Monday, March 26, 2007

Chapter 4

I didn't remember having any shoes on at the time. I probably took them off and put them with my handbag and stuff. I had spotted Jon sitting on the edge of the hall so while Kylie and I were dancing I ever so subtly moved over to that side of the room so that we were about 6 – 8 feet in front of him. We would have been there for probably ½ a dozen songs when I caught him looking at us from time to time. It gave me quite a buzz. He wore black jeans and a white T-shirt With his dark hair and blue eyes, very blue eyes he looked pretty darn good.

I did find it odd that he was alone. He was a very popular kid so I found it odd. Maybe they were out smoking or drinking. To my knowledge he has never been a cigarette smoker. And not a real big drinker with the exception of a couple of beers with his mates after work. So maybe that’s why he was alone. Well for whatever reason he was sitting alone. It gave me quite a thrill to be so close to him. He spent a little time checking out my white dress. Mind you it was very hard not to check it out. The dress was white and made of that crepe stretchy stuff that was around in the mid to late 80’s. It went down to just below my knees. Back then I was thin but had the curves to carry it off. It clung to every curve of my body and to top it off it had no back. Depending on my mood sometimes I would wear a belt around my waist. I am not sure if I wore one that night.

That dress appeared to leave quite an impression. Years later he actually told me that if he closed his eyes he could still see my erect nipples sticking out through the thin material of that dress and that he still thinks of it after all these years.

That same night I literally bumped into my best friend from school. As we were dancing in our jumping around fashion that we called dancing I crashed into the person behind me and when I turned to look at who it was, I screamed and she screamed and we almost hugged but changed our minds at the last second. After all it really wasn’t cool to hug in public in the 1980’s. That brought a huge smile to his face. And I remember his bright blue eyes and white teeth shining brilliantly. What a gorgeous young man.

The night drew to a close and we had to get back on the bus for the trip home. I always tried to get to the back of the bus only because that is where he sat, along with all the other cool kids. And apparently it was this night that I wore that dress it was rather cool in the evening and he watched me get on the bus, and he told me years later that it was this night that he could see my nipples through the dress. He said that that particular dress became his favourite outfit. Unknown to me he used to check me out regularly after that first time I wore that dress. It’s a shame I didn't know that until many years later. Especially considering all those times I checked him out as he walked across the quadrangle or when he was playing football or cricket at school. If only I had known!!

Anyway at school nothing ever happened between us other than what I have already spoken about. I left school in year 11 about half way through the year not long after our half yearly exams. Probably after I got my results. Heaven knows the results really weren’t worth hanging around for.

I guess it would have been about 6 months or so when I was down at the pub – our local hangout – when I saw him again. Once you get to year 11 you are too old to go to blue light discos. They are for the little kids not the grown up ones. Anyway down at the local hangout, my best friend Natasha and I, who reunited after that night at the blue light disco, had had a few too many drinks and we both felt a little light headed and under the weather so we decided to go out the side door of the pub for some fresh air. I am not sure how long we had been out there for before Jon came out with another guy we went to school with by the name of Gary. I always found him very obnoxious – an ugly redhead with very little personality. But apparently that was the only thing that was little! He was the type of person who always wanted to be somebody, but would never really be any body. Anyway Natasha and I were sitting on a log outside the side entrance to the pub when they came out and I honestly don’t know what happened next but Natasha disappeared with Gary and I soon found myself with my jeans down around my ankles and Jon on top of me. Hey, and believe me I wasn’t complaining in the least.

It wasn’t long after we began that Natasha and Gary came back and suggested we find a spot a little more private. So that we did. We left the pub and began walking the back streets in the direction of where we lived. Natasha lived in another town so we had to catch the train to her place. The train station was about 3 kilometers away from the Local. We kissed and fondled along the way before we stopped in a vacant lot and continued there for a while until obviously one of the neighbors called the police, because we saw car lights that stopped out on the curb where we were. Quickly we dressed and walked out of there as innocently looking as we could. I didn't look in the direction of the car for fear I would be recognized. My father was well known in the area so the last thing I needed was him finding out what I was up to. However, the boys and Natasha did look at the car and they told me it was the police……


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