Friday, October 12, 2007

Day to Day Chapter 16

Jon arrived at Megans shortly after she did. She opened the door herself, greeting him with a broad smile and a warm kiss on the cheek. Taking his coat she guided him into the living room and offered him a glass of wine. They spoke about nothing of any importance for a while until they were called for dinner. Jon sat down to a lovely meal that he had to agree was equally as good as anything he would have had at the Archibald.

After picking up their coffees they made their way out to the deck, he was immediately impressed at how beautiful it was of a night. Both of the sat on the comfortable deck chairs looking up at the night sky while Megan pointed out various aspects of the galaxy. He was surprise and impressed at her vast knowledge.

“I bet you never get sick of this view”. He said.

“Definitely no. This is where I come when I’m stressed out. Or if I’ve had a hard day at work. If I need some down time. For whatever reason, I come out here usually with a hot beverage or a glass of wine and sit here for half an hour or so and I’m a new person.”

She got up from her seat and went over to the railing at the edge of the deck. Looking over at the city lights in the distance. Gesturing at the view she said, “This is something I enjoy. It changes every second of ever day. Sometimes its bustling with traffic, at others there is just a few cars, or sometimes there isn’t any vehicles at all. No matter what it always looks beautiful. The neon lights, the high rise buildings, the planes and helicopters overhead, the ferries out in the quay, the boats.” She gestured to them out at sea. ”I certainly hit the jackpot when I got this place. I never thought I would be so lucky twice.”

He admired her from behind fro a few minutes before getting up to stand beside her. He agreed that it really was an amazing sight. “What do you mean twice?”

“I have a beautiful place at home in Australia. Right in the heart of Sydney. It truly is the most beautiful place I have ever seen. And nowhere that I have visited or lived has ever come close to its beauty.”

Jon felt so comfortable in her presence. So relaxed and at ease. He felt like this with no one else. It was a bazaar feeling to him. There were very few people in his life that made him feel as comfortable as she did. There had not been a day in all the years since that memorable day that he didn’t think of her. He wondered how she coped with the events of that day. It was something that troubled him for a long time. It was something that taught him a lot about himself, and who he was, not to mention the fact that he was only human. He couldn’t treat people as though they were all the same. He had learnt that the hard way. She was definitely different to all the others who let themselves fall at his feet and undoubtedly into his bed. Only to rush off and tell their girl friends all about it the next day, as though it were some kind of victory on their part. From that point on he vowed never to let the fame and fortune if he was lucky enough to acquire any go to his head. He vowed to remain grounded. Looking at Megan now he also knew if he kept contact with her it would be more than physical. He knew that he not only would love her as a friend but he would fall in love with her. She was becoming as dangerous to him as he was to himself.

He placed his arm around her waist. For the first time since the reunited at the auction she didn’t flinch. She too had begun to feel incredibly comfortable in his presence. She tried to put at the back of her mind the fact that he had a wife and family that he would have to go home to one day. But for the moment she was just determined to enjoy the moment. Maybe Krystal was right, she should just relax and go for it. He is as adult, he makes his own decisions and the responsibility if therefore his. He knows what he is getting himself into. She relaxed as she nestled into his side. He placed his other arm around her so that she was totally engulfed in his muscles. She felt safe and secure. With her face nestled into his chest she could smell the manly scent of him. Breathing deeply she felt light headed. He held her firmly for some time. Neither of them spoke. Both of them were just enjoying the moment. He too was afraid that if he moved she would pull away. But she never did. He turned her around to face him, where he gently at first kissed her on the forehead before moving his way down to her lips. When she began to respond and kiss him back the passion in him rose to a level he found hard to control. He needed her naked flesh against his. Flesh on Flesh. Pressing himself against her she could feel his arousal. She moaned softly as his hands began to feel their way around her body. The cool night air did nothing to suppress the heat that was there between the two of them. He took her to places she hadn’t been to in years. And she was still fully clothed.

He stopped, “Megan if you want me to stop now is the time. If I keep going I don’t know if I will be able to stop.” He said almost breathlessly.

Looking up into his eyes, she said to him. “No – one is asking you to stop.”

“Are you sure?”

“Yes I’m sure” Taking him by the hand she led him through the house to her room. Entering, they came to the foot of a King size four poster bed. The bed was covered with at least a dozen white embroidered pillows. He kissed her passionately, almost hungrily as he undid the buttons on her blouse one by one, much slower than he did all those years ago…..

You are on Chapter 16 of Day to Day
© Cindi – Today 2007


Anonymous Anonymous said...

This is so romantic!

And the fact that he's unavailable makes it bittersweet.

*Waiting eagerly for the next chapter*

5:11 AM  

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