Friday, November 09, 2007

Day to Day Chapter 24

Life was chaotic back at the office, staff and couriers were rushing everywhere. Letters and invoices were being typed, faxes sent, phone calls made and received. It was mid afternoon before she noticed that Jon hadn’t called her. Hoping that he had not left without saying an official goodbye she decided to call. Standing in front of her desk she reached over for the phone. Just as she picked up the telephone in her very noisy office he came up behind her placing his hands over her eyes before saying “guess who?”

Damien gathered the handful of salivating staff and took them to his office so that Jon and Megan could have a few quiet words alone.

Damien made it no secret that he didn't like Jon at all although he did think him very attractive and he had to admit that since he had been back in her life she was an awful lot happier than she usually was. So for the time being he was prepared to go with the flow and hope that the distance between the two of them would be too much and she would eventually forget all about him and move on.

With the office now empty Jon took her into his arms and kissed her. He couldn’t get enough of her, he loved the way she felt in his arms, he loved the way she tasted on his lips, he loved the way she looked, he loved the way she dressed, he loved the way she wore her hair, he loved the funny little way she bit the inside of her lip when she was nervous. In fact he couldn’t find anything at all about her that he didn't love.

“Thank you for dropping by. I thought you must have gone without saying goodbye”

“I would never do that. I am late because I had something I needed to do”

“Ok. What time do you fly out?”

“Whenever I say so” He said smugly

“Oh is that so Mr. Important?”

“It is” he smiled “my plane, my rules. I just need to notify the airport and let them know when we will be wanting to go and they will slot us in somewhere.”

Reaching into his pocket he pulled out a small black velvet box. Looking into her hazel eyes he said softly. “Megan I know we won't get to see each other as often as I would like so I wanted to give you this so that everyday you will hold me close to your heart.” He turned the box to face her and asked her to close her eyes and opened the box slowly. He suddenly felt a panic rise within him. What if she didn't like it? What if she didn't want to think of him everyday? Taking a deep breath he realised it was a bit late to be thinking of all that now. With the box opened her asked her to open her eyes. When she did she looked at the most beautiful gold heart shaped pendant with the initials MJ inside it made of diamonds.

She was speechless. The pendant was gorgeous. “Jon I have never laid eyes on something so beautiful in all my life. She said as the tears sprung at her eyes “I can’t accept this. You know I can’t”

“Yes you can. You have to, it’s a gift”

“No I can’t. What will people say? Jon we need to think about that”

“They won’t say anything. You’re initials are MJ; even though the M will be for Megan and the J will be for Jon every one will think it is MJ for Megan Johnson. And everytime someone comments on it you can think of me”

“I won’t need Diamonds and Gold to think of you Jon, Thank you so much.”

“I know you don’t that’s why I love you so much”. The words were out of his mouth before he knew they were coming. Immediately though they did not register with her.

*** *** *** ***

Jon left Megan 30 minutes later to organize everyone for the flight. She followed him shortly after that and they met again at the airport. She wanted to spend every precious moment with him that he had left in this country, but she realized that things would be different now that they were in the public eye. She clutched at the chain and pendant around her neck and surprisingly found it oddly comforting.

It would be a month at least before they would be together again. It would be different next time too. They both knew that. They would once again be in the public eye, they would they would play by his rules then.

*** *** *** ***

The time passed so slowly, Megan missed him so much more than she thought she would. She threw herself into her work. Working 11 and 12 hour days just to try to keep herself busy enough to forget about him for a few hours and to shorten the time she was at home alone. Especially now that Krystal was no longer around to keep her occupied. She missed the times they had spent together. Their girly times. Having someone to talk nonsense to the way only girls do. She missed going to Starburst on Main. Nothing was the same without Krystal. Megan was so happy for her to have finally found happiness though. But who in a million years would have thought it would be with Richie. She laughed to herself purely because there wasn’t anyone else to laugh with. She laughed at the thought of Krystal and Richie a most unlikely pair. But two people who had managed to hit it off so quickly. Richie had managed to do the one thing that no other man had managed to do – Tame Krystal.

*** *** *** ***

Staff at the office commented on her beautiful new piece of jewellery, as did all of her friends: Mrs. Hopkins too commented. Each and every time Megan held it in her hands and thought of Jon, and when they asked where she got it from she lied and told them it was a gift from Krystal. Damien was the only one who didn’t believe her; He knew it was from Jon even though she denied it repeatedly.

“Megan, I’ve told you no good would come of this. Don’t go getting yourself in too deep”

“Thank you for your advice Damien” She would say each time he said it. But if the truth be told she knew she was already in too deep. She had no idea where or even how things would go with Jon but for now all she knew was that she had to be near him.

Things were settling down again the was they always did when all the deliveries were made so Megan told Damien that she would be leaving a week earlier than she had planned to go overseas. Things had quietened down enough for her to leave without any hassle. She knew things would be fine without her here.

“Ok He said. That’s sudden we still have heaps to do. We will be flat out without you.”

“Yeah I know but you can handle it. You know it and I know it that you are more than capable”

“I know but I don’t want to be here for 5 weeks on my own”

“Don’t be silly Damien, You will be fine. I plan to fly out on Friday after work. If there is anything you need or aren’t sure of make sure we get it sorted by then”

*** *** *** ***

Megan had taken to running twice a day to help keep Jon out of her head. Whenever she thought of him for too long she would either get on her treadmill or go for a run up and down Hillcrest Road. There is nothing like pounding the pavement to combat stress. The hills did the trick for a while. Pain is my friend she would tell herself when she was too tired and her muscles refused to keep going to get her up the hill for the eighth time. She would say to herself, "The pain in my legs I can handle, It’s the pain in my heart that I’m having trouble with". But no matter what she did it only took him out of her head for short periods at a time.

Finally Friday morning dawned bright and sunny. Putting on her runners she did her usual circuit of Hillcrest Rd twice before coming in to do another 5 kilometers on her treadmill. She showered, dressed and ate the breakfast that had been prepared for her. She explained to her staff, Mrs. Hopkins, Cookie, and Larry the groundskeeper that she would not be home today. She would be leaving early and wished them good health in her absence. Mrs. Hopkins was free to do what she wanted while Megan was away the same with cookie due to the fact that there wouldn’t be anyone for them to clean up after or cook for. Larry on the other hand had to make sure the grounds were always in order. So he knew he wasn’t able to stay away for more than 4 days at a time, but still gave him a few days off.

Megan was determined that nothing would get her down today. Not even the peak hour traffic that she encountered crossing the City, or the road rage she experienced when her car got a blow out and she was unable to get it off the road properly or the fact that 43 cars drove past her all beeping and shouting obscenities at her for holding up the traffic before a car load of lovely young men obviously on their way to the beach stopped and asked her if she needed assistance to get the car off the road and to change her tyre. She gratefully accepted.

Not even the fact that Damien complained repeatedly that he would be left to handle the entire running of the business during her 5 week absence. Although she reminded him that there were 12 other people who worked for the Johnson Foundation in this office and that he wouldn’t be here alone. She also repeatedly reminded him that he was more than capable of doing the job.

She wasn’t going to get herself down about how slowly the day went. She had never experienced time going so slowly.

You are on chapter 24 of Day to Day

© 2007 Cindi - today


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