Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Chapter 9

Inside I went to find 2 of his business associates catching up on some work that they didn't get finished through the week. I found out that on this particular day Jon was out of town on business. So, after plucking up all that courage I missed seeing him. However, I did leave my phone number for him to call. We drove home and I had a mixture of emotions wondering whether I had done the right thing by dropping by and leaving my number. I had actually found out that day that he had gotten married just six months ago. So that added to my state of emotions.

Oh well. It was done now and I just had to wait and hope for the best.

I made it home after dropping Tracy and her daughter off at around 9pm Sunday night. It had been a really long day on top of a really long weekend. Tracy didn't like driving so I did most of the driving. But I really didn't mind that to be honest. I much prefer to drive than be the passenger. And I really didn't feel comfortable with her driving. To this day I still don’t like her driving.

My house was empty when I got there which I enjoyed simply because it gave me time to sort out my day and what had happened, and what was going through my mind. I emptied out my traveling gear from the car and took it inside going straight to the shower once I had finished. As the warm water cascaded down my body I thought of Jon. I really didn’t know if I had made the right decision or not. But as I said earlier it was done and there was nothing I could do to change it now. I just had to live with it.

My family arrived home and I had to go on as if nothing happened. As far as I know my husband didn't pick up on anything at that time.

After I got the kids all settled into bed. Hubby and I sat and talked for sometime before we ourselves settled into bed. Just like most other couples who don’t see each other for a few days we made love. My husband has always been very gifted in that area, he worked out very early in our marriage how to push the right buttons and when. As a result I never went to sleep unsatisfied.

As I sit here and reflect on that day I am listening to Jon Bon Jovi singing Damned on my stereo – one of my all time favourite songs. I tend to reflect whenever I hear that song.

As the words echo in the background my mind continues…

As my husband continued to satisfy me in a way that only he knew how my mind was focused on Jon. Although I had not even laid eyes on him, he was all I could think of. It took me a long time to sleep that night

As I awoke the next morning, I made hubby his lunch and said goodbye to him as he left for work. My kids we all up and having breakfast before they were to go to school. I think my oldest two were the only ones at school at the time and the youngest one was either in day care or at home with me. It is so long ago now that my memory is beginning to fade.

My friend Tracy must have called me about 15 times that day checking to see if he had called me yet. I told her that he would not be able to get through simply because she was tying up the phone line. We agreed that she would stop calling me and the minute I got off the phone from him I would call her to let her know every detail. The day went on and I still had not heard anything from him so I assumed he was not going to call, much to my disappointment.

By 2:30pm and still no call from him I got ready to go to school to pick up my children. Just as I was walking out the door the phone rang. For half a second I thought about ignoring it and leaving it to the answering machine, after all it was probably just Tracy anyway. But then the responsible parent side of me kicked in and I thought I better go and answer it just incase it was an important call. To my absolute delight it was Jon.

Unfortunately terrible timing though but boy it was good to hear his voice. I had never forgotten the sound of it. He spoke so dignified, so professionally with still the hint of a country boy. His laugh sent shivers up and down my spine. He apologized for not being at work the day before. What was unfortunate though was the fact that I had to go. I explained to him that I was just walking out the door to collect my children and wouldn’t be back for about half an hour or more. He understood and said he would call me back.

I ran so fast up to school so that I wouldn’t be late, collected my children and then went to preschool to pick up the other one. Unfortunately I also had to go to Tracy’s to take her to run an errand. I told her that he was calling back so thankfully she understood that I wanted to get home in a hurry and she didn't muck around for the first time in her life. I dropped her back at home and got to my house as soon as I possibly could. I had caller ID on my phone so I could tell he had not called in my absence. After organizing my children I sat on the lounge with all the notes from the schools and read while I waited rather impatiently for the phone to ring. Finally, just as I was about to give up the phone did ring……..


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