Monday, January 14, 2008

Day to Day Chapter 51

Chapter 51

Megan woke the next morning before breakfast to Sheree standing beside her bed checking the machines at work. All was in order she told her.

"Good morning Jane, how did you sleep?"

Megan still felt odd being called Jane. She knew it wasn't her name but still had no idea what her own name was. "I slept well thank you."

"Did you have any dreams or recollections at all?"

"No, none that I can remember. But I am still certain my name is not Jane."

Smiling Sheree said, "Yes I am certain your name is not Jane as well. You are far too beautiful to be simply just a plain Jane. But until we find out who you are it will just have to do. We need to call you something, and the beautiful lady in room 16 wore off after Day 1, so honey for now you're just stuck with Jane. Ok?"


"Don't worry you will remember, just give your self time." Sheree said squeezing Megan’s hand. She went on, "Today we are going to get you started on your rehabilitation. You have been lying in this bed with us doing your daily exercises to try to keep your muscles as strong as possible but unfortunately it’s not the same, and you have suffered some muscle wastage. Now that you are awake we will commence you on a light regime of exercises that you will need to try to do, the nurses will help you with then so don't worry. You need to do them so that we can get you strong again."

Megan cooperated with the nursing staff and did her daily exercises without any complaints. After all this time she was more than willing to cooperate. Although she had started having flash backs there was nothing concrete to tell her clearly who she was or what was going on. She really just had to trust the nursing staff and put her faith in them, which after this amount of time was becoming easier by the day.

143 days after the plane crash Megan was on her bed with two nurses either side of her assisting her in her daily routine which had now became second nature to her. The nurses were assisting her to stand; they had been working for weeks now to rebuild the muscles that had wasted away from not being used. Although the staff had performed passive exercises on her it was now her turn to do the hard work. She was getting stronger all the time and they were really proud of her progress. 10 minutes into her 15 minute routine the three women were all drawn to the television that had been left on in the corner of her room. It was a re-run of SNL which was often played in Australia long after it had aired elsewhere around the world. Steadying herself Megan looked up at it. Immediately she knew who it was she was looking at. Although she didn't know why. The 2 nurses both giggled and commented on how lovely Jon Bon Jovi was. They continued to comment on him. Megan stood as best she could and just looked, no she stared at Jon. Why did he seem so familiar to her? She put it down to the fact that he was who he was. Everyone in the world knew him by sight. There was just something about him though, she couldn't put her finger on it but felt sure it would come to her in time. She just looked and stared. Both the nurses laughed and one of them said. "Jane, do you know who that is?"

"Yes I do, its Jon Bon Jovi, isn’t it?"

"Yes it sure is, the sexiest man in the world if you ask me."

"Well at least the part of your brain that can remember a sexy man isn't affected by your memory loss." Said the other nurse.

In a flash Jon was gone, but he lingered in her mind for a long time. Megan decided maybe it was something she should tell Sheree when she comes in. Maybe there was someone out there named Jon who was waiting for her to wake up. But then again if there was someone out there wouldn't they have reported her as missing by now? Maybe they thought she was dead, maybe they thought she had infact died in this plane crash.

*** *** *** ***

Sheree came into her room some hours later and saw that Megan was looking puzzled. Placing the blood pressure band around her arm she said to Megan, "Jane is there something wrong? Your blood pressure is up a little."

"I don't know" she replied. "Today when the physio team was here we were half way through doing our exercises and something came on the television that seemed familiar."

"What happened?” said Sheree as she grabbed Megans chart ready to write anything down that could be noteworthy.

"Jon Bon Jovi came on the screen and I don't know why but I knew him, or at least his name. Could it be that it has triggered something in my mind, my memory?"

"Well it could, but I guess we won't know for sure until you remember something else pertaining to him or the name Jon. At least it is a start Jane. Look at it positively. It is a start. "

"Jon? Why do I know that name?" she mumbled.

"Um, maybe because he is the sexiest man in the world"

"Yes" Megan gave a smile. "That’s what the other girls said. He is pretty good looking, but for some reason I think I know him. But I can't explain why."

*** *** *** ***

You are on chapter 51 of Day to Day
(C) 2007 Condi - Today


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