Friday, November 05, 2010

Chapter 2


The road to recovery for Melody was going to be a long one. She lay sedated and still in her hospital bed. Her face swollen and bruised. Tears fell freely from Sarahs eyes. Her best friend lay in this state, possibly it could have been prevented if she had of just told someone. She knew the officer was right, she couldn't blame herself. But maybe just maybe this would not have happened if she had just told someone. Definitely a lesson learned.

The Doctors had reduced her medication and three days later Melody awoke. Sarah still by her side along with Melody's Mother and Sister. Her father had passed away several years earlier. Which was probably a good thing. He would have killed Brad with his bare hands if he had seen what he did to his little girl.

All three women cried at the sight of Melody. Standing by her bed side and holding her hand her Mother asked her how she was feeling. Groggy and sore, Melody let out a murmur.

"Shhhh, sweetheart. Don't try to speak. I'm sorry I shouldn't have asked you to. I'll go get the Doctor he will want to know you are awake."

Richard and Sarah stood looking out the window trying to process what had just happened when they were approached by 2 police officers. After introducing themselves they stated they needed to ask a few questions.

"Absolutely officer. We will be more than willing to help in anyway we can" Richard stated as they made their way over to a table.

"Thank you". The youngest of the officers said as he began to ask his questions. "How long have you known the couple - Melody and Brad?"

"They already lived in the building when we moved in. We met them on the first day and became fast friends. So about 7 years I guess." Richard stated.

"Has he ever beat her to your knowledge previously?"

Richard shook his head and said, "No. I have never even heard them fight. They seemed like the perfect couple."

"There is no such thing as the perfect couple." The officer said as he looked at Melody and said, "What about you Ma'am?"

"Sarah", Richard pleaded as he saw the tears well in her eyes, "What is it?" He touched her hand giving her the encouragement to go on.

"Mel and I have become really good friends, closer than sisters. We are the same age similar, interestes etc. She has sworn me to secrecy. I respected her enough to grant her that wish. I had no idea it would come to this."

"Look Ma'am there is a lady critically injured in a bed here." He gestured to the Hospital surrounding them. "If there is something you know that could help her now would be the time to say it."

"Sarah, whats wrong? Whats going on?" Richard urged.

She took a deep breath, "The last 6 months or so Mel has been telling me about a few changes she has noticed in Brad."

"Changes? What like? Please elaborate' The officer encouraged.

"Well not major things but unusual for Brad, behavioural type things. Like coming home late without calling to let Mel know. Being rude to her. Shouting and yelling at her. Not respecting her privacy."

"Ok, Thats good. But not really anything out of the ordinary for a married couple. All couples go through things like this. Is there anything else? Drinking? Drugs? Prescription medicines?

"He has been staying out very late drinking with friends. Some nights I have heard them fighting late. I have spoken to Mel about it and she said she didn't know what was wrong with him, she said she assumed it was a phase. She felt sure it would pass, even though it was completely out of character for him."

"Has he ever hit her before?"

Richard sat back in his chair now and let Sarah address the officers obviously she knew an awful lot more than he. "He slapped her across the face about a week or 2 ago. To my knowledge he had not done it before then."

"Why didn't you tell me?" Richard asked.

"I don't know. Mel asked me not to. She was afraid it would make things worse." Sarah began to cry. "I could have prevented this. I should have told someone."

"We can't live off could of, should of, would of's. The fact is its happened and you now can be there for her. Just give her the support she is most definitely going to need."

Sarah wiped her eyes and nodded, unable to speak. Richard placed a loving arm around her and pulled her into his embrace.

Sarah and Richard left the cafeteria after the officers had finished with their questioning.

email: if you want to know when the next section it uploaded.
(C) Bonjovioz 2010


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