Saturday, April 14, 2007

Chapter 11

And yes they were right, Jon was working in his garden. As we walked up the driveway he turned in our direction. It was obvious that he had no idea who we were. And Tracy was whispering in my ear something to the effect of “Cute, very cute. Not bad at all”.

Immediately I turned red with embarrassment and tried really hard not to smile. I removed my sunglasses and he recognized me instantly. The garden tool was dropped from his hand and fell to the ground. He didn’t even look to see where it was about to land. In the next swift movement I was in his arms. Oh my god how good did it feel to be in his arms once again after all this time? He invited us in and asked if we wanted a drink. Tracy decided to give us some privacy and elected to take a stroll around the town while I sat and had a nice hot cuppa. Jon and I talked and talked, we laughed and joked and there were also moments of uncomfortable silence where we both just sat and looked at each other. Taking each other in. Studying the features of each other. His eyes appeared bluer than I remembered them being. His body was larger than I remember it to be. He had put on weight, but it suited him very well. There was also the hint of grey flecking through his dark hair. This just added to his sexiness. To date he is still an incredibly sexy man.

Tracy returned after about 30 minutes or so and joined us once again for a coffee. We left shortly after that. I got one more hug from that man before I got back in the car. I am so glad he was home and so glad I was pushed in the right direction to go and see him on that bright sunny day.

Back in the car and on our way home Tracy asked me what happened during her absence.. She was expecting some sordid sex romp, butt o her disappointment that didn't happen. I told her that nothing happened and he was the perfect gentleman the entire time.

Later I found out that he had had and affair only 6 months after he was married and as a result he was very wary around women. He didn’t want to give them the wrong impression. At that time I didn’t want to be given the wrong impression.

The years passed and we lost contact again. He had stayed married to the same girl and had 2 children. His wife had apparently suffered post natal depression after the birth of the first child. And when the second one came along less than two years later she didn’t cope very well at all. And that put more of a strain on an already strained marriage. His life went on and he coped with it the best that he knew how. I on the other hand, although I couldn’t stop thinking about him, I had moved on too. I had been lucky enough to not only hear from him but to see him, but as I said earlier I was blissfully happy ion my marriage. I didn’t want to interfere with his life. So I pretty much tried to put him out of my mind. That was easier said than done.

I decide to go back to work as my children were older now and all at school. I began to take courses and in time I acquired a degree. Life was good then. Just as I thought my mind had settled down Tracy wanted to go and visit her family again. After a lot of thought, I asked myself many times did I want to go back there? Should I just let sleeping dogs lie? Would he still want to hear from me? Could I see him and not let it affect me? In my heart I already knew the answers to all of these questions. Above all else though, I wanted to see him just one more time.

Tracy and I planned the trip and our departure. We organised our families and packed our things, and off we went. Listening to the likes of Meat Loaf, Bon Jovi, ABBA, Bryan Adams and anything else that would help us stay awake for the long journey.

I didn’t go away from my family very often but each time I did I remember feeling a great sense of relief as though I had left all my stresses behind. For the six months prior to embarking on this journey. I had been on a very strict diet and had lost an awful lot of weight. I was the thinnest I had been in 15 years. It gave me confidence that I had never known. It felt good and for the first time in my life I knew I looked good.

I wore a tailored royal blue skirt that went just above the knee, not too short but not too long either. Certainly short enough to show off my new shapely legs, which I was pretty proud of. Covering my torso I had a white sleeveless top slightly see through, depending on the light. Specifically chosen to remind him of that white dress. The tope did have the desired effect.

I walked up to his door as confidently as I could. I stood tall and sucked in my breath before I knocked. He answered immediately as if he were waiting for me on the other side of the door. The second the door opened he took me into his arms and squeezed my body so tightly against his strong firm frame. Oh my goodness the feel of his body gave me visions of every sin known to man. No to mention the fact that I now wanted to commit every sin known to man!!

At that precise moment I knew then and there that I wanted his body, naked on top of mine!!!!!!


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