Wednesday, December 05, 2007

Day to Day Chapter 44

Chapter 44

Jon and Dorothea sat stunned. Dot was feeling pretty silly. She never got angry, but the prospect of Megan having Jon’s child and the impact that would have had on her own family was enough to throw Dot over the edge. She realized now although it was too late, that she should have handled the situation differently. It did not enter her head that Megan could be seriously ill.

Jon stood and walked around the room in shock. “Cancer? Oh my god. Poor Megan.” He instinctively tired to call her pulling his phone out of his pocket he dialed her number. She saw his number on her phone and refused to answer it. Turning the phone off. She didn’t want to talk to him right now. Things had not been said the way she imagined they would have been.

Megan sat in the taxi and cried the whole way to the airport. How could Jon think she wouldn’t tell him? Did he not know her at all after all this time? The tears fell so hard, her face was swollen and red by the time she got there. After paying for her ride she went to the restroom and washed her face and freshened up.

An hour later she boarded the plane for the 14 hour flight home. She was glad there would be so much distance between them. It will help her to heal emotionally. She knew now after this that she and Jon wouldn’t have a relationship. She knew at this point their love would never be united again. She would never feel his hands on her body; never feel his warm breath on her skin. Never see his beautiful blue eyes face to face, she would never taste him, never smell him, and feel him. The tears began to fall again. If only she had been pregnant.

Megan tried to sleep but the plane hit turbulence several times and she would be jolted awake. After three hours she got up to stretch her legs and ordered a bottle of water on her way back from the bathroom. She sat down and opened the bottle of water as she turned her phone back on. Maybe Krystal had been trying to call. She had several messages from Jon. He wanted to speak to her; he didn’t want things to end like this. She didn’t either. She understood why Jon was silent when her and Dot were arguing, but it didn’t make it any easier. She knew she would have to talk to him if he called again. Which he did just ten minutes later.

“Megan please don’t hang up. I need to talk to you.”

“Jon we have nothing further to say. I am on my way back to Sydney….”

“Megan. Megan are you there? Megan….” Jon heard a few bangs and bumping noises on the other end of the line.

“Yes Jon I am still here. Sorry, the plane hit turbulence and I dropped the phone. I am on my way back to Sydney” she continued “to get treatment. Apparently this doctor here is the best there is. So I will be in good hands."

“Megan I am so sorry.”

“Don’t be sorry Jon, You didn’t give me cancer. You have broken my heart but you didn’t give me cancer.” The plane hit turbulence once again, and the light came on for her to fasten her seat belt. Jon could hear through her phone that the pilot was saying something, but couldn't make it out. She said that she would have to go.

Apparently the plane is having problems and they have asked her to fasten her seatbelt and turn off her phone. “Madam”, the hostess said. “I need you to fasten your seat belt, now please.”

“Yes I will do it now.”

“I have to go Jon. Good bye. I'll call you when I land” She said as she struggled to find the other end of her seatbelt. She clicked the two ends together and said. “Take care of yourself Jon. I will always love you.”

She pulled the phone away from her ear and went to tuck it into her purse as there was a large bang from the right engine of the plane and a large trail of smoke flowing behind it. All of a sudden the nose of the plane dropped towards the earth. The hostesses were running around frantically telling everyone to fasten their seat belts and assume the emergency position. The public address system was intermittent with the pilot trying to reassure everyone that all was fine and under control. They were flying over the ocean and there was no land of suitable size to land a jet on. Panic set in among the travelers. The plane jerked and jumped. One second the nose was down and suddenly it would come back up again. The passengers could hear the pilot calling “Mayday, Mayday, Mayday” followed be some numbers. Clearly everything was not under control.

There seemed to be nothing that could be done, and the plane took a nose dive towards the earth not far from a small island. The last thing Megan thought before the plane went down was the words of Alanis Morissette’ song Ironic.

And as the plane crashed down he thought
Well isn't this nice..........
It's meeting the man of my dreams
And then meeting his beautiful wife
And isn't it ironic...don't you think
A little too ironic...and, yeah, I really do think...

To be continued ……………………………sometime in the near future.

Thank you so much to everyone who has been reading and to those who might read in the future. Especially thanks to all those who left comments, its the comments that make it worth while, they are so encourgaing.


I will continue the story but at the moment I cant dedicate the time to it that is needed.

You are on chapter44 Day to Day

© 2007 Cindi – today


Blogger Kay said...

Thanks Cindi.

I will keep checking back to see of there are any new developments.

Take care till then!

3:23 PM  
Blogger Cindi-today said...

Thanks Jen. But there won't be anything new until at east the new year. I will be out of action for the next 3 weeks or so and won't get be able to do any writing. But I dare say in January with the up coming concerts here in Australia I will write with reknewed passion.

Thank you so much for all your comments. I really appreciate it. This style of writing was knew to me so I found it very encouraging.

Thanks to every one else who posted as well.


5:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


Just wanted to say thanks for keeping me entertained over the last few months.

Its been a good little read.

It will be interesting to see where you take this, apart from the bottom of the ocean.

Enjoy your concerts, I have to wait til June.

Sharon x

9:52 AM  

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