Friday, November 23, 2007

Day to Day Chapter 37

Chapter 37

The energy at the after party was electric, it had jumped to the same level the concert had. The atmosphere was off the Richter scale. Way above anything they had experienced during the entire tour.

There were hand shakes and high fives all around along with beaming smiles. Jon was back! Every one knew it. His performance tonight from the minute Megan sang had been faultless. His desire, his passion for what he loved was back.

The boys mingled and accepted the accolades. They had been a long time coming and they all appreciated them.

Megan sat and conversed with Krystal and Dorothea until she expressed a desire to get some rest. It had been a very long day, it had been a big few weeks actually. She was exhausted and never seemed to get enough rest which then gave her head aches.

“Megan you have been so tired lately, what did the DR say when you saw him?”

“Oh, I didn’t get a chance to go. They were totally booked out for weeks. I’m sure its nothing.” She said. She hadn’t felt as nauseous the last few days. “I must have just had a bug; you know one of those 24 hour things. I will be fine when I catch up on my rest. And now that the wedding plans are all done I am sure it won’t take long to catch up. I’ll be as good as ever once it leaves my system.”

Megan rose to go to the bathroom to freshen up before she called a taxi to take her back to Richies estate.

*** *** *** ***

Megan and Jon had very little opportunity to have and time alone during the week that separated the concert and the wedding, although there had been a few dinners and drinks with the whole band.

The wedding was to be held on a Saturday. The guys were all getting ready at Jon’s to keep with tradition that the groom shouldn’t see the bride in her dress until she meets him at the alter.

The women had all had a morning of pampering, getting their nails done with a French polish and their make up expertly applied and finished off with a fabulous hairdo that left them all looking absolutely stunning. Megan’s hair looked radiant. She had never seen it look so shiny and healthy. It was positively glowing.

After checking to make sure everything was under control with the plans and ensuring that there would be no hiccups today she made her way up stairs to dress. She was greeted by 3 giggling women who were all half dressed and toasting with pink champagne. She grabbed her glass and joined in. Dorothea raised her glass and simply said, “To Krystal and Richie. May they have many happy years of blissful happiness.” All 4 girls raised their glasses together until there was the familiar clink; they then withdrew and sipped their champagne. As soon as it hit Megan’s lips she instantly knew it was about to come back up along with everything else she had eaten during the day. Immediately she put her glass down on the table and made a run for the bathroom. “Megan what’s wrong with you?” Krystal said concerned. This is all they needed today. “I knew you should have made an appointment to see the DR.”

“I have a DR that makes house calls. I’ll give him a call.” Dorothea said. “He may be able to give you a shot of something to at least settle you for the afternoon.”

Megan cleaned herself up and decided to steer very clear of all alcohol today. She dressed while they waited for the DR to arrive. She pulled the dress up over her hips and placed her arms through the armholes. Krystal came up behind her to fasten the zip of the dress.

“Well one of us hasn’t exactly stuck to our diet.” Was Krystal’s joking remark.

Megan had apparently put on weight. Although one would never know to look at her slim frame.

Dorothea began to get suspicious. She was running through the symptoms in her mind. Nausea, tiredness, vomiting, headaches, loss of appetite, weight gain. OH NO!! the alarm bells began to ring. Why the hell did she not join the dots earlier?

The Dr arrived and Dorothea kept her thoughts to herself although she was beginning to boil. The 3 other women left the room so that the DR could examine Megan. He did a variety of tests on her and asked her a barrage of questions. “Megan is there a chance you could be pregnant? Have you gained weight? Are you off your food? How long have you been off your food? All foods or just some in particular? Are you getting head aches? Regularly? …etc. He took a urine sample and also took some blood from her arm. He took her vital signs and examined her stomach.

The Dr explained to her that he would have to send the blood work away and he should have the results on Monday and in the mean time she was to take it easy. Megan assured him she would. Thanked him for coming on such short notice and assured him that she would be there when the results came in. Once he left the room she continued getting ready for the wedding.

Krystal looked a picture. They were married on the grounds of Richies estate. She wore her hair swept up high on her head with trendles cascading over her shoulders. Richie watched her walk down the aisle towards him and he had tears in his eyes. He loved her completely and had not felt this way in a very long time. He could not imagine he would survive with out her in his life.

*** *** *** ***

Megan made it to her appointment at the DR. She had had an extremely late night and was feeling worse this morning than she had in weeks. She figured she had something like chronic fatigue or a nasty virus. She just hoped that it wasn’t something serious like cancer she would have preferred to go the way her father did than have a traumatic death that may well come with cancer . She didn’t think she was pregnant, but she had not been pregnant before so she really had no clue what to look out for. Either way she would find out soon enough.

*** *** *** ***

Jon met Dorothea in the kitchen of the family home on Sunday around 11am. She poured herself a cup of coffee from the pot, after taking a sip she looked up at Jon and said. “Jon, I think Megan is pregnant.”

Jon almost dropped his cup and looked up at her and he could see the fire in her eyes. There had only been a few times during their entire marriage he had seen that same look in her eyes, but this time he knew it was different. Dorothea was angry, no she was beyond angry. She was furious and he knew it.

“How could you be so careless Jon? How could you be so stupid as to let this happen?”


“For god’s sake Jon you aren’t a child. You have children of your own; it’s not as if you don’t know how they happen.”

“Dot…. Stop….”

Dorothea slammed her cup down on the bench, the coffee spilled out on to the floor. She said, “No, I'm not going to stop. Jon this is the last straw. I have allowed you to do your own thing for all these years and this is the thanks I get? How could you do this to your family? Your children? I can understand how you could do it to me, but to our kids? The media will have a field day with this one. The children will never cope with this. Imagine what it will be like for them at school. Are you just going to sit there and say nothing?”

“I haven’t had a chance to get a word in Dot. Incase you haven’t noticed you haven’t stopped talking since I walked into the room. Megan hasn’t mentioned anything to me. We haven’t spent time together in weeks. We haven’t been together in a long time. She doesn’t look pregnant. Did she tell you she was pregnant?”

“No she didn’t tell me she was pregnant, but she has all the signs. I’ve had 4 children Jon I know a pregnant woman when I see one. You can collect your things and move into the guest house. No, better still why don't you shack up with your little tramp at Richies. I can't stand to look at you anymore.”

"Dot, ...."

"No, Jon. I've had enough. I've turned a blind eye for long enough. But this is unacceptable, inexcuseable. Just go. We all have our limit. I think I've reached mine."


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh no - Whats happened to Chapter 38. I keep getting the message it cannot find the page.

I hope its fixed soon, I really like this story.

Sharon x

6:00 AM  
Blogger Cindi-today said...

It should all be fixed now. Thanks for breinging it to my attention and thanks also for reading.

2:09 PM  

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