Monday, March 10, 2008

Day to Day Chapter 64

Chapter 64

Jon arrived with Krystal on board Qantas flight 473 at 9:34am on Monday morning Sydney time. He was exhausted but insisted on going straight to the treatment rooms to see Megan. He assured her he would be there for the treatment and come hell or high water he was going to be there.

As the plane landed Jon put on his baseball cap on and tucked his fast growing hair underneath it, he pulled his sunnies out of his top pocket and waited to be escorted to the car that Krystal had pre-booked.

20 minutes later they pulled into the parking bay of Doctor Michael Lawsons medical practice and treatment facility.

Heading inside they stopped off at the reception desk to let the woman behind the desk know who they were there to see. She guided them through to where Megan was located. When they reached the room they saw Michael along with the nurse attending to Megan. As soon as they entered the room Megan stood and went over to hug her friend. They kissed and then she moved on to Jon who still had not removed his hat and glasses as yet.

They hugged for a long, long time and then he kissed her softly on the cheek.

"It’s so good to see you." she said.

"It’s good to see you too." he said. Michael picked up on the American accent but still didn’t know who the man in the hat was. "You look fantastic." he lied.

"Thank you Jon. Although I won't feel it tomorrow." she said as he took off is hat and glasses and for the first time Dr Michael Lawson came face to face with Jon Bon Jovi. He was star struck.

"Hello sir." He said as he extended his arm. "Welcome." He shook Jon’s hand and then said. "I love your music. I have all of your albums. This is a real honour. If there is anything you need during your time here just let one of the staff know."

"Thank you.” Jon said. "But I am here to see Megan through this treatment. So today I am no-one other than her friend Jon and don’t wish to be treated any other way."

"No problem sir, I mean Jon."

They closed the door and Megan’s treatment began. "Jon, if you don't mind me saying, you look like crap. What the hell have you been doing? How long has it been since you last slept?"

"Oh a couple of days I guess. I dozed on the plane but it’s not what I would call sleep."

"You look worse than I do."

"Well, thank you Ma'am." They all laughed. "Don’t you worry about me. I'll get a good night sleep tonight and all will be fine tomorrow."

The nurse and Dr Lawson left the room after her treatment was set up and Megan, Jon and Krystal could all relax and make the most of the situation. After several games of cards and eye spy and a short nap the long day drew to a close. Krystal and Jon left Megan in the care of the doctor and his assistant while they unhooked her tubes and cleaned her up.

The nurse had just unhooked the last tube and left the room when Michael said, "So I take it the wonderful mysterious friend who is helping you through this is the one and only Mr. Bon Jovi?"

"Yes." she said as she looked up into his brown eyes.

"Well." he said sadly, "I can't compete with that. So I guess he is also the one you have been having the vivid recollections of as well?" He said quoting what she had told him recently.

"Yes.” she repeated as she touched his hand. "Michael, I'm sorry I didn’t tell you. Jon and I have been friends for a very long time. We were not an item as such. Jon is married; it was just something that happened. There is nothing for you to compete with. I just don't think I am ready for anything more serious than friendship right now."

"So if he was single you would not pursue anything with him, or is it just me you aren't ready for?"

Megan knew the answer to that question. She knew if Jon was infact single a freight train fully loaded would not stop her from going to him."I can't reply to that question with an answer that would satisfy you Michael. We," she indicated to the two of them, "were a long time ago. And what we had was obviously a lot more special to me than it was to you. And I guess that is just something that you are going to have to live with. But if I may can I make one suggestion?"

"Sure what is it?"

"Get over it and move on. It was 20 years ago just let it go. We have both lived a life time since then. We were just kids."

"Yes you are right." He sat on the chair beside Megan and said as he looked into her hazel eyes and took her hand in his, "I made a mistake all those years ago Megan and I am so sorry. I have regretted it often. If I could have that time again I would not have treated you the way I did. I am sorry and if I could ever get a second chance at it I would treat you the way you deserve to be treated."

Yo are on Chapter 64 of Day to Day.

(C) 2008 CINDI - TODAY


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