Sunday, November 11, 2007

Day to Day Chapter 25

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Parking her Black BMW in the long term car park at the airport she made her way to the shuttle bus terminal. After just missing one bus she had to wait fifteen minutes which seemed as long as an hour. Sitting impatiently next to a young mum with two children while she waited. Hoping that they weren’t on her flight. The mum said “ You look worried, I take it you don’t like flying”

“Not at all, I love flying, I’m just anxious to get there” Knowing if these kids were on her flight she would scream.

She was unable to get first class tickets yesterday when she decided she would leave early. She was kicking herself now for going before her scheduled departure date. Her tickets for next week were booked first class and she would have traveled much more comfortably than she will today, especially considering it was such a long flight. She made a note to herself to ask if there had been any cancellations since she booked.

“Oh I see, you are meeting a lover then? A lovely young man perhaps?” Megan noted it was more of a statement than a question and she wanted to scream from the top of the bus shelter that “Yes she did have a lovely young man over there waiting for her and that lovely young man is Jon Bon Jovi” She smiled at the memory of when Krystal said she would have taken out a front page ad or a billboard. But she simply answered “No I’m just meeting up with some friends I haven’t seen for a while” Resisting the urge to scream it from the top of the shelter.

Thank the lord the bus arrived. Going through the regular checks she found herself seated at the gate waiting to board her flight, unfortunately she was unable to upgrade. “This is gonna be one long flight" she said to herself. And as luck would have it the young mum and her 2 unsettled children were infact on her flight. “Yep, its gonna be a long flight” she repeated.

Over the PA system Megan heard that the plane was now ready for boarding. Pulling her phone out of her pocket she joined the queue. Gave Krystal a quick call to let her know that the plane would be taking off in about 15 minutes. Knowing she would be in the air over night she told her friend she loved her and would see her tomorrow. Krystal wished her a good flight and said that she would meet her at the airport.

*** *** *** ***

The plane touched down safely, and thankfully the flight wasn’t too bad. Those children were extremely well behaved. Either that or Megan was so exhausted she slept through any noise they made.

Krystal was waiting for her when she went through customs. The two girls ran to each other and embraced. The usual small talk of how are you, how was your flight, are you tired etc etc went back and forth until they were safely in the car and Megan only just had the door closed before she asked Krystal “How’s Jon?. Will I get to see him today?” She felt like a teenager who hadn’t seen her boyfriend for a week.

“I imagine you would. The boys are at the recording studio now. When they are done they’ll all be coming home. So I guess you will see him then. You have missed him haven’t you?

“Yes, indeed I have”

“Megan” Krystal said, “This is so unlike you. You are not one to behave like this”

“Like what? Jump on a plane and fly to the other side of the world to see my best friend?”

“No that’s not what I mean. It’s not like you to jump on a plane and fly to the other side of the world to see a man. And not just any man I might add. It’s not like you to act so irrationally”

"I know Krystal. I don’t know what’s going on here and to be honest I don’t know how to stop it, or even if I want to stop it. I love spending time with Jon. I really enjoy his company. He is a beautiful man. I know he will never belong to me, but I also know I can’t live without him” She said looking out the car window. Enjoying the new surroundings. “I guess that’s a bridge we will have to cross when we get to it’

Megan and Krystal arrived at the place the boys had rented for the duration of their stay in Europe. After being shown through the lavish apartment Megan showered and changed into something more comfortable.

A mixture of emotions were running through her body. She had no idea what possessed her to be so impulsive. Although she had planned to visit with Krystal whilst she was in Europe with Richie. To extend her stay so that she could have that extra time with Jon was something that still puzzled her. What if Jon didn’t want her to come over early? Was she just being presumptuous in thinking that he would be as happy to see her as she was to see him? Did he have women all over the world to keep him warm at night? Had she been the flavor of the month? And now does he have a new one? Would she be stepping on some one else’s toes?

Doubt after doubt flooded her mind and suddenly panic filled her. Maybe she should that thought it through more thoroughly. Krystal was right it was very unlike Megan to act so irrationally. For crying out loud he was a married man!! “Megan what were you thinking?”

*** *** *** ***

Megan was sitting and enjoying refreshments with Krystal when the men arrived back from the recording studio. Although Richie knew Megan was coming he had not told Jon. So it was a huge and much unexpected, although welcome surprise for him to see her there. She wasn’t sure how he would react given the crazy thoughts that were running through her head earlier. However all her fears were allayed when Jon came to her and after taking her hand he pulled her out of her seat to give her a very warm and long embrace. That very moment in time it made no difference to her that he was married or had a family or the fact that he was Jon Bon Jovi for that matter. All that mattered to her was that she was here with him.

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You are on chapter 25 of Day to Day

© 2007 Cindi – today


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