donating goods for auction.

She knew that Jon was heavily involved in community assistance programs and such. She admired the fact that he was so conscious of the needs of others. Given who he was she was also impressed that he used his fame and power to do well in the community.

They had been working side by side for about half an hour when his stapler had ran out of staples. He had noticed that the box of refills was just on the opposite side of Megan. He excused himself and reached in front of her to get the box. In doing so he brushed her arm with his. The warmth of his skin on hers shot through her body like a lightening bolt, making the hairs on the back of her neck stand up. Her breath caught in her throat, which made a soft but audible involuntary noise as she sucked it in.

He looked at her then, smiled at the knowledge that he still affects her and said softly “It’s nice to see some things don’t change. It’s good to see you again Megan".


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DAY TO DAY. Jon Bon Jovi Fan Fiction

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CEST LA VIE. A story with a difference

Chapter 1, Chapter 2, Chapter 3, Chapter 4, Chapter 5, Chapter 6, Chapter 7, Chapter 8, Chapter 9, Chapter 10, Chapter 11, Chapter 12, Chapter 13, Chapter 14, Chapter 15, Chapter 16, Chapter 17,

The Contest. Jon Bon Jovi Fan Fic

Chapter 1, Chapter 2, Chapter 3,
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