Friday, November 23, 2007

Day to Day Chapter 36

Chapter 36

Dorothea had an idea. She grabbed Megan and Krystal by the hand, taking them to the stage area. The door man recognized her and let them through. Thankfully when Jon got stuck on a story he was able to tell it and drag it out enough without making it boring. This gave Dorothea enough time to get back stage.

Looking at Megan she said, "I’m gonna get you mic’ed up and I want you to go out there and sing this song with him"

"No, I can’t; I've never performed in front of this many people before."

"Yes. You can and you will." She said pointedly as though she were talking to one of her children. “You have seen this show tonight. Its crap Megan. Please this might be just what he needs to get him through this". Megan disagreed that it was crappy, she loved it. Every minute of it.

"What if its not?" she said "What if it back fires? What if he doesn't want to see me Dorothea have you thought of that?"

"Well the show couldn’t get any worse, so nothing will be lost."

She could hear the music begin in the back ground. While Jon still told his story and kept the audience occupied while Dorothea got her ready.

"Ready?" She was asked

"As I’ll ever be." She said for the second time that night. She was visibly shaking.

The band were finally ready to begin and Jon said to the audience, "So, is it ok with you guys out there if I sing one song and dedicate it to Australia? I'll put this kangaroo down here until the song is finished" he placed it at the front of the stage. Asking again he said, "So are you guys cool with this?" Hyping them up each time he asked them if they wanted to hear her song. The audience cheered and he said well I got just 1 thing to say...1,2,3,4............Diamond ring, wear it on your hand.................." He began with renewed passion. And stopped just as suddenly, dead in his tracks. He turned the moment he heard her voice, and looked in her direction. She was so nervous she wasn't even sure if she was singing the right words. But she kept on singing anyway. He started walking towards her as she came out on to the stage. Their eyes locked and she instantly saw the old spark that was there all those months ago. He took her hand and led her to the centre of the stage. Signaling something to the band. Jon and Megan stopped singing but the band however kept playing. They knew each other so well that they were able to read each other with very little effort. They continued to play the music while he introduced her, "Ladies and Gentlemen Miss Megan Johnson" Not really knowing her the crowd applauded and he continued; "Now this is a surprise to me. I had no idea this was going to happen", He looked at Richie "I had no idea man" he said shrugging his shoulders, smiling broadly..

"Who is responsible for this" he said jokingly.

"I had to come and retrieve my Kangaroo and this is the only way they would let me up here to get it." She joked.

"This is your Kangaroo?" he said with a crooked smile. Still holding her hand.

"Yes it is?” Although it was actually Krystal’s Megan didn't feel the need to explain it to the audience.

Laughing he said, "You mean you actually paid to see me tonight?"

"No, not me technically. Krystal did" Jon laughed

Richie said "Oh that would be right."

Jon still laughing said “Richie you gotta tell that woman she doesn’t need to pay for tickets these days."

Everyone laughed. Jon had explained to them earlier that Richie was getting married next week. Giving her a brief hug he said "It’s really good to see you, baby"

Looking at the band he said "From the top guys 1,2,3,4.................."

They both sang together the first verse and chorus then she stopped and allowed him to sing the verses and she came in for the chorus again. The audience loved it. The old Jon was back. The song finished to horrendous applause and he embraced her whispering in her ear. "Hello Megan."

"Hello Jon"

She made an effort to leave the stage but he wouldn’t let her go.

"Oh no, you're staying here with me. Get your microphone ready. We've got some songs to sing."

She sang her 3 favourite songs with Jon as well as Born to Be My Baby before he finished it off with Bed of Roses. Megan felt somewhat uncomfortable again knowing he wrote that song for his wife, and he sang it with such passion. He allowed her to leave the stage and the concert jumped to a whole new level. Jon performed for an hour longer than he was scheduled. The crowd was almost uncontrollable by the time he was done. Yes, the old Jon was back and now the whole band knew why.

Back stage alone in his dressing room Jon took Megan in his arms and kissed her passionately and said "Thank you for coming back"

She returned his kiss and said, “I couldn’t stay away Jon. You had me from hello."

You are on Chapter 36 of Day to Day

© 2007 Cindi – today


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