Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Day to Day Chapter 31

As Damien pulled in to the car park at 0700 hours he saw the lights to the office on. The other staff members don’t usually get here until 8. Taking the baseball bat out of the trunk of his car he cautiously went inside as quietly as he could. He could hear noises coming from the office. Opening the door to her office with one hand and the bat in the other he did his best Bond maneuver and just about hit her over the head when he realised who it was.

“Damien” She shrieked “What the hell are you doing? Trying to kill me?”

“Oh my goodness Megan, what are you doing here?”

“Um…. I work here; well at least I did 2 weeks ago”

Damien was in a bit of shock to see her here. “What are you doing back so soon?”

“I had a slight change of plans and came home early”

“Why? Is everything ok with Krystal and Richie?”
“Yes they are fine, he proposed to her on my last night actually. She is blissfully happy and they will marry some time soon I presume. You should see her Damien, she is the happiest I have ever seen her. She is a changed person I tell you. She isn’t the irresponsible party girl she used to be.”

“Well that’s great to hear” He remembered all the things he read about Krystal in Megan’s notebook and found it hard to believe that anyone could tame the wild beast within her. “So if she has just gotten engaged shouldn’t you be there with her celebrating? Why did you come back? You knew everything was under control here”

“I just felt like I needed to give them space and I needed to be on home turf” she said

“Space? They live in a mansion. There is plenty of places you could be and not be in their way.”

“Just drop it Damien. I’m here now so just let me focus on my work. Where are we up to? “She asked without looking up

He filled her in on what they were doing at present. All the invoices had been printed and posted. The shipping had been arranged for everything that sold. He had finished off all the thank you notes for those she didn't get around to see at the party and was to send them out this morning.

With everything under control and up to date she read through the mail that had come in her absence. When that was done she made herself a cuppa and turned on her computer and went through her emails and answered what needed to be answered and deleted the junk mail. Sitting at her desk just finishing off the last of her emails Damien announced on the intercom that she had a call from Krystal. “

"Thank you Damien, put her through”

“Hi Krystal. How are you?”

“Great, couldn’t be better, but you already know that. You’re back at work already?”

“Yep, no point mucking around"

“I just wondered how you are” Krystal said.

"I'm still nauseous everytime I think if them both. I will make an appointment at the doctor today so I’ll be all sorted then. I think I’ve just got that bug thats been going around. And the shock didn't really help much. I’ll be ok, one day” she lied “I cried all the way home on the plane and I cried myself to sleep when I got home but I’ll live. I don’t think a broken heart will really kill me. I’m a little bit stronger than that.” Knowing full well that it just might and it was going to take a little bit of time before she will be ok.

“Well I’m glad you’re ok, it’s more than I can say for Jon” Krystal said

“He’s a big boy Krystal, he’ll be fine. So can I do anything for you or did you just call me to lay the guilt on me more than you did in the car on the way to the airport?” If that was really possible.

“No, I just wanted to make sure you were ok. Isn’t that what best friends do?”

“Yes it is, and thank you. I will be fine though.”

“Ok, I’ll get going and let you get back to work. I’ll tell Jon you said Hi”

“Whatever" she said. "Take care and I’ll see you when you come home next” Cause I sure as eggs aren’t going to visit you anytime soon.

Megan hung up the phone receiver and opened up her phone index to find the number of the Doctor. With so much sickness going around Megan was unable to get an appointment for another 2 weeks. She tried another Doctor and he was also booked solid. She concluded that she simply has the mystery bug that is obviously going around and would be fine in a day or so.


The weeks went by slowly for Megan. She was tired all the time and had so much trouble getting out of bed. She felt ill. She struggled Day to Day. However she refused to admit that it was because she missed Jon. She blamed it on over working herself. She took a few days off work here and there which started Damien to worry. She had never taken days off work in the entire time the Foundation had been running. He knew something was up. He just wasn't sure what it was.

Megan refused to accept Jon’s calls. Damien got sick of trying to think up yet another lie as to why she wasn’t available to speak with him, so in the end he just said she didn’t want to talk to him. If the truth be told however it gave Damien immense pleasure telling him that.

Krystal made her usual twice weekly phone call to the office to chat with her. Damien told her that she was at home.

“At home, what’s she doing at home?”

“I don’t know Krystal, I’m not the one with the superman tattoo.”

“Oh Very funny Damien. Is she I’ll? Have you called to ask her what’s wrong?”

“Megan keeps her private life private you know that, she would tell me to mind my own business. I don’t know if she is sick or isn’t sick but this is the second day this week she has had off and she had one day off last week so something is obviously up.”

Richie was on tour with the band. Krystal gave him a call and told him she wanted to go home for a few days and check on her friend. She also had something else she wanted to ask Megan while she was home. Richie let her know that they would still be a few weeks yet before the tour was to finish so she was free to go wherever she wanted while he was away. He just asked if she could be home when he gets home. He misses her too much and doesn’t want to wait any longer than necessary to see her. If it wasn’t for the wedding plans she would have gone with him.

Krystal organized herself to be on the first flight out the next morning which would have her home by lunch. It was difficult for the girls now that they lived on opposite sides of the country.

You are on Chapter 31 of Day To Day

© 2007 Cindi – today


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I bet there's a baby Jonny on the way!

11:37 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

that's what I'm thinking, bjluver. I just happened to stumble across this today because of my Google alerts for Bon Jovi LOL! And I read the entire thing today. I'm hooked!! Can't wait to read the rest...I'll have to save this web address.

4:07 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

That was my first thought when she first threw up.

The plot thickens...

4:59 PM  
Blogger Cindi-today said...

The plot does thicken, I guess we will justhave to wait and see what happens lol

Thanks for reading.

5:33 PM  

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