Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Day to Day Chapter 18

Megan felt the colour drain from her face when she saw it. The flood of emotions that ripped through her body at the precise moment was absolutely overwhelming. She wasn’t sure if she needed to cry or become furious. “Oh my God Damien. How could you do this to me? How could you invade my privacy like this?”

Damien stood still not saying a word.

Megan continued. “Did you read it?”

“Yes” he said after a long pause. Suddenly feeling guilty and ashamed.

Megan trying to speak in a calmer manner said. “That note book has my inner most thoughts in it. The minute you opened it you would have known that. And that alone should have told you to close it and mind your own business. Calmer voice was not working. “It’s not something you would have just stumbled across Damien so that must mean you have gone in search of it. It also means that you have gone through all of my personal belongings. When did you get it? How long have you had it? Did you find what you were looking for?” She was thinking faster than she could speak. Obviously talking in a calm manner was clearly working – not.

Krystal who had been quietly standing back so that hopefully Megan would have forgotten she was there was about to get her turn. Turning towards her Megan said. “Were you in on this too? I suppose you know everything now too huh?”

“No” she said shaking her head. She had never seen Megan so riled up. “I have just found out about it now. I have never laid eyes on that book before in my life and by the sounds of it I hope to never see it again.”

Not allowing Damien to answer her onslaught of questions she took the book and removed the keys from her purse, unlocking the cabinet she returned it and said. Damien, get out of my office now. I do not wish to see you again for the rest of the day. And I tell you, may God himself help you if I do.”

Damien headed for the door and Krystal started to follow. She didn’t get too far before Megan said “Krystal. I would like you to stay please.”

Once Damien had shut the door Megan sat down and looking up at Krystal with a smirk on her face, taking a breath she said “So, do you think he thinks I’m angry with him?”

“Um yes I reckon he does. Aren’t you? You sure sounded like it to me. I haven’t seen you like that in more years than I can remember.”

“No, not really. I just don’t want him poking around where he isn’t wanted. We have been great friends for 10 years but I am still entitled to my privacy. He should have respected that.” Thinking out loud she continued “If I had of found out a week ago he had read that note book I would have had his head on a platter. But I really doesn’t matter now”

“What was in it if you don’t mind me asking?”

Megan got it back out from the cabinet and handed it to Krystal. “Before you read it can you promise me that at the end of it we will sit calmly and talk about it? I hope you will understand why I haven’t told you until now.” She paused to take a breath. “I also have other news when you have finished.”

“Ok, I’ve got something I want to talk to you about too.”

Krystal sat and began to read. … WOW! What an amazing day. I am still trying to comprehend what actually happened. Jon is absolutely the most sexiest man in the entire universe. I felt like a silly school girl when I ditched work to meet him. I knew what Jon would expect of me when I met with him. Was I ready for it though? Yes! No! I don’t know! I couldn’t think of anyone else worthy of losing my virginity to. ………….. The motel was absolutely awesome. Very impressive. It was huge. The excitement pumping through my veins was incredible I knew what would be expected of me if I continued through the entry doors. I really didn’t know If I could go through with it, but I had no intentions of baking out now. The doorman opened the doors for me. He called me Madam J. As I rode the elevator I endured a mixture of emotions. As each floor came and went my nerves became more intense. Was I doing the right thing?My goodness, It was Jon Bon Jovi for heavens sakes. What am I thinking? Exiting the elevator I stepped on to the red carpet, how appropriate!. My legs were feeling weak. I somehow walked to Jon’s room and raised my hand to knowk. I hesitated. Not really sure if I wanted to go through with it.

“Oh my God megan. Why didn’t you tell me about this?”

Not giving Megan the opportunity to reply she read on.

……….He was kind, gentle, sweet and very understanding. The minute his hands touched my body I knew there would never be any turning back.His hands were soft but firm. He touched me with tenderness but with a passion that I had never known. His lips, oh those warm soft lips! He brought his lips to mine and he kissed me. A kiss the likes I had never experienced before. Jon is so mature and worldly. He was obviously a man of great experience when it came to women. He was leaps and bounds ahead of the boys I have gone out with, even Michael.

Megan watched her intently noticing her reactions. She would gasp, or she would put her hand up to her chest or her throat, or touched her lips the way women do when they are feeling emotional or chocked.

“This was written more than 10 years ago for goodness sake. We tell each other everything. That’s what friends do. Why did you not tell me?” she pleaded before reading on.

When she had finished Megan sat opposite her and said, “Are you ok with this? Does it need any further explanation?”

“Yes it does.” Krystal said placing the book on the desk. “It needs a lot of further explanation. Why didn’t you tell me about this before now? Why have you kept this a secret for so many years? I thought we were best friends, best friends tell each other everything”. Krystal felt betrayed, yet somehow excited by what she had read.

“Krystal, I’m sorry I didn’t tell you. I didn’t know how to tell you. I didn’t know how to feel, for goodness sakes I was a virgin. I didn’t expect it to be with him. I hoped it would be but certainly didn’t expect it to actually happen with him. I didn’t know how to stop it or even it I could, I didn’t know that I wanted to. It was a long time ago now. All I can say is I’m sorry.”

“Megan”, Krystal said taking a breath and leaning back in her seat, “I can’t believe you didn’t tell me about this.

“I didn’t tell you for fear of how you would react. You have no idea how much I wanted to share this with you. With someone. Writing it in this book was the best I could do. I didn’t have anyone to talk to. I’m sorry

“Megan lets not misunderstand each other here ok? I’m not mad at you for doing it. I’m damn envious. I can’t believe you did this and left me in the dark. If it were me I would have taken a front page ad in the local paper. No, a billboard on Main Street.” She said smiling. She laughed to herself. Shaking her head in disbelief then and said. “You on the other hand, not only manage to have sex with the sexiest man to have ever walked the earth, but you lose your virginity to him! And then keep it a freaking secret.” Krystal began to laugh so hard she had tears in her eyes. Megan had tears too but not from laughing. It was just the relief of being able to talk about it to someone after all these years. Krystal continued. “You let Jon Bon Jovi nail you and you tell not a single soul”

The two girls hugged and continued to talk for several hours. Megan filling Krystal in with all the details.

Finally Megan said, “Its 5pm how about we call it a day here and you come home with me for dinner and we can talk about everything else there?”

Krystal sighed and agreed that it was a good idea.

You are on chapter 18 of Day to Day
© Cindi – Today 2007


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DAY TO DAY. Jon Bon Jovi Fan Fiction

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CEST LA VIE. A story with a difference

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