Thursday, March 20, 2008

Day to Day Chapter 65

Chapter 65

"That is really sweet Michael. But I am just not in a position to even be thinking about going down that road yet. And you are forgiven, you were years ago. So don't torture yourself any further."

"Easier said than done." He patted her shoulder and said, "You can go home now Megan. I'll see you next time." He said as he walked out the door.

Megan straightened her clothes and got up to leave the room. She had made it as far as the door and could hear voices. Although Megan is not usually an eaves dropper, ever since her amnesia she has started listening to anything and everything. So she stopped to listen to the conversation unfolding on the other side of the door.

"Jon when do you think you will tell her?"

"Not yet, I think she has enough to worry about right now. Don't you?"

"True but sooner would be better than later. You don’t want to have her hear it from someone else." He knew Krystal was right. What did Jon have to tell Megan?

“I just don’t think now is the right time."

They both stopped talking as soon as she came out of the room.

"Well, they have released me." Megan joked. "And I am free to go home."

Jon drove Megans car home and the three of them enjoyed a relaxing meal overlooking the beautiful Sydney Harbour.

Shortly after 9 pm Krystal called it a night and left Megan and Jon alone.

Jon rose from his chair and came up behind Megan and gently massaged her shoulders. Bringing his lips to the nape of her neck he kissed her; several small pecks before leaving a soft wet trail with his tongue along her shoulder blade. Stopping at the point of her shoulder he kissed her and nibbled lightly on her soft skin and then moving back, retracing his steps and going over to the other shoulder and also leaving a kiss. "Megan", he said as he lifted his head and nibbled at her left ear lobe, "Are you up to this tonight?" She could hear the lust in his voice. It was husky and soft, he was hungry for her. "Are you feeling well enough for me to make love to you?" He paused ever so briefly, "Long and slowly, all night long"

She leant back in her chair and rested her head against him, "Oh, Jon I never thought you would ask." She was so relieved that he still wanted her. They had not been intimate since the day in the hospital bed and Megan had been concerned that Jon may have been turned off by her cancer. She rose and turned to face him, she reached her arms up and wrapped them tightly around his neck and kissed him softly on the lips. As his arms encircled her the pressure of their kiss increased. She could feel his hardness against her stomach. They were insatiable. Jons hands roamed her body, hers pulling at his hair, him lifting her thigh and parting her legs to allow him greater access, her darting her tongue in and out of his mouth as it danced with his. Finally he pulled away, "Megan do you think we should go inside?"

"Yes we should. I really need to take a bath too. How about you join me?"

Jon readily agreed. He outstretched his hand and guided her up to her bedroom. Heading into the bathroom she turned the taps on in the bath and after checking the temperature she squirted some lavender bath foam into the running water. She turned to see a naked Jon approaching; her eyes grew wide as they fixed on his erection.

" She what you do to me Megan." It was more of a statement than a question.

"Oh, I don’t think I am completely to blame." She said as he undid her blouse. Her hands were playing with the hair on his chest. She placed the palms of her hands over his nipples and let her fingers dance in the short curly hair that entangled them. Her excitement was building within her, like a fire out of control. He knew she was enjoying his fur. Her hands had taken on a mind of their own. She closed her eyes and rested her head on his chest, taking in his scent as her fingers and hands continued to enjoy the sensuousness of his fur wrapped around them. Her breathing had increased and her chest began to rise and fall higher and quicker than it had just moments before. The longer her long slender fingers were entangled in his chest the more erotic the moment became. Her blouse dropped to the floor and his hands cupped her bossom.

"Megan if we don't get in this bath now I don't think I will be able to control myself much longer." His words brought her back from her fur fused fantasy and she let go of him reluctantly, and removed the remainder of her clothing.

The water was hot yet refreshing. They both sank low in the water facing each other. Jon grabbed to loofa sponge and raised her leg to wash it. Her leg was in his right hand with the sponge washing her with his left. Megan had been laying back with her eyes closed enjoying the feeling of his hands roaming her body when his hands went a little higher than necessary she smiled and opened her eyes to look at his glistening body. She suddenly flinched. "Megan what's wrong? Did I hurt you?"

Youar eon chapter 65 of Day to Day.

(C) Cindi - today 2008


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