Saturday, December 22, 2007

Day to Day Chapter 46

chapter 46

The rescuers worked well into the night. They were still pulling live bodies from the wreckage. With each one they would be examined on the spot and taken away for further treatment if necessary. The tiny Norfolk Island hospital was over loaded and couldn’t cope with the emergency, and the influx of so many people needing treatment. A small medical team were dispatched from Australia to assist.

It was determined by day break that the vast majority of the survivors would need treatment beyond what could be given at NI Hospital. A army of medics assisted in loading those in need of special care on to a helicopter and transported them to Australia taking them to emergency rooms within close proximity to the coastline.

As the rescue came to an end, it was revealed that 44 of the 182 people on board the plane lost their lives that day.

There were many and varied conditions that were ailing those rescued. Many with broken bones, and others with broken spirits. So many could not be identified. Passenger lists were checked twice to try to identify those whose identification had been lost in the crash.

The hospitals were overrun, they were so busy and short staffed, no one was prepared for an event like this. Working double shifts around the clock they were able to care for the individual needs of each patient. They had never seen an event such as this on Australian shores.

*** *** *** ***

It has been 4 days since the plane went down and Jon had been on the phone for most of that time. He had not slept in days. He literally had not put his head down. Krystal had arrived home with Richie and both Jon and her had spent the time together, he on his phone her on hers trying to find Megan. He had called every possible contact he had ever known that could help, with no luck. He called the Australian embassy, with no luck. He called every hospital Krystal could remember, with no luck. Krystal called her friends to see if they could find out anything. No one seemed to know where Megan was or what her medical condition was.

Still Jon didn't give up hope.

3 days later Jon received a call from the Australian embassy informing him that there had been no evidence that Megan had survived the impact of the initial crash. All his and Krystal’s efforts had been fruitless. The devastation they both felt was incredulous. Jon's legs went from under him from sheer exhaustion and he landed on the couch behind, where he just sobbed. He took Krystal in his arms and the two remained like that for some time just trying to come to terms with this tragedy that had touched not only their lives but the lives of so many other innocent victims. There is no distinction with an event like this. Its like a lottery, you have no control as to who it will touch and who it won't. You cannot decide if you will be one of its victims, or if you will be one of the few that were spared. You do however become acutely aware of the fragility of life. Regardless of how you are touched by it.

Jon was informed that there would be a memorial service for the victims of flight 113 and if he wished to attend, all care would be taken to ensure his anonymity.

*** *** *** ***

you are on chapter 46 of day to day

copywrite cindi today 2007


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