Monday, November 05, 2007

Day to Day Chapter 23

The after party went far too long for both Megan and Jon. Neither of them could wait to get out of there. However it seemed as though everytime they tried to leave someone would arrive and wish to speak to them. In the end Jon slipped her a piece of paper that said “It appears we won’t be able to get out of here together so meet me in the private dining room when you can. J”

She smiled at the irony of that.

Megan finally escaped. Once she left the ballroom which was located on the first floor, she swiftly made her way to the elevator, closing the doors quickly she pressed the button to the third floor.

Jon was waiting for her when she arrived. He had arranged scented candles, red wine, her favourite and mint chocolate. He took her in his arms when she entered.

“I have been waiting for weeks to do this. You feel so good. Damn I’ve missed you baby.” He said between kisses.

Returning his kisses she replied, “I’ve missed you too.”

He kissed her neck and placed little kisses along the line of pearls going over her shoulders, before coming back to kiss her plunging neck line. “We are going to have to do something about this dress. “ He said breathlessly.

Stifling a little giggle she said “Not here we aren’t”

“Oh baby where is your sense of adventure?”

I don’t have one and besides I think I’ve had way too much adventure for one night. Don’t you?”

“No not at all. I’ve only just begun.” He grabbed her and planted a wet passionate kiss right on her lips.

“Well the Archibald,” she said breaking free, “Is one of the most respected places in this country. I’m not about to get caught doing something I shouldn’t be with you in this room. Come on,” she took his hand and led him to the elevator. He pressed the button to the penthouse suite and kissed her in the privacy of the lift. She tried to tell him that she wasn’t staying in the penthouse tonight but couldn’t get the words out. Finally as the lift came to a halt he let her up for air. Jon she said quickly almost breathlessly as the doors opened. “I’m not booked into the Penthouse tonight.”

“Don’t bet on it.” He said. As soon as the plans had been made for Jon and the boys to come to this event they had booked the penthouse. “You are staying in the Penthouse tonight Miss Johnson and you are staying here with me!”

Leading Megan by the hand from the elevator into the room, he took her in his arms once again. After he kissed her he held her tightly for a very long time.

“Its so good to see you baby, to hold you again.”

She loved the way he said baby. He always made it sound so sexy and made her feel so special.

“Its good to see you again too Jon. I have missed you.” She gave him a little squeeze before pulling out of his grasp. Looking up at him she said, “What the hell are you doing here anyway? And how long are you here for?”

“I couldn’t wait for you to come over so I got together with Krystal to see what we could do about it and she came up with this idea. We rang General Damien and told him what we wanted and surprisingly he agreed to assist us.”

“Oh I see,” she said. “And who is responsible for my singing?”

“Um…… that would be me. Krystal mentioned that you used to sing when you were younger, and when we got here she showed us the school performance of the Sound of Music. After watching it I thought it would be nice to have you singing with me.”

“Is that so Mr. Rockstar? Do you always get what you want?

Pretending to think about it for a while he looked at her and said, “Yes.” He said “I certainly do”. Taking her by the hand into the bedroom he said, “We are only here until tomorrow so lets not waste time worrying about how spoilt I am.”

Jon and Megan spent the night in the master bed in the penthouse suite and for the first time she felt so comfortable there.

They awoke early the next morning in the quietness of the room.

“I hate having to leave you here.” He said

“Well its not as if you can take me with you Jon.” She said, “I really don’t think it would go down too well.”

“You’re probably right. I’ll have to see what I can organize.” He really did hate the thought of leaving her. Yet he knew she had her life here and his was at present 10,000 miles away. They could talk all the time on the phone but wouldn’t see each other very often. When he came back to the States it would be a different matter.

“Megan “ he said.

“Yes Jon”

“Would you consider coming to Europe when things settle down of course?”

Shocked at the direct manner of his question, she fumbled for an answer. He knew she had planned a trip there soon. “Um” she paused. “I already have a holiday booked Jon. You know that.”

“An extended holiday I mean.”

“What exactly do you mean by an extended holiday?”

He was becoming impatient with her. “Indefinitely, for as long as I need you there.”

Without even thinking she said to him. “Jon you know I can’t do that. I have a business to run. A business I built from the ground up, a business I am very proud of. I have my home here, I have friends here. I can’t just up and leave all of that behind indefinitely. For what? For a man who already has everything that I want?” He knew she was referring to his family. His children.

It felt like she had slapped him in the face when she hit him with the harsh reality of it. What were they doing anyway? How could either of them have thought that it could work out? For the first time she saw a look of sadness on his face.

Yet, she continued, “Jon, and on top of everything else you belong to another woman. I could never have you as my own.”

He knew she was right. “Yes I know. But Megan I need you in my life.”

She understood what he said completely. She felt the same way. However it was different from her side. She was free and available. He was not.

Megan went back to her room and showered and dressed casually before packing her things. She had to get back to the office for the mad rush that always followed an auction. She had left her room, leaving instructions for the bellhop to collect her luggage. She made her way to Jon’s room to let him know she had to go. Unfortunately he was speaking with the few selected paparazzi he had the time for. She left a note for him to give her a call before he left for the airport. She wanted to be there when he flew out. Not only that she wanted to say goodbye to her friend as well, especially considering she didn’t get the opportunity to do it last time.

*** *** *** ***

You are on Chapter 23 of Day to Day

© 2007 Cindi - Today


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