Wednesday, December 05, 2007

Day to Day Chapter 43

Chapter 43

Shock suddenly hit Megan. She put down the iced tea for fear she would throw it at Dorothea, or Jon for sitting there and saying nothing. The truth is he was torn between the two. He had to be loyal to his wife by sticking by her, the way she had done for him all these years. But in doing so he was betraying Megan. Whatever he chose to do would have been wrong.

Megan rose from her chair; she was being naive if she though it would end any other way. She ran her fingers through her hair and walked over to Jon and softly pecked him on the cheek and told him that she was going back to Australia. She had no idea when or if she would be back. Sadness filled his eyes. If she was carrying his child he would more than likely never see it.

“Megan” he said finally. “Is it fair to me to leave? This is my child too.”

“Jon. I can’t believe you. You actually want her to keep this child?” Dorothea turned to walk out the door. However Megan called after her and asked her not to go. Suddenly angry, beyond comprehension.

“Dorothea can you come and sit down next to Jon please so that I can say what I came here to say? I have a taxi waiting out side and I don’t have any more time to waste.” She waited for Dot to sit. She took a deep breath and ran her fingers through her hair again as she said. “Dorothea, What Jon and I have done for the last year or so is completely wrong, we both know that. As beautiful as it was it was wrong, as you have also pointed out to him. However it has to be stated that you have allowed Jon and I to carry on our secret affair. If I remember correctly you personally gave me your permission to sleep with your husband. You pushed me into your husbands bed. You encouraged me to be his mistress, you told me it would be good for him.”

“Don’t blame me for your predicament Megan, just because I love my husband enough to allow him some freedom. It was you at the end of the day that chose to have sex with a married man. Maybe if you didn’t want to be a single parent you should have chosen someone who wasn’t already attached.”

"I know that Dorothea, but I can’t take all the blame for that. Jon was also involved here. I didn’t have sex with him without his consent. He freely gave himself to me too.” Megan was becoming frustrated, “Dorothea we are getting off the track. I have not even told you I’m pregnant. You have jumped to conclusions that are false.”

“So you are denying it then? You are not carrying Jon’s child?”

The tone of Dot’s words were stabbing to Megan. She would have loved nothing more than to be carrying Jon’s child. And told Dot so. “Dot, If I had the pleasure of carrying Jon’s child I would be the happiest woman in the world.“ She said as the tears began to spring to her eyes. Determined she would not cry in front of Jon but also realizing she didn’t have the strength to stop herself, Megan picked up her handbag and turned to walk out the door. Just as she reached the door she turned back and looked Dorothea straight in the eyes and said “Dot I love your husband so very much it hurts. I know that he will never be mine. I know that he would never leave you or your children. That is why I took precautions even when Jon didn’t to make sure that I would not get pregnant and be the one to break up your family. I have been insulted in the worst possible way by you today. And I hardly think that I am totally to blame. If I did get pregnant I would not have expected Jon to do anything about it and I most certainly would not have used the miracle of a child to blackmail him in anyway. But unfortunately Dot, I am not pregnant. I wish to God I was, but I am not.” She said as the tears began to fall. “I have Breast Cancer” She said as she walked out the door not giving either of them the opportunity to reply, and got in the taxi to take her to the airport.

You are on chapter43 Day to Day

© 2007 Cindi – today


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