Friday, November 30, 2007

Day to Day Chapter 39

Chapter 39

Jon had spent another lonely night in the spare room. Dorothea wouldn't allow him to enter her bed. She was still far too angry at him to allow him anywhere near her. He lay awake for hours just thinking about the situation. How did he get into this? How did this happen? They were so careful. Surely if Megan was pregnant she would have told him. He can't imagine she would have kept it a secret from him. She knew how much he loved his kids. What the hell was going on? His life was a rollercoaster at present, one minute it was up. The next it was down. Why was he a godforssaken man?

The sun rose and it was morning. Jon and Dorothea were on slight speaking terms, she didn't want to have the children suspect anything. However Dorothea ordered Jon to go and speak to Megan. She wanted to know the truth. She wanted confirmation of her pregnancy. She wanted to know what was to be done about it. She wanted to know how far along she is. She wanted to know when the child was due. And she wanted to know how Jon was going to explain his way out of this one. How would he tell his children? Would Megan be willing to keep it a secret? Or would she be vindictive enough to want the whole world to know she was carrying Jon Bon Jovi's baby? Could she be paid off, although apparently she didn't need the money? She wanted him to get the answers to all of these question or she was going to Megan and asking her herself.

It was no secret to Dorothea, she had turned her head the other way, ignoring Jon’s flirtatious nature and many a time she had questioned him on it. Telling him that she was a secure enough woman to be able to understand that he would need someone, sometimes. Especially when she wasn't around to give him comfort. She understood his attraction to Megan. He always assured her that he would take precautions, and that this would never happen.

After Jon and Dorothea got the kids ready for school she went down to the gym and beat the hell out of a punching bag. Jon dropped the kids off and went to Richie’s in search of Megan.

She wasn't there and had been out since very early this morning apparently. "Thanks." he said to Mary as she was on her cleaning route. "Do you know where she went or when she will be back?"

"No I don't Jon." She said. He looked tired and concerned. "Is everything alright Jon.?"

"Yes." he said smiling at her. "Everything is fine. I'll give her a call on her cell. I just need to speak to her that’s all. When she gets back can you get her to call me please?" He tried calling her on her cell phone. When she didn't answer he returned to his car and went home.

*** *** *** ***

Megan arrived at the Dr's office first thing Tuesday morning and waited anxiously in the waiting room until her name was called. The suspense and stress were killing her. She had hardly slept all night. Obviously the doctor thought it was serious to order more tests. For a fleeting second yesterday she thought she may be pregnant, and although she was in her late 30's she really didn't think that would be something the Doctor would get so alarmed about. She was fit, she was healthy. She had always looked after herself. And besides she knew plenty of women who were older than her and had had children. None of it made any sense to her at all.

*** *** *** ***

Jon went down to the gym for a quick workout. Dorothea was still there. "Have you spoken to her?"

"No I haven't. She wasn't home and I can't reach her on her cell."

"Not good enough Jon. This has to be dealt with now."

"Well what am I supposed to do Dot? Put out an APB? I don't know where she is and she isn’t answering her phone. I've left a message for her to call me when she gets back. I've done all I can for now." He got off the step master and said. "I'm tired, and I don’t want to put up with this right now. I never intended this to happen, OK. And I'm sorry that it did. But until I talk to her there is nothing else I can do, so how about you just lay off me for a while."

"Lay off? LAY OFF? You have got to be kidding. You know what Jon, this is your problem. At the end of the day you have brought this on yourself. If you had of just kept your pants on maybe this wouldn’t have happened."

"If only I had kept my pants on???" He gestured to himself, suddenly enraged. "Don't be so naive to think I don’t know what you get up to when I'm out of town. I am no saint Dorothea, but you sure as hell aren't Mother Teresa either." He never called her Dorothea. That was always a sign that he was ready for a fight. They very rarely had harsh words with each other, but when he called her by her full name she knew he meant business. Dorothea continued riding the exercise bike and chose to ignore him, but he had not finished yet. His eyes were small and angry; they were tiny black squinted dots on his handsome face. "I have a good mind to ask you to submit a DNA test. At least I know the child Megan is carrying is mine!" With that said he walked out of the room. He went to the kitchen and grabbed a cold drink and took solace on the deck chair out by the pool. Putting his feet up he drank the cold liquid and after placing his can down on the table he closed his eyes and dozed off. He had not been able to get any sleep the night before worrying about what was going on and the fact that he wasn't in his own bed.

Dorothea rode for another half hour, taking all her aggression out on the bike. She hated fighting, especially with Jon. But this time she knew she was right. And how dare he insinuate that he could not be the father of their children. He knew damn well he was. She was so furious; she was in the perfect frame of mind to cut his balls off while he slept.

You are on chapters 39 of Day to Day

© 2007 Cindi – today


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